Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 426 Psychologically Distorted Richard (Part 3, please book in full!!)

Chapter 426 Psychologically Distorted Richard
Osborne paid real money to play with Richard Parker. As a result, Richard Parker cheated him with his backhand. After that, Peter Parker directly ruined the Osborne family.

Like what Peter Parker did to the Gwynns.

In the original plot, George Stacy used his own life to keep Peter Parker away from Gwen, and he agreed directly on the front foot, and then he regretted it on the back foot.


What's more, with Nick Fury, he directly cheated Tony Stark, who regarded him as his own son.

"Tsk tsk..."

Locke changed his mind, shook his head and said nothing: "How can so many people like a white-eyed wolf who doesn't keep promises, doesn't value friendship, and doesn't value reputation?"

He doesn't like it.

Locke will fulfill any promise he makes to himself, saying that if he slaughters his ten clans, he must slaughter his ten clans. He will not promise George not to provoke Gwen like Peter Parker. On the back foot, George hasn't passed the first seven days yet, and he ran to provoke Gwen again by talking like farting.

Locke also values ​​friendship. As long as he transfers it to the friend column, such as Kahn, he can spend 3000 million reward orders to claim the head of the enemy. He will not be like Peter Parker, who treats Peter as a brother. When Peter was down and down, Harry took Peter to eat delicious food. Harry needed blood in trouble, and he couldn't even give up a tube of blood.

Worried that Harry died by injection?

Although Harry is not a top student or a god of learning, he is not a fool. He took a tube of blood, how could he just foolishly inject it into his body without passing the test?

to be honest.

Peter Parker, like his father, Richard Parker, who is also a white-eyed wolf, is obviously an exquisite selfish person, and he insists on finding a high-sounding reason for himself.

For example, real villains, hypocrites and so on are the most disgusting.


Locke came back to his senses, looked out of the window, looked into the distance, and signaled frantically, then, with a look of shock on his face, passed by the front of his own car, and met the eyes of the train driver passing by the next station, Central Station, Raise your hand: "Hi!"

The train driver froze.

next second.

The train carrying Locke was running with a thud, and turned directly into the dark, abandoned track, but because it was underground, there was no damage to it.


The brakes are pulled up.



Accompanied by sparks splashing out from time to time in the darkness and the sound of toothache like rust removal, the speed of the train gradually slowed down, and then, with a bang, there seemed to be no way ahead. The walking wall moved directly to the right, allowing the train, whose speed had turned into a slide, to drive in steadily.

The wall waits until the train enters, then closes again.

Followed by.

The train under Locke sank, swayed back and forth, and finally stopped after docking in an abandoned dark cave.

next second.

As soon as Locke stepped out of the cockpit, he found that behind the locomotive, on the track, it seemed that after the locomotive came in, some switch device was activated. Rise up below the track.

quite a while!

A completed train appeared in Locke's eyes, and together with it, there was also a computer in the train that started running directly.

Locke shrugged.

This is the Marvel Universe, not the regular timeline. The 60s notebooks have all come out. Right now, the computers from more than ten years ago have been sleeping underground for so long and can be turned on within five seconds. Nothing to be surprised about.

walk in.

At first glance, Locke saw on the bright computer screen, a notification bar of a successfully received mailbox was displayed. On that computer, there was also a yellowed photo, explaining who the owner of this computer was.


Locke glanced at the yellowed photo, then looked at the brand new computer screen, touched his chin, then sat down directly, and pressed the Enter key.

Followed by.

On the computer screen, Richard Parker, a man of good looks and seemingly positive character, appeared on the computer screen.

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was a classic discourse.

"My name is Richard Parker. No matter how I am misunderstood by everyone in the future, I hope the world will know the truth."

"Osborne Biology was already leading the way in genetic research, but Norman Osborn made a deal with the military to fund my research, and when I was almost done, I found out that they wanted my research What did you do?"

"The weapon is a biochemical weapon!"

"I refused."

"Now, in order to make me submit, Norman Osborn forged evidence against me, for example, saying that I embezzled public funds and privately embezzled research funds in an attempt to control the success of my research..."


Locke rubbed his chin and looked around. Although the equipment in this car was outdated, at that time, it was conservatively estimated that there were not millions of car equipment that could not be replaced: "Isn't this... a fact?"

Originally researched cooperation.

You love me.

At the beginning, you are so meow, you already know that Osborne is cooperating with the military. If you don’t say it, when the research is about to come out, you feel that your so-called conscience can’t stand it.

and then?
You don't plan to do it anymore, that's ok, just follow the procedure, what does it mean to forge evidence against you, if you don't embezzle public funds and research funds, it's called camouflage.

If Richard Parker really had the money to buy this set of carriages for himself, why would he need to leave Peter Parker to his relatives, even without keeping a dime?


Locke shook his head. No matter how he looked at it from that point of view, Locke couldn't imagine how this Richard Parker could seriously say that his mistake was Osborne's fault and that it was the military's fault. wrong.

He couldn't do it anyway.


It's not that a family doesn't enter a house.

Locke sighed in his heart, especially when he heard that Richard Parker was there, and he said very grateful words. He used Osborne's funds to conduct experiments and left a hand of spiders, without him or his descendants' blood The little spider, who couldn't start at all, shook his head incessantly.

It can be said that selfishness is for all mankind, for the whole world. I have to say that the Thanos director of the Universal Family Planning Commission is here, and I think he will be willing to bow down.


"Shameless You!"

Locke laughed in his heart, watched the frozen video, gave his own conclusion, and then closed the mailbox.

next second.

Locke groped his chin. He didn't come here to criticize a dead person. It's still the same sentence, the little spider had better not provoke him. As long as the little spider dares to provoke him, death is the only choice for the little spider. The difference The only thing is, whether the little spider will die alone, or bring the whole family to die together.

at this time.


Locke raised his eyebrows, saw a folder on the computer desktop, opened it, and then saw a video inside: "What is this?"

Click on the video.

into the eye.

A black and white spider appears in the video.



Locke shook his head and stared at the spider in the picture: "The jelly is white and black, giving people the impression that it is cute and cute, but this spider is mostly black, so it doesn't look like a good spider."

Most importantly, in the video, the mostly black spider with white dots is extremely aggressive.

at the same time.

Richard Parker also appeared in the shot after tinkering with the camera so that it would no longer shake.

"352 experiments on life evolution research!"

"Experimental site, Osborn Bioindustry, Life Enhancement Laboratory."

"test subject."

"Miracle Spider!"

Richard Parker walked over to the test stand. On the test stand was the spider trapped in the container, roaring like an angry bull, that is, the Miracle Spider in its mouth.

In the video, Richard Parker put on protective gloves, and then, using equipment, directly clamped the miracle spider inside. The latter seemed to know what was going to happen next, but this did not affect Richard Parker's direct hand Lifting the knife and falling, under the scream of the miracle spider, directly pulled out the three legs of the miracle spider.

next second.

Richard Parker didn't make any moves, but seemed to be waiting for something.

at this time.

The miracle spider inside roared angrily, and in the next second, with the sound of something breaking through the ground, three new claws were born at the position of the three claws that Richard Parker had just pulled out. .

Locke raised an eyebrow.

Richard Parker looked up at the camera.

Excitement is on the surface.

"God, see."



Locke raised his eyebrows. In the video, there seemed to be someone echoing Richard Parker's words. It should be Mary Parker, who is also the wife of a scientist like Richard Parker.


"Although we have seen such a scene no less than two hundred times, but no matter which time, every time I see such a scene, I feel that this is simply a miracle."


Locke rolled his eyes. This experiment has been done 350 times. In other words, Richard Parker has pulled out the spider's thigh no less than two hundred times.

Just this amount, no matter what Locke thinks, he feels cruel.

Murder is just a no-brainer.

Locke will torture the enemy unless he is very angry, but in general, especially now that he has the dimension, he rarely likes to torture people in front of him like this.

Not to mention bloody and bloody, and not aesthetically pleasing.


This Richard Parker's mentality has long been distorted, and it is no wonder that his three views are not correct.


(End of this chapter)

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