Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 364 The Nine-Headed Snake Filled With Tears

Chapter 364 The Hydra With Tears Filling Its Eyes
Good guy.

This expression...

There is a story.

Amidst the heart-piercing screams outside, Locke, who was sitting on the sofa, raised his eyebrows as he watched the very rich expression on Martin Louis' face.

ten years old!

Boy paper!
Personal Assistant!


Locke suddenly thought of something, and looked at Martin Louis with a weird expression. Thinking of the stories that are more popular among certain groups in the Federation, he took a breath and said secretly: "You really know how to play!"

Martin Luis' face was filled with humiliation.

Clench your fists!

After taking a breath, Locke probably knew what happened between Martin Louis and his boss No.30 Sixth Generation Dolan, and then directly changed the subject: "So, this afternoon, the car accident on Highway 74, what happened!"

He didn't have that much curiosity.

If it is a story between two women, Frankly speaking, Locke is quite curious.

But man and man?
forget it.

Moreover, Locke didn't come here to listen to such disgusting and nauseating stories. What's more, this is the story of Martin Louis' humiliation for ten years, so there is no need to poke people's pain points.

At most, knowing this story made him more determined about one thing.

He is born righteous!
Dolan Church deserves to be thrown into the street.

"Route 74?"


Locke crossed his legs, automatically shielding the approaching wow outside, as well as the screams outside, tilted his head, and looked at Martin Louis: "You don't know that?"

Martin Louis returned to his senses, shook his head, calmed down the submission that surged up in his heart, gulped his saliva, took a deep breath, and nodded: "I know."

Dolan Church outside.

Carrie is on fire!

The entire coast of the Hudson seemed to be awakened at this moment.


The flames of anger were rising, and the heart-piercing screams were accompanied by the rising flames, wave after wave, over the Dolan church, there were more than 50 Dolan church members hanging in the air.

The leader is the so-called No.30 Sixth Generation Dolan!
Carrie, who was also burning with the angry witch's fire, hovered expressionlessly at this moment, No. 30 sixth-generation Dolan in the same posture as if tied to a cross.

Carrie's eyes fell on the executioners who were being engulfed by the anger of countless witch spirits drawn up from the dimension of hell, and then she looked at No. 30 Sixth Generation Dolan: "Like, do you like the feast I prepared for you?"


Carrie moved her right hand.

With a thud.

The No.30 sixth-generation Dolan, who was kidnapped on a cross, turned around and stared straight in front of him. All these years, they were sent to hell with a fire trial, but at this moment it was one of the witches who came back for revenge. spirit.

The screams and wailing of his subordinates, as well as the vengeful witch spirit's constant biting and vicious curses, poured into No.30's sixth-generation Dolan's ears wave after wave like ocean waves.

next second.

No.30 Dolan, the sixth generation, couldn't help closing his eyes.




Carrie's magic power surged, and with No.30's sixth-generation Dolan screaming from the heart, Dolan's eyelids disappeared instantly, and his pupils began to bleed, but he couldn't close his eyes anymore.

"Don't you guys like the trial by fire?"


Carrie said in a low tone: "Or, you just like watching the witch being burned to death in front of you, and when it's your turn, you can't accept it?"


No.30 The sixth generation of Dolan stared, and almost squeezed out words from between his teeth: "The Lord will take care of you."

Carrie looked at Dolan with a surprised expression: "Are you talking about God?"

No.30 The sixth generation Dolan's eyes were blood red, and he glared at Carrie angrily. Obviously, he was talking about God.

Carrie had a weird expression, as if trying to hold back.

next second.

Carrie laughed out loud.

Demons are evil.

All evil things need to be judged.

God is merciful.

God is forgiving.

These words……

Carrie probably heard it all the time since she was a child. However, if you want to vote for a character that Carrie hates the most, then God is at the top of the list, and there is almost no suspense.


Carrie laughed loudly, thinking back to when she was a child, she would be imprisoned by her mother if she disagreed with her, and she prayed for God's forgiveness in a small dim room. With God's persecution of me when I was a child, the flames of anger were even higher, and I stared at Dolan expressionlessly: "Don't worry, it will be yours soon, wait a while, you and I will know that the so-called God dares to come and save you!"



Carrie suddenly heard a sentence that Locke once said, the corners of her mouth raised, and her tone was cold: "God? How many divisions does he have???"

No.30 The sixth generation of Dolan trembled when he heard such a naked heresy speech: "Witch, my ally will be here soon, don't be complacent!!"


He thought of the phone call he had just made.

No.30 Sixth Generation Dolan knows the strength of S.H.I.E.L.D. Once, when a friend of his friend comes over, can a mere witch stand up to the bombing of airplanes and cannons?


No.30's sixth-generation Dolan's expectations are probably about to fail.


Alexander Pierce's men have arrived!
Originally received the order from Crossbones, a Hydra agent in New York City was rushing to the location of Dolan Church, planning to silence the insider who called the biggest insider in S.H.I.E.L.D. and told him that there was an insider in the bureau. However, when they just arrived here, they saw that the roof was broken directly, and then the scene of countless Dolan congregants starting the trial was suspended.

A thud.

A Hydra agent held up his mobile phone, took a picture of this scene, and then transmitted it to Crossbones. It seems that someone came to trouble the Dolan church in advance, and then asked if this situation should be go up?
What if the powerful witch took them as helpers of Dolan Church?
Especially when the No.30 sixth-generation Dolan yelled that his allies were about to arrive, he broke out in cold sweat, and quickly signaled the team members brought behind him to continue to retreat.

Anyway, at this moment, the scene that happened in the Dolan church, let alone retreating a kilometer, I am afraid that if you retreat directly to Brooklyn and choose a building, you can still see this magical scene.

At the reception in Washington.

Crossbones looked at the video sent by his subordinates, and was also in a daze for a while, then, bravely, found Alexander Pierce who was in the toilet, and when the latter was about to get angry, he handed over the phone.

"What the hell?"

Alexander Pierce frowned, looked at the dignified crossbones, took the mobile phone, fixed his eyes on the screen, and looked at the video screen hanging like a starry sky, he couldn't help but flashed a shock :"What's this?"

Crossbones quickly told Alexander Pierce what was happening in New York City at this moment.

It can be summed up in one sentence.

Their goal seems to have been preempted by others.

And the ones who got there first seemed to be the ones they couldn't afford to provoke, no, it wasn't that they couldn't afford to provoke them, but the ones who could expose them if they were provoked!

Alexander Pierce stared at the dark witch in the picture, and the New York police car approaching from not far away, and handed the phone to Crossbones: "Get out."

This was an unexpected surprise.

From a certain point of view, this time, the Dark Witch can be said to be the leader of their Hydra. After all, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

Alexander Pierce was in a trance, and at the same time, he had the urge to burst into tears. You must know that before, those who said this were all Hydra's enemies.

During World War II, his enemies just said these words, and then rushed forward, directly ignoring martial arts, and ruined the Hydra business, which was originally a good situation.

Since then, the hydra have realized a truth!
One needs to keep a low profile as a person, and one needs to keep a low profile when running an organization. Therefore, in the face of the hard-won business, the leaders of Hydra have kept a low profile.

Muxiu in the forest will be destroyed by the wind!

This sentence from Dongguo is already one of the cores of Hydra.

After Alexander Pierce finished speaking, he looked at Crossbones who was about to go out, frowned, and stopped Crossbones: "Think of a way, see if there is any way to contact this dark head of state."


The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Maybe, get in touch, in case we can cooperate?
Alexander Pierce thought so in his heart, and there is a certain basis for this. The Peerless Assassins knew of their existence. At the beginning, they were still afraid, for fear that the Peerless Assassins would break the news. As a result, two years have passed, and the Peerless Assassins It seems that the promise has been kept and nothing has happened.

What does this mean?
Nothing can be explained, but at least one thing can be explained. The Peerless Assassin and them do not want to be enemies.

This is enough.

Alexander Pierce recalled the dark head of state who showed great power in the video, and couldn't help but start to imagine, like, if a witch can join their camp, then, it means that the entire witch will fall to their Hydra camp So, a tentative contact is not a bad thing.


Alexander finally pointed at the crossbones, "Let people in New York pay attention, find a way to control public opinion, it's our gesture of goodwill."

Crossbones nodded.

After Alexander Pierce finished speaking this time, he didn't have anything to add. He waved his hand and signaled that Crossbones could leave. Then, he closed the door of the cubicle and continued with his current work.

Damn, that snail feels expired.

Eat it, let him come here.


(End of this chapter)

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