Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 431 Talking about Spider Color Changing to New York City (Part 2, please book in full!!)

Chapter 431 Talking about Spider Color Changing to New York City
Anonymous took off his sunglasses and stared at Maria Hill who was speaking.

after awhile.

Mr. Anonymous put on his sunglasses again and shrugged: "Director Hill, I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

The corner of Maria Hill's mouth rose: "Mr. Anonymous, I'm curious about one thing."


"You are so worried, why, you want to recruit him."


I'm worried how do I know that he has such a physique?
If only God gave him another chance...

I still want it.

Anonymous sighed inwardly, then changed the subject, chuckled directly, and then looked at Maria Hill: "Then Director Hill, why did you still send someone before I recruited, why, want to Shall I give up so I can give you S.H.I.E.L.D."

Maria Hill shook her head and said, "SHIELD doesn't have any thoughts about Mr. Locke Broughton. If there is, it's just because of his disaster physique, so we have to pay more attention."

Anonymous looked at Maria Hill, who was speaking in a serious manner, and smiled inwardly.

In a word.

In the eyes of Anonymous, SHIELD is Maria Hill's head, which is far more difficult to deal with than Nick Fury's head.

At the very least, Nick Fury is a bluffing, fart-worthy person who likes to rely on his own skin color to disturb the existence of three points unreasonably. For such a person, Anonymous doesn't even want to move his mind. After all, if you deal with such a person People, if you still need to use your brain, Anonymous feels that this is insulting people.

insult himself.

Relying on his own strength, he was promoted step by step from a trainee agent to his current status.

Nick Fury?


But Maria Hill was different.

At least, in the past two years, Maria Hill has led S.H.I.E.L.D. to make a series of reforms since she took office. In the first year, the residual poison left by Nick Fury was completely cleaned up. , and directly carried out drastic reforms. The birth of the agent hierarchy alone made SHIELD's action power directly MAX after the turmoil.

after all……

During the Nick Fury era, who got on and who got off was all a matter of Nick Fury's words, benefits and treatment, etc., all depended on Nick Fury's mouthpiece.

But the Aegis agent hierarchy, benefits and benefits given by Maria Hill are actually visible. Although there are many constraints, but, again, the benefits and benefits are visible.

To put it bluntly.

Although many agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. used to generate electricity for the sake of love and justice, most of the agents came here to work part-time. Talking about feelings can stabilize the agents for several years.

But when it comes to benefits and treatment, it's different.

Everyone is out to work, I don't talk about salary with you, what else are you talking about?

In addition, relying on her gender and skin color, Maria Hill's wife line in Washington has been operating well. Otherwise, the Department of Homeland Security would not let S.H.I.E.L.D. documents.

It is said that even the FBI, which has blocked S.H.I.E.L.D., has begun to loosen. Except for New York City, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents can continue to take out FBI documents to handle cases in other places.


Emotional intelligence.

Maria Hill of Shuangshang Online is far more difficult to deal with than the stupid and mentally retarded Nick Fury.

And Anonymous is the one with the deepest feeling.

After all, Mr. Anonymous is in charge of the affairs of the European region. In the past two years, he has actually experienced the methods of the Iron Lady of Aegis.

In a word.

It is indeed the disciple educated by the man who has retired and returned to London to retire.

Anonymous thought this in his heart, and then looked at Maria Hill, who had a smile that was not a smile: "We haven't confirmed this news yet."

Maria Hill was slightly taken aback: "No confirmation?"

Anonymous nodded: "At that time, I watched her die in the explosion."

"But you didn't see her body."

"Such an explosion is absolutely impossible."

"Without dead bodies, anything is possible."

Maria Hill said so, and then, feeling the stopped command car, got up, bent over, and walked towards the door: "If necessary, maybe, I..."

Not finished.

The anonymous man watched, and the foot had already stepped out, but he was silent for a while, put it away, and then slapped the partition directly, and called Maria Hill back to the New York Aegis Base: "What's wrong?"

Maria Hill looked at Anonymous, smiled slightly, and opened the back door of the command vehicle.

into the eye.

Anonymous directly took a deep breath.

What's wrong.

New York's Grand Central Station is on the verge of being overrun by marching spiders.


"It's terrifying."


"I, Cindy, and Pepper were shopping not far away. God, why are there so many spiders running out all of a sudden?"

