Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 382 Jessica in Danger (Part 1, please book in full!!)

Chapter 382 Jessica at stake
Bruce Banner is a blast!
gamma rays?

Speaking of this, Bruce Banner will not be sleepy at once. After all, Bruce Banner can be said to have become attached to gamma rays before he was born.

Before Bruce Banner was born, his father, Brian Banner, who was also an excellent scientist, had already conducted research on gamma rays.

Even successfully discovered the third form of gamma rays.

The day after the discovery, his wife told Brian Banner that she was pregnant.

This is simply double happiness.


Gamma rays, at that time, from a scientific point of view, there were only two forms of gamma rays, the form of particle flow and the form of electromagnetic waves. Because of this, Brian Banner announced the discovery of gamma rays in the third After the first form, it was questioned by the entire scientific community. The most important point is that Brian Banner has never captured the third form since then.

Because of this, Brian Banner was gradually kept away from the scientific community.

After all, although science does not pay attention to falsification or falsification, you were discovered after you falsified, and it is still such an outrageous falsification, which is an insult to everyone's IQ.

and so!
Bruce Banner's main business is also gamma rays. The purpose is to help his father to rectify his name. His father is not a liar. Gamma rays do have a third form.

Mysterious form!
Unfortunately, so far, Bruce Banner has not found this third form even though he has taken other six doctoral degrees in order to find this third form.

However, Bruce Banner can say that his research on gamma rays, if he is second, no one dares to say that he is the first.

at the moment?

When Bruce Banner heard Gwen suddenly say that gamma rays can stimulate this very Buddhist CPH4 to move, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he turned to Gwen to confirm: "Is what you said true?"

Gwen nodded: "Yes, but I also heard that at the time. Whether it is true or not, I don't know."

Because they had gone out to sea to fish at that time.

As for later...

Erin had already returned to Chicago, and Gwen didn't know what happened afterwards.

Gwen looked at Bruce Banner who was eager to try: "Dr. Banner, you should not have..."

That's not the end of the story.

Bruce Banner ran outside with an excited expression on his face. When he got out, he realized that Gwen Locke was still in the laboratory. He yelled to wait, and then disappeared with a whoosh.

Locke and Gwen looked at each other.

after awhile.

Locke said curiously: "Gamma rays can stimulate CPH4? Why haven't I heard you mention it?"

Gwen shrugged and said, "I just remembered it after seeing CPH4. After all, CPH4 cannot be artificially generated. I didn't know that Jessica would also have it in her body."


Gwen was a little curious, lowered her head, and looked at the blood test report just brought over: "Why does Jessica have CPH4 in her body, just like Irene, could it be..."

Locke raised an eyebrow: "What?"

Gwen looked up and looked at Locke: "I remember Irene said that she seemed to have met a vampire. Tell me, did Jessica also meet that vampire?"

The corner of Locke's mouth twitched: "Jessica was dragged into the hospital in broad daylight."

Gwen nodded: "It makes sense."

Locke chuckled, looked at Gwen who was bowing his head in thought, and quickly brought the topic back: "Can gamma rays really stimulate CPH4?"

Gwen came back to her senses and hummed: "That's what I said at the time, but I didn't ask if it was true."

Locke smiled: "Then you talked to Dr. Bruce Banner about this?"

Gwen is very serious: "Scientific research is a process of constant trial and error."

Locke shrugged: "So, scientists will always be the ones who can destroy the earth!"

This sentence is equivalent to a scientist's gold medal for avoiding death.

The experiment went wrong.

The failure of scientific research is inevitable. If you accuse me so much, are you blocking the progress of our science?

and so……

Compared with science, Locke still prefers the extraordinary. At the very least, the extraordinary is individual. Unlike science, after success, it will benefit ordinary people. Leaving aside, an inadvertent, even, needs ordinary people To pay for the failure of the so-called scientific experiment.

A doctorate is available.

But expecting Locke to turn the car around and run all the way in the direction of science is unthinkable.

at this time.

The sliding door of the laboratory was opened, and then, a small but definitely expensive device was pushed in by Bruce Banner.

Gwen stared at the device and froze.


