Chapter 379 Bourbon Rock
In Greenwood Cemetery a week later.

With the light rain, the two coffins were successfully placed down. Locke and Gwen followed the crowd around the grave, and then walked to the side with Cindy and other students.

There was no priest, no prayers, only a few close friends of the Campbells told about the Campbells they knew. In view of what happened in New York City during this period and what happened to the Campbells, they didn’t even say that they prayed for the Campbells to go to heaven. from.

after all……

God will take care of this pot.

and also.

"That damned Philip, he's being cheap."

Cindy, who folded his arms, took a sip and gritted his teeth: "That guy should be locked up in prison forever, without the possibility of parole for the rest of his life."

"That might as well be an electric chair."

"It's too cheap for him to sit in the electric chair."

"It's too cheap for him now."


Several students chattered about the reason. Yesterday, when Dolan was being dealt with urgently by the local prosecutor, after Philip appeared in court to testify, when he returned to the detention room, suddenly, The seven orifices were bleeding, and the expression was very painful. After the forensic examination, it was determined that the hemorrhage was caused by heart failure.

In the past, the media might have already fantasized about the cause of Philip's death.

But this time, there was an astonishing silence, and the spearhead was still directed at the Dolan Church. Seeing that this day had passed, he directly pointed the spearhead at the jury that hadn't come up with a result yet, blasted the jury, and decided that the jury Some of the men in the party are God's lackeys.

This is a picture that I never even dared to imagine before.

This is not.

When the funeral was held here, I heard that the jury could no longer bear the pressure of public opinion that went back last night, and it seemed that a consensus had been reached. They all told their clients that it's better to lie down.

"I don't know if the result has come out."

"It's out already."

Kahn, who was holding his mobile phone over there, looked at the messages sent by his classmates who were stationed in the front line of the court, and said to Cindy and the others: "The jury unanimously agreed to the thirteen charges brought by the district attorney, and also added A piece of civil compensation requires the Dolan Group to compensate Jessica Campbell for $580 million including medical expenses."

"Shet, no way."

"Flasci sent it over at the courthouse."

"Why did he go there?"

"He's a trainee reporter for the Daily Bugle."


Gwen and Cindy looked at it and nodded: "This result, for Jessica, should be acceptable."

After all, the dead cannot be resurrected.

The living still have to look forward, and they can get 580 million dollars in compensation. From a certain point of view, although they cannot replace the Campbells, they can be regarded as making up for the regret that the Campbells can no longer be with Jessica.


Cindy frowned and said, "Dolan Group, is it capable of paying this compensation?"

After all, the stock price of the Dolan Group has dropped so much that it is even worse than the price of straw paper. Moreover, the three real executives of the Dolan Group have also fled the country. The judgment is like this, but whether they can pay is another matter. It's another time.

This is different from the nature of Locke's compensation.

In the final analysis, from the beginning to the present, the four departments that paid the compensation to Locke still have face on the surface, and they don't want to make things big, so the payment of compensation is clean and crisp.


Dolan Group?

He has no skin. If there is no money in the book, it will be very difficult.

Sam Malik walked over with the Joneses from not far away. Hearing Cindy's worried words, he said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, they will compensate you!"

Cindy looked at Sam and nodded: "That's good."

Now that Sam said so, that's fine. After all, it's a skill to ask for accounts. If Malik steps in, Jessica's compensation will definitely not be forfeited.

Kahn looked at Sam: "Sam, can't we go see Jessica?"

Cindy came back to her senses: "Yeah, can we go see Jessica?"

After the visit of Thaddeus Ross and Stephanie Malik from the military a week ago, although their words were a bit alarmist, it is true that Jessica is still unconscious. Therefore, the Joneses are still in Ross. Under the promise of the general to visit Jessica 24 hours a day, he chose to have the military take over Jessica's treatment and rehabilitation work.


Jones and his wife can visit Jessica 24 hours a day, as can Sam, but Locke and others cannot.

After all, it is a military base, not ordinary civilians, who can come in and out at will.

Sam made an apologetic expression towards Cindy and Kahn: "I've thought about it, but the people over there don't agree. However, I will tell you about Jessica's recent situation at any time."

