Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 338 M78 Nebula's Special Products (Part 2, please book in full!!)

Chapter 338 M78 Nebula's Special Products
Maria Hill is no fool.

She came out of Chicago and achieved this position step by step. Although part of it was due to Peggy Carter's appreciation, more of it was due to her strength.

Otherwise, she would not have taken off the title of interim director in a short period of time during the return of Alexander Pierce after Nick Fury G, and secured the position of the current Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Location.

Even Alexander Pierce, who seemed to be planning to re-enter S.H.I.E.L.D., had no choice but to retreat to the second line and once again became his federal director.

Anonymous's call was very short, and even revealed very little.


Hill still speculated on a possibility.

Anonymous has already connected with that gang of unparalleled assassins, the dark head of state, and even if he has not, then he may have connected with the witch group.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Anonymous suddenly became concerned about the affairs of Dolan Church.

If it is said that SHIELD sometimes likes to do business without money.

Then the CIA, it is too early to be serious and useless. If the reward for destroying the Dolan Church does not continue to make the Dolan Church more profitable, it is impossible for the CIA to get involved in this matter.

After all, once the media knows that the CIA is performing missions in the country.

Ha ha!

It is estimated that the saliva against Langley in the House of Representatives and the Senate can completely drown Langley.

Therefore, Hill followed suit and told Nameless the location of the 14 people directly. Similarly, he also told Nameless that she would be there soon.

After all, this can be said to be the credit of Anonymous, but more, it is the favor of her S.H.I.E.L.D.

Compared with the CIA, Aegis needs to reconnect with extraordinary forces to see if they can reach a certain cooperation agreement or something.

As for why New York Dolan was mentioned?
Hill looked at a satellite photo on the tablet in his hand.

In this tablet, a silver-white Audi R8 parked on the side of the road is particularly dazzling, which makes Hill feel even more that his guess about someone may be right.

It seems that wherever this person appears, there will be big events.

New York, Peerless Assassins.

Osgutta, the witch.

Poseidon, tsunami.

Argo, the sea monster.

Lake Cali, the vampire.

New Orleans, Coven?


It's you again, Locke.

At this moment, Hill thought of Nick Fury whose grave had already grown. Frankly speaking, if it was her, she would also feel that even if Locke had no direct connection with the Peerless Assassin, the two must be have a deeper relationship.

Hill stared at the already representative Audi R8 on the tablet, thinking so in his heart.

Miss Robbie Chocks Distinguished Ladies College!


Mr. Anonymous looked at the hung up phone, and then clicked on the coordinate information sent by Hill just now when he was on the call, and glanced at Cordelia Goode, the dean of the authentic Witch Academy under his feet. Handed it to Nash, and said to Cordelia: "The things about friends are our things."

Cordelia looked at Locke who was sitting not far away.

Locke, who was sitting on the sofa in the study, tasting the witch wine that was said to be brewed by the witches himself, accepted Cordelia's gaze and shrugged.

Anonymous said directly to Nash who took the phone: "Catch someone!"

Nash nodded, and next to him, Yegorova, who was actually his fiancée, turned around and walked outside. The mobile phone in his hand and the information about the assembly operation had already flown to the local CIA secret base.

Mr. Anonymous smiled and said to Cordelia: "Ms. Goode, are you satisfied with this way of handling it?"

Exchange the friendship of the witches with a group of conscienceless and inhuman animals.

It's a good deal.


It's quite a bargain.

One witch is better than five agents.

Locke finished the witch wine in the cup, looked at the unknown who was already imagining a beautiful future with witches joining his team, and said directly: "I heard that Dolan churches from all over the country are coming here, and I plan to take advantage of it in two days. , Cordelia's chance to be crowned as the Supreme Witch will wipe out all the witches who came here to participate in the grand event this time."

The Nameless Man looked at Cordelia, and said in a deep voice, "From tomorrow onwards, there will be a group of people outside, not for surveillance, but for protection. Anyone who enters this building without permission will be arrested immediately."

Cordelia opened her mouth: "It doesn't need to be like this."

Anonymous shook his head: "No, Ms. Bard, you don't understand people's hearts."

Frankly speaking.

If Cordelia hadn't told him just now that only women with the blood of the former Salem survivors could awaken the talent of witches, Anonymous would have already thought about whether witches could be mass-produced.