Gwen, who was crossing her legs on the sofa, sorting out her unfinished results today, watched the live broadcast on the TV, and told Locke what happened in the afternoon: "I heard that the first time I got off at Central Station in New York The dozen or so members of the pest control team have not been found yet."

They were completely devoured by the army of spiders crossing the border, and there was not even a scum left. How can I find it?
At that time, after Locke, Anonymous and others got on the platform, they saw the dozen or so members of the pest control team talking and laughing, who despised them for seeing a few small spiders.

But like other agents, the dozen or so people ignored the warnings of Locke and others, and they were sure that Locke and others exaggerated the facts because they were cowardly.

It's hard to persuade the goddamn hell.

Locke will not shoot innocent passers-by, but this does not mean that when passers-by want to go up to die, Locke will also step forward to stop them.

He is not a saint, he said it, but others did not listen, and then he lost his life, who is to blame?
Locke shook his head and changed the subject directly: "Where's George?"

"It's a meeting."

Gwen raised her head and blinked her eyes: "Fortunately, mom and little George are going to Long Island. Otherwise, I'm worried about spiders getting into the house."

After all, Gwen's apartment was closer to Grand Central Station.

Just now, there have been news reports that although New York City has increased the blockade, there are still many people outside the blockade calling the police, saying that spiders have also appeared on their side.

"When did so many spiders appear in the underground of New York City?"

"Who knows."

Locke shrugged and said, "Maybe winter is over and spring is here, and the little spiders that have just hatched are planning to find a place to live again?"

This plague of spiders won't last long.

At the most until noon tomorrow, the little spiders who had finally lost control and fell into a runaway state for a short time will instinctively return, and then, under the instinctive trend, return to the ground again.

not to mention……

Even if it wasn't for the spiders, there are only a few million spiders in the area. Right now, Locke has delivered a sense of the past. From the most prosperous number at the beginning, at this moment, the number has not exceeded 200 million.

If you struggle all night, it is estimated that there will be nothing.

It's not a big deal, and those spiders are all clean spiders, there is no disease, if they are bitten, the most serious thing is to go to the hospital for amputation, and there are no other sequelae.

If there is.

Locke smiled and looked at Gwen: "It is estimated that after this spider disaster is over, for a long time, New York City, or at least Manhattan, will talk about spider-color changes."

Get a vaccination first.

When did Gwen realize that he was no longer the person he used to be, and planned to become a white spider and go out wandering around. If that was the case, it would be bad.

Gwen was taken aback for a moment, blinked, and looked at Locke: "You are not curious at all, how did this group of spiders appear all of a sudden?"

Locke shook his head.

"Not curious."


"Because, when the accident happened, I happened to be at the scene."


With a whoosh, Gwen put down the black embroidered stockings worth two hundred yuan she had just purchased, and sat down next to Locke, blinking her eyes, looking at Locke: "I heard what they said , The spider wave seems to have erupted from the central station, how did you end up in the central station?"

Locke shrugged and told Gwen what he had said to Anonymous and Maria Hill.

It was because he was the president of the student union of a high school in Midtown, and the sense of responsibility of the first president of the New York State University Student Union Union, which was formally held with Stark Industries to hold a press conference next week, drove him to learn the truth.

"after all……"

Locke shrugged and said, "Students from Midtown College, outside, on such a serious occasion, such a farce needs to be dealt with seriously, and the Columbia Science and Technology Center should be given an explanation."


Although the Columbia Science and Technology Center has given up on accountability.


Locke is the president of the Student Council of Midtown High School. Maybe the three students who participated in the fight didn't care, but in Locke's view, this was a loss of face for Midtown High School, a high-quality elite school.

Gwen opened her mouth, looked at Locke's face full of seriousness, and said slightly in a daze: "So, you plan to deal with this matter like this?"

"Stop for a week!"


Gwen frowned and said, "It's too heavy, and, Locke, have you forgotten to think about Mary Jane?"


"Mary Jane and Peter Parker are neighbors, and, doesn't it mean that the video recorder is destroyed and the truth is no longer known?"


Locke looked at Gwen: "I can't confirm the secret filming, but the surveillance is clear. I saw three people from Midtown University fighting each other in the Columbia Science and Technology Center. This is a fact, and, you know, I went there today, What did the people at Long Island High say?"


"The quality of students at midtown colleges is worse than theirs."


(End of this chapter)

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