Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 393 George Floats Again

Chapter 393 George Floats Again
Under the gaze of the shivering white spider, Locke put his hands in his pockets and left the room without looking back.


For some reason, the white spider couldn't help but opened its small mouth and breathed a sigh of relief.

next second.


The white spider jumped up and slammed onto the glass of the glass box. With its scarlet eyes, it looked at Locke who suddenly reappeared in front of the glass box.

"It's really a cosmic creature."


With his hands in his pockets, Locke stared at the white spider slowly falling from the glass box in the glass box, smiling: "It's a pity."


Locke turned and walked towards the door.

This time, he really left.

Locke said it's a pity, it's a pity, if this white spider is chopped up, Gwen may be very sad.

and so……

Locke said it was a pity.

However, considering that the white spider was really not threatening at all, Locke thought about it, and didn't bother to risk Gwen's heartache by chopping up the white spider.

Go downstairs.

Locke noticed a woman with long black curly hair sitting on the sofa in the living room.

The woman also noticed Locke.

Get up.

"DeWolf, Kelly DeWolf."

The woman smiled and shook hands with Locke: "You should be Locke."


Locke introduced himself: "Lock Broughton, you should be George's colleague. You are from the Organized Crime Investigation Section, and you should also be a police inspector. I don't know if I made a mistake."

DeWolf was slightly taken aback, a little surprised.

Locke smiled: "When Gwen and I went to the New York Police Station, we saw you from a distance."

Devourf oh, and smiled: "Yes."


Locke just lied.

in fact……

This is what he judged.

First of all, this DeWolf doesn't have a lot of calluses with a gun in his hand, but whoever can enter this house and drink Helen's homemade drinks must be known by Helen, no doubt, from the New York Police Department.

As for why it is said to be from the Organized Crime Investigation Bureau?
Very simple.

Look at the temperament.

The police detectives like George who specialize in catching casual people are often unkempt and sloppy looking, and for the crime team that specializes in art, the male detectives are in suits and leather shoes, and the female detectives are even more stockings. Add a skirt.

As for the Organized Crime Bureau?
Just like the Keri DeWolf in front of her, the leather jacket, jeans, and Martin boots give people a sense of visual impact, and there is no perfume smell on her body, so there is no doubt.

at this time.

Helen walked over, looked at Locke as proudly as her own son, and said to Claire DeWolf: "Lock's observation skills have always been very good, and the CIA once wanted to recruit Locke. oh."

Locke smiled beside him.

Kelly glanced at Locke in surprise: "Really, I understand now why George doesn't like talking about you in front of me."

Locke didn't speak.

Helen re-introduced to Locke: "Kerli used to be a special agent of the FBI, and was recruited to the New York Police Department last year. When I was young, we were neighbors."

Kelly smiled and said, "And it's the door-to-door kind."

Helen smiled happily: "That's right, I made the fruit wine that I learned next to me a month ago, you must help me taste it, whether it's delicious or not, I know you're coming tonight, but I'm making little George and his friends Sent to Long Island."

Locke raised an eyebrow.

He just said, he felt that something was missing at home when he came back today. It turned out that there were three background boards missing from Little George.


As for the background board, as long as you know it is there, ordinary people will not pay attention to them.

On the table.

Helen and Claire DeWolf were talking and laughing, talking about the funny things when they were young, until they separated in college, and then, crying and laughing, telling the stories of their respective college days.

Locke didn't drink this time.

After all, there are outsiders, and without knowing exactly how Chris DeWolf is familiar with the law, it is still the same sentence. Although this is already Locke's second home, he is also an outsider. Here, He would still give George and Helen some face.

A modest gentleman, someone from Luo.

This is also one of Locke's nicknames.

Gwen Locke spoke in a low voice.

George, who was sitting opposite Helen, held his glass of wine to himself, looked at the four people in pairs on the table, and glanced at the spare tire that was sleeping next to him and turned right. Andy, a little padded jacket, glanced at Locke from the corner of the eye, and the urge to ask Locke to drink with him was suppressed.


So lonely.

Thinking this way, George coughed, and then casually glanced at Helen and Claire DeWolf, as if saying, hello, let's talk about something I can join.

Helen gave George a blank stare.

Claire DeWolf smiled, changed the subject as George wished, and said to Helen, "Helen, this time, George and I cooperated quite tacitly."