What if it is known by other people or organizations?
Even if some crazy organization found out about this witch stronghold, I'm afraid they were thinking about sending the witches to the planing table for slice research.

Of course.

This so-called crazy organization includes some secret departments like him in the CIA.

and so……

Mr. Anonymous has a serious expression on his face: "Cordelia, it's okay for me to call you that. You are Locke's friend. Naturally, you are also my friend. Since Locke has found me, then, I believe, we can discuss a cooperative relationship." The way to win came out, maybe, after you become the Supreme Witch, we can agree on some details of the cooperation."

Settle down quickly.


Someone is about to come over to disrupt the situation.

Cordelia perceived the sincerity of the anonymous man, and looked at Locke hesitantly.

Locke raised his eyebrows, yawned, and looked at the unknown person: "Maria Hill is coming? I don't like S.H.I.E.L.D., so I'm leaving first."

He has only one purpose.

mission accomplished.

As long as his task is completed and at the same time, besides ensuring that the Supreme Witch he personally supports will not become his enemy in the future, as for what Cordelia wants to do, that is his business.

and so.

How Cordelia wants to cooperate with Nameless is Cordelia's business, not his.

"I am leaving."

"I'll go back and find you."


Locke, who had already reached the door, turned his head to look at Unknown who was speaking, and raised the corner of his mouth, "Mr. Unknown, maybe you don't have a girlfriend, but I do have one."


In the middle of the night, unless someone with a crazy mind would choose to accompany an old man.

I have a girlfriend.


I don't know if it's an illusion, but Locke feels that, after Gwen inexplicably has a spider sense, even his endurance has improved to a certain extent.

But it was noon and afternoon, there was not enough time, and there was not enough verification and sight.

Tonight is a great opportunity.

Walking out of the study, Locke walked to the training hall for the witches. Inside, Gwen was sitting on a chair, wearing a witch hat, and Nan with braids was sitting opposite Gwen with a serious face.

Locke blinked and walked to Carrie's side.

"What is this for?"

"Gwen wants to experience Nan's abilities."


"Thought sensing, and predicting the future."

Carrie shrugged, then looked at Locke curiously, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Witches in Salem all have special skills when they wake up, why don't we have them?"

Locke looked at Carrie: "Why not?"

Carrie blinked: "Is there?"

She remembered that before she received Agatha's education, she only had one skill, that is, rubbing the dark magic ball with her hands without any skill and using it as a bomb.

Look at the ones in Salem.

Another teleportation.

Telepathy again.

It's resurrection or something.

It's too buggy.

Locke pouted: "Our energy is endless, this is the best talent."

Magic power is equivalent to bullets.

However, other people’s bullets are limited, only their bullets in M78 nebula dimension are endless.

No matter how much ability there is, it's useless without energy support.

Like the witches of Salem, let's say the current Supreme Witch Fiona, she is powerful, but if Fiona faces Locke, no, it is against Carrie.

Perhaps in the early stage, Fiona had the upper hand, but within ten rounds, as Fiona's energy was exhausted, in the end, the winner must be Carrie, who has always had endless energy.

Without him.

The Salem dimension is now asleep, even the dimension that provides energy is asleep. The witch who uses the power of Salem, just like the transformed Ultraman, has a time limit.

And Carrie?
Just like SanDisk, ordinary attacks can achieve a super kill effect under the blessing of endless energy.


Thinking of that Fiona, Locke raised his eyebrows: "What about that Fiona, didn't I ask you to pay attention?"

"she left."

Carrie shrugged: "I originally wanted to chase her out, but after thinking about it, I didn't go. However, I put a magic mark on her. Do you want to get rid of her?"

Carrie was not at all surprised by this.

after all……

Just now Fiona wanted to attack Gwen.

If Fiona is still alive in this situation, it's not because Fiona is strong enough, but because Locke hasn't killed her yet.

So Carrie believed that Fiona would not survive, so she set a coordinate for her.

"of course."

Locke nodded, sniffed and smiled, but after thinking about it, he smiled: "Forget it, let's stay another night."

When I go back later, she and Gwen still have an experiment on endurance that needs to be done. According to the time estimate, I'm afraid it will be four or five o'clock in the middle of the night.

"let's talk tomorrow."

"it is good."


(End of this chapter)

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