Cindy said a little disappointed.

after awhile.

As the funeral came to an end, everyone began to leave.


"what happened?"

Locke turned his eyes away from the downcast Dimensional God who was watching him from a distance in Greenwood Cemetery, smiled at Gwen and said, "Mr. Anonymous just sent a message."

Gwen's eyes lit up, and after getting in the car, he looked at Locke: "Really, is it okay?"

Locke said: "Of course, but shall we wait for Sam and the Joneses to be together?"

Military bases are naturally inaccessible to ordinary civilians.

But is Locke an ordinary civilian?

Undoubtedly, definitely not, he still has the status of an informal special trainee agent of Langley. As we all know, the cooperation between Langley and the military has always been close.

The cooperation between the two parties overseas can be described as seamless, working hand in hand...

It's intimate!

Locke started the car and drove towards New Jersey, looking at Gwen curiously: "Don't you like me and Langley getting too close?"

In order to obtain this permission, he went to the military base through proper channels. In the words of Anonymous, he had a lot of connections. Before Locke had officially joined Langley, he gave Locke's name to Langley's agents. in the database.

In a way.

Although Locke was still a trainee special unofficial agent, he became an official agent when he went to Langley.

code name...


Gwen waited until the car was back on the road after a poker-faced man in a black suit handed Locke a bag from the window, opened the bag, looked at an ID card with the Langley headquarters pattern inside, looked at the name on it, and blinked. Blinking eyes, he looked at Locke: "Is this code name too random?"

Locke said with a smile: "Is there 6 from MI007 at will?"

Gwen shook her head: "That's not true."

007, it sounds similar to those produced on the assembly line.


Gwen blinked her eyes and smiled: "That's right, in this comparison, your code name is obviously better than 007's."

At least it won't give people a cheap feeling.

Locke shook his head: "In order to be able to go in, I can be regarded as one step closer to Langley."

Gwen smiled and said, "Locke, we are for friends, don't worry, I can understand you."

Locke laughed out loud.

In fact, although Nameless said that it was difficult to obtain a certificate for Locke, Locke could feel that Nameless was eager to get him a certificate. After all, Clyde Shelton had a very high opinion of him.

If it weren't for Locke's temporary lack of interest and Langley's participation in work, if he had to go to Quantico to participate in the training camp, there would be no suspense for the overall score of No. 1.

The R8 roared, and soon after passing through a tree-lined road, I saw the gate of the built military base.


A soldier stopped Locke at the door: "Certificate."

Locke handed over the Langley ID in his hand: "Look for Mandy."

Mandy is probably a fake name, as mentioned above, one that has cooperation with the military and belongs to Langley's official and operational contact person stationed in the military.

The soldier looked at the certificate in his hand, and then looked at Locke's appearance.

"Hold on!"

"it is good."

Locke nodded towards the soldier, watched the soldier walk into the gate, and then said this to a soldier next to him, and by the way, pointed in the direction of Locke.

"What are they doing?"

"Maybe I've never seen such a handsome Agent Langley."


Gwen opened her mouth, and considering the occasion, she rolled her eyes at Locke: "Maybe I think your ID is fake."

Locke chuckled.

5 minute later.

A curly-haired lady in a small business suit came out of the base, then took the ID card from the soldier at the gate, and finally landed on the Audi R8 parked at the gate, and nodded with the soldier, Then, came over.


Mandy approached the Audi R8, looked at Locke who came out of the driver's seat, smiled, and handed Locke the ID in his hand: "Or call you Locke Broughton?"

Locke smiled and said, "Am I famous?"

Mandy nodded: "Are there any people around New York City who don't know you? Besides, when you do intelligence work, you need to know some famous people, but I didn't expect that Bourbon is you."

Locke shrugged: "Then can you tell me your real name?"

Mandy smiled and refused: "That's not okay."

Locke also smiled and pointed to the interior of the base: "Can I go in now?"

Mandy nodded: "Of course, I can ask, the one on your co-pilot..."

"My assistant!"


Mandy looked at Locke who didn't even want to speak directly, pursed his lips, shrugged and said, "Well, you have the final say, Agent Bourbon, come in, I'll let them go."

Locke smiled and thanked him.


(End of this chapter)

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