Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 367 Carrie Who Received Half of the Votes

Chapter 367 Carrie Who Received Half of the Votes

Philip Campbell.

After Locke heard Martin Lewis's secret about Dolan at that time, after thinking of the story that happened on Route 74, the disappearing Philip Campbell immediately appeared in his mind.

Philip Campbell was adopted by the Jessica family.

Jessica told them about this matter when Philip entered school last year. After all, Philip and Jessica have no similarities at all, not from any angle.


In the information about Philip Campbell found by Locke, it is clearly recorded how this guy became an orphan.



The Campbells almost wiped out?

The most important point is that this guy is missing, no matter how you look at it, it is very similar to the so-called Dolan candidate in Martin Luis's mouth.

"Tsk tsk."

Early the next morning.

Locke opened his eyes, connected to Gwen's phone, said a few words, then looked at a message sent from the phone, clicked his tongue twice, got up, and walked towards the bathroom.

After half an hour.

Locke put on his suit jacket, adjusted the cuffs, and walked down from the second floor, watching Carrie who was busy at the bar.


Carrie looked up and looked at Locke who had come down. It seemed that he had fully recovered: "The coffee will be ready soon."

Locke walked over, pulled out the high stool, and sat on it: "Have you recovered?"

Carrie smiled: "Your suggestion is very useful, but I'm curious, why, your refrigerator is empty, except for eggs, is bread?"

Locke shrugged: "I basically went to Gwen's house to solve it last year."

Indeed it is.

For a while, Locke and Gwen were basically responsible for purchasing the ingredients for the family, so, from a certain point of view, George was an outsider, because the meals George ate were all the ingredients he paid for. coming.

Unfortunately, George is not aware of it at all.

Carrie nodded.

Ding sound.

Carrie turned around and looked at the brewed coffee over there. After a while, she handed the coffee, fried eggs and toasted bread to Locke.

Locke lowered his head, took a sip, looked at Carrie, and praised: "It's very fragrant."

Carrie also brought her own breakfast to the bar: "Actually, I don't know how either. I learned from Agatha."

Locke hummed, and then, as if he had thought of something, he took out his mobile phone, opened it, and was worried just now, and handed it to Carrie: "I'll go to this place later, pick someone up."

Carrie took the phone and wrote down a text message from an unknown number.

『The goods are ready, please pay the remaining payment in time. After delivery to the designated place, the goods will be kept safe for 24 hours. After the expiration date, take care of yourself safely! 』

Carrie nodded, and then, listening to Locke's words, she blinked: "Take someone?"

Isn't it the goods mentioned above?

Locke took back the phone and smiled: "Philip Campbell."

Carrie's eyes widened slightly: "Have you found him?"

Locke hummed, sipped his coffee, laughed, and said something unbelievable, and then explained the selection criteria for Dolan's candidates, as well as Philip Campbell's original life experience.

Carrie was astonished after hearing this, and then pursed her lips, with a look of anger for Jessica on her brows: "Jessica is so kind to him, how dare he do this?"

As I said before, after this Philip entered the Midtown High School, his ability to cause trouble was excellent. If it wasn't for Jessica, or if it wasn't for Jessica's classmates and friends named Locke and Gwen, I'm afraid, teacher They had suspended Philip several times already.

For this, Jessica thanked Locke and Gwen many times.

at the moment?



"No, beasts know how to be grateful."

Carrie looked up at Locke: "Do you need me to kill him? I promise, I will avenge Jessica."

"But you're not Jessica, are you?"


Locke smiled: "Originally, I wanted you to send it directly to the warehouse in New Jersey after picking up the person. How to deal with it will be up to Jessica when she wakes up."

Carrie frowned: "Originally?"

Locke hummed, drank the coffee in the cup, then got up, and walked towards the door: "After thinking about it, Dolan's candidate is also Dolan, throw it into the river and feed the merman, alive That kind!"

Carrie understood.

Go downstairs.


When Locke placed the order in the name of Wushuang last night, he really thought so. As Carrie said, this product is not as good as a beast. If this product dies so silently, wouldn't it be so Won't anyone know about the evil deeds committed by Huo?
In that case, it would be too cheap for him.


Locke changed his mind in the morning.

It's true that this inferior guy can't be cheap, but Jessica has just experienced the pain of losing her father and mother. If she knew about this, Jessica would probably have a nervous breakdown.