Gwen, who was eating her own snack, looked up and looked at George: "Dad, you are the police chief of serious crimes, and Aunt DeWolf is the police chief of organized crime. How can there be cooperation?"

Although it looks, this seems to be workable.


These are two departments that are almost unlikely to cooperate. The reason is that no one wants to transfer their case to another department.


Claire DeWolf sipped the fruit wine in her glass: "Gwen, have you heard of Jinpin?"

Locke raised an eyebrow.

Gwen was slightly taken aback: "I know."

Jin Bing's reputation in New York is not one or two points. Even ordinary people have heard of Jin Bing's name. After all, Jin Bing is the man who claims to be sitting in Hell's Kitchen.

And Gwen knew a little more.

For example...

80.00% of the gangs in New York City are inextricably linked to this golden merger.

Locke seemed to think of something, looked at George: "Is the New York Police Department planning to take action against Jin?"

Good guy.

Does George feel that life is not comfortable and is looking for excitement?

Jin Bin, is it something you can mess with?
Locke was a little speechless in his heart. He felt that George was completely drifting away. It might be that after seeing a vampire and seeing a witch, he had some kind of illusion.

That is, Jin Bing is nothing more than that, and can be suppressed with a backhand.

But, this is an illusion.

Just like George, if you come to two, Jin Bin can crush George's head directly with one hand, and it's the kind that is effortless. After all, Jin Bin is a big guy with 90.00% of his muscles, and, still The kind that has the effect of a man of steel, and the small-caliber bullets hit Jin Bing without breaking the defense.

and so……

From Locke's point of view, George's intention to attack Jin is undoubtedly hitting a stone with a pebble.

Helen couldn't help but put down the fruit wine in her hand, and looked at George with some concern: "George, is it true?"

In the New York Police Department, there have been righteous officers who wanted to catch Jin Bin and bring him to justice.

However, although Jin Bing is notorious, there is very little direct evidence that can contact him. Moreover, Jin Bing's legal team is not vegetarian. No chance for coffee.

Not to mention, investigating Jin Bin is a very risky thing at all.

After all, King isn't the kind of villain who would know that a police officer is investigating him and just do nothing.

Jin Bing is a ruthless person who kills his wife to preach.

Thinking back to Jin Bin in the original plot, Locke was already thinking about whether he could go to Greenwood again and order a more luxurious cemetery for George.


Claire DeWolf shook her head and said: "It's not Jinbin, but the Gucci family. However, the Gucci family has a deep connection with Jinbin's criminal organization. If we can take down the Gucci family, then we have a great deal." The chance to find the key evidence that can connect Jin and then successfully arrest the biggest cancer in New York!"

The reason why she switched from the FBI to the New York Police Department was because of Jin Bin. If you want to talk about the reason, the FBI also wanted to investigate Jin Bin, but there was no chance.

After all, the FBI is in charge of cross-state crimes. Before there is conclusive evidence, the FBI has no chance at all.

The New York Police Department has a better chance. As long as it is in New York City, any case can be taken over.

Locke glanced at Claire DeWolf.

The Gucci family?

That crazy woman?
That's fine.

Locke gave up the idea of ​​going to Greenwood early tomorrow morning to reserve a cemetery for George.

After all, apart from being a little crazy, the Gucci family was not enough to look at under the attack of the New York Police Department's entire army.

However, there is no need to go to Greenwood to reserve a cemetery tomorrow, but it is estimated that it will be soon.

after all.

George comforted Helen: "Don't worry, so what if we deal with Jin Bing. Could it be that there are still Peerless Assassins who are difficult to deal with? You know, even Peerless Assassins can't kill me."

Locke frowned.

That's because he has principles.

Try being an unprincipled assassin. Like George, the grass on the grave is probably already green.

And Jin Bing is not a person with much principle.

So, Locke thought about it and made a reservation at Greenwood. After all, it will be useful sooner or later. Kim didn’t send George in. Locke felt that he would send George in. When the finale came, It would be nice to have a happy ending after digging out George.

When Gwen heard Keri DeWolf talking about all the evidence of the Gucci family collected these days, such as trafficking in girls, she suddenly asked curiously: "Then when do you plan to act?"

Claire DeWolf looks at George.

George drank, mysteriously: "Hurry up!"

Just tomorrow.

Close the net!


(End of this chapter)

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