Gwen blinked her eyes, and really wanted to ask Bruce Banner, is there a shortage of interns here? My good guy, the military is indeed rich and powerful. Such a machine costs tens of millions of equipment, and it can be pushed so casually. Push it?

If someone else pushes this device, it is estimated that the soldiers will shoot directly.

However, the person who pushed this thing is called Bruce Banner, Bruce Banner who has eight doctorates.


In the laboratory, there was a burst of chaos.

after awhile.

Bruce Banner adjusted the equipment, and then, together with others, walked out of the room, closed the door, and then, after confirming that the door was closed, pressed the switch on his hand.


The equipment that had just been carried in by Bruce Banner began to operate, and with the power on-line, there was the sound of the buzzing system rotating, and then, a gamma ray burst out directly. coming.

next second.

Equipment shutdown!

After a few minutes.


Bruce Banner looked up and looked at Gwen next to him: "I can't believe it, it really works."

Gwen took Bruce Banner's place and looked into the microscope.

Into the eye!

Originally, the group of Buddhist CPH4s turned into fighting chickens at this moment, almost covering the entire screen in an all-army attack style. The G element that existed originally was still there, not even a single hair could be found.

"It really worked."


Bruce Banner nodded, carefully pulled out the blood in the sealed box, then turned around, put it into a special blood testing machine, and pressed the start button.

Gwen looked excited, and said to Locke, "Jessica can wake up."

Locke didn't speak.

he is curious...

In other words, Jessica woke up, if she didn't turn into a treasure girl.

What about his mission?

Speaking of...

How did the original plot describe Jessica's awakening?
Locke opened his memory database, and then searched for a loneliness, which contained only one sentence, Jessica was mutated after coming into contact with the chemical raw materials of the military truck.

It's really not logical at all.

Locke was a little speechless in his heart, he didn't even talk about the basic logic, he destroyed the setting by himself, and then, the feeling of asking him to make up the setting suddenly appeared in Locke's heart.

However, while waiting for the results of the blood test, suddenly, the door of the laboratory was pushed open in a panic.


A military scientist with glasses said to Bruce Banner over there: "The patient is dying."

Bruce Banner turned back instantly: "What?"

The joy on Gwen's face suddenly collapsed, and she also had a look of disbelief.

3 minute later.

Locke and Gwen hurried to the laboratory they had just left, and Bruce Banner walked in directly, while Locke and Gwen were stopped outside.

"what happened?"

Gwen turned to Sam who had been watching here, and looked at Jessica who seemed to be lying on the bed well, and even, after removing the gauze, was slightly stunned: "What's wrong with Jessica? "

Jessica seemed to be the same as before.


The group of people surrounding the operating table looked tense to death.

Sam was also confused, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

He didn't know what happened.

Just now, when the gauze on Jessica's body was removed, Sam breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he was worried that Jessica's skin would be damaged, but this didn't seem to happen.

Jessica's skin was fair, even, visibly smooth.


Just after the medical staff changed Jessica's clothes, the situation changed. Several medical staff seemed to be nervous to death, and then came the scene in front of them.

and so!
What happened?

at this time.

Going closer to the glass, Mrs. Jones, who seemed to be trying to see Jessica clearly, exclaimed and covered her mouth: "God!"

Sam and Gwen recovered.

"what happened?"



Gwen and Sam approached and looked inside. Jessica, who was undressed again, couldn't help but frowned.

On the operating table, Jessica took off her new pair, and her complexion showed a strange purple color.

"This is……"

Gwen was slightly taken aback: "G element?"

G elements riot?
its not right.

Jessica has CPH4 in her body, although the content is far less than that of Irene at that time, but, according to the CPH4 content in the blood sample in the laboratory, at least, CPH4 can still be present in Jessica's body For a week or so.

With CPH4 around, how could the G element break through CPH4's defenses and launch a riot?


Bruce Banner, who was in the operating room, looked at the results that came out quickly, and exclaimed: "This group of goddamn G elements have just evolved."

It seems that after learning about the characteristics of CPH4 Buddhism, this group of G elements learned to be obedient, then evolved, and after that, they chose to destroy places where no CPH4 existed.

"damn it."

Bruce Banner looked at the report in his hand and gritted his teeth: "Quick, push to the gamma laboratory!"

Several people were taken aback for a moment.


(End of this chapter)

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