Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 335 The Notorious S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 335 The Notorious S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Didn't you watch the news?"



"Our battlefield is abroad, Locke!"


Locke wanted to laugh.

Just like the FBI that went out on the grounds that federal citizens needed their investigations overseas, why would the CIA not want to come back.

after all……

It is risky to show off overseas, but it is not as fun to do it at home.

If the CIA didn't have this idea, then wouldn't the CIA's secret bases bloom everywhere in the Federation, and the CIA can only deal with foreign affairs?

That's what I said, but if someone really believed it, then he would be a fool. After all, in the words of the CIA, sometimes, by the time they get the news, the terrorists have already lurked in the country.

After the Anonymous said this sentence, he also laughed haha: "Well, this matter involves Chaofan, there are few inadvertent mistakes, and we will be blamed. We have no law enforcement power on the surface. I don’t want a certain agency to use the cover of the Department of Homeland Security, and if something happens, someone will help.”

Locke nodded.

That's right.

Everyone is a sensible person, why are you so confused?


Back to the pot?

The corner of Locke's mouth raised slightly: "Then what if I can help the Bureau establish a dialogue mechanism with the witches?"

Wuming was slightly taken aback, and put down the hand-brewed beer in his hand: "What do you mean?"

Locke said: "It means literally, how about it, do you have any ideas?"

"Where are you?"

"Academy for Witches."


"Miss Robbie Chocks Distinguished Ladies College."

"I still have half an hour to land."

"it is good."

Locke said something, hung up the phone neatly, and walked towards the restaurant again.

Witches need a stable environment in order to complete his mission. Force may make everyone fearful, but it will definitely not be a stable environment.

Especially in the Federation, there are too many mentally disabled people caused by happy education, even in the Pentagon, the House of Representatives, and the Senate.

and so……

The CIA needs to come out at this time.

A good CIA, if used well, is actually a good weapon, which is one of the main reasons Locke was willing to join the CIA.

He needs the CIA to do missions around the world, and he also needs the CIA to do work occasionally.

Back to the restaurant.

Lots of laughter.

Locke walked over, just in time to see Madison who was showing mind control over there, sending the candlestick on the dining table to Madison who was holding it in his hand.

Seeing this, Gwen exclaimed, "I thought that witches only have one ability."

Just now Madison opened her right hand, showing her ability to control fire.


Cordelia smiled and said: "Actually, more witches are proficient in spells and potions. There are still a few witches who can awaken with multiple abilities like Madison."

Gwen looked at Zooey curiously: "Zoe, then you..."

Zooey smiled.

Madison looked at Locke, who was leaning on the chair with his arms folded, and said to Gwen, "Gwen, Zoe's ability is very strange. She has the ability of a black widow."

Gwen was slightly taken aback: "Black Widow?"

Madison said: "Yes, just like the black widow will eat the mating male spider, so will Zoe."

Gwen opened his mouth slightly.

Locke also showed enough surprise: "It's a magical ability."

Cordelia seemed to sense something, and looked at Madison thoughtfully.

Zooey smiled reluctantly when she heard Madison joke about her abilities.

at this time.

A thud.

The door was pushed open, and the chattering and laughing people turned around to look. When they caught sight of it, they saw Fiona, who had been kicked out by them in the morning, came back again and again.

Cordelia, Zoe and the others got up immediately.

"You have been evicted."

"Expulsion, joke, I am the Supreme Witch!"


Gwen frowned looking at the tense phone call, and then looked curiously at Locke next to him.

Locke turned his chair around.

With a snap of Fiona's eyes, she turned her chair and looked at Locke, "So, it's you, my daughter's lover?"


Hearing these words, Gwen was immediately in a bad mood, and was a little shocked, but without the slightest doubt, it just felt very unscientific.

after all……

Cordelia is already in her 30s. Besides, compared with Cordelia, if Locke is going to steal behind her back, wouldn't the young and beautiful Carrie be delicious?

After being shocked, Gwen also looked at Fiona.

This old woman, she doesn't like it.

Gwen directly held Locke's right hand and looked at Fiona: "Locke is my boyfriend!"

Fiona looks to Gwen.

The transparent fluff on the back of Gwen's hand instantly turned up like a radar, vigilantly.

Fiona raised her hand.

A mass of witch fire ignited directly.

"Here is you..."


Locke squinted his eyes, looking at Cordelia who stood in front of Gwen.

Cordelia looked at Fiona in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

Fiona glanced at Locke, then looked at Cordelia and said, "Protect you."


Madison smiled directly: "Protection, you are probably trying to kill us, so that you can continue to secure your position as the Supreme Witch."

Fiona looked at Madison: "Xiao Bichi, believe it or not, I will kill you again."

Madison stepped forward, opened his right hand, and also created a witch's fire: "Come here."

Four against one.

The advantage is mine!

Fiona smiled twice, and looked at Cordelia again: "Thanks to that damn dark witch, the descendants of the Crusaders from Dolan, New York have come here."

Cordelia frowned.

Carrie frowned too.

Locke smiled.

The Supreme Witch deserves to be the Supreme Witch. She just appeared on the stage, and in less than ten sentences, she not only offended him, but even offended Carrie.



Crusaders, Dolan, New York.

So, the dozen or so strange people that Gwen saw on the plane were really New York Dolan.

Seeing this, Fiona walked over directly, then sat on Cordelia's seat, crossed her legs, and lit a lady's cigarette: "The council asked me to come here to protect the academy, so, If you have any problems, you can go to the council, but the crusaders are coming, can you stop them?"

Cordelia fell silent.

In the era of Salem, the Crusaders who killed the most of them were the Crusaders. From the Holy See, the Crusaders were formed to destroy witches. They may be mortals, but they are mortals who are immune to the abilities of witches. Then , Relying on his strong physical fitness, he rushed to the front of the witches and killed the poor witches with the knight sword in his hand.

Gwen looked at the domineering Fiona, Cordelia and Zoe, who looked tangled up and looked a little scared when they heard the name of