Jessica is his friend. As we all know, Locke has always been a person who thinks about his friends.

not to mention……

Jessica still doesn't know when she will be released from prison, so why bother raising that brute who is not as good as a beast, throwing him into the river to feed the ogre, isn't he delicious?

and so.

Trouble, destroy it.

When I came downstairs to Gwen, it was already seven o'clock.

As soon as Locke's car stopped, the door of the apartment opened, and then, wearing a little fleece hat, Gwen, who was cuter than yesterday, walked over, opened the car door and walked in: "Let's go, Let's go to the breakfast shop first and bring Sam a breakfast."


Gwen moved her nose and looked at Locke: "Why do you smell of perfume?"

Still the smell of women's perfume.

Locke drove the car, listened to Gwen's words, and laughed: "It should belong to Carrie, Carrie slept in the Star Building last night."

Gwen snorted.

Carrie's perfume, that's fine.


Locke thought about Gwen's words just now: "Sam is in the hospital, where is Mrs. Cord?"

Gwen said: "Mrs. Codd's home is near Dolan Church."

Locke got it.

Mrs. Codd has two children, both of whom are still young. Last night, there was such a commotion in Dolan Church that Mrs. Codd must rush back.

"Where's George?"

"It's still at Dolan Church."

Gwen sighed: "The same is true for the dark head of state. He doesn't care if he kills him or buries him. He doesn't know how to clean up after finishing the work. As a result, Dad and his colleagues are still cleaning up the mess."

After all, last night was a massacre.

Although it was a just trial, the picture of the door of Dolan Church, one after another, as if eaten by some wild beast, leaving only stumps and broken arms, the style of painting is still very scary.

But also inside the church.

These, the Dark Heads of State have not cleaned up, but it is definitely impossible to just leave them like that, the garbage collector will definitely not come to clean up, so this cleaning of buttocks can only be done by George and his New Yorkers. The police station did it.

Locke laughed a little, and suggested to Gwen: "Then next time, when George sees the Dark Head of State, you can ask George and the Dark Head of State to give their opinions."

Gwen's eyes lit up, and she nodded: "I also think this is a very good idea."

Although what happened at Dolan Church last night was terrifying!

Last night was a trial about justice.

At the very least, when those who were paying attention to Dolan's church last night saw how the witches that appeared in mid-air were tried by Dolan in flames, in New York City, all the women who were paying attention had a balance in their hearts. Already leaning straight to the head of darkness.

Regardless of occupation, it is only about gender!

"We should ask this dark head of state to be our representative!"

"We should make her our voice in Congress!"

"That's the voice we women want."

On the way to the New Amsterdam Hospital, passing by the breakfast shop, while waiting for the clerk to pack, Locke and Gwen looked up and watched the news that had been chasing hot spots and directly broadcasting in the morning.

A well-known New York critic who was invited commented on what happened at the Dolan Church last night in a live interview. He bluntly stated that the dark head of state is what women should support, and even called for The dark head of state came out to run for parliament. She said that if the dark head of state did this, all the women in New York City would vote for the dark head of state.

other stations.


"The Oppression of Witches by the Dolan Church is an alternative, male-to-female oppression!" ".

When Locke and Gwenty left the restaurant with breakfast, they passed by a roadside news stand, bought a newspaper, returned to the car, and looked at the big and bold headlines on the newspaper.

Public opinion is almost one-sided.

When passing by the NYPD.

"The witch is innocent!"

"You should check Dolan Church!"

"Against atrocities!"

"We should excommunicate every church in New York City!"


Numerous women, with different skin colors and appearances, have gathered at the gate of the New York Police Department building, once again holding revised signs to appeal to the New York Police Department.


It's not that it's almost one-sided, it's a certainty that it's one-sided.

The Dolan Church has been completely judged, and it has been sentenced to death by women who can hold up half the sky. Even the innocent Vatican Church has been affected.

A church next to the New Amsterdam Hospital is evidence of this.

Angry women gathered at the door of the church, and the priest and several pastors of the church hid inside, trembling.


The Dolan Church is not owned by the Vatican at all. We have never recognized this Dolan Church.

The priests and pastors wanted to cry, faced with the unforeseen disaster, and wanted to go out to explain, but they were afraid that the nearly a hundred tigress outside would rush in and tear them to pieces after seeing them.


(End of this chapter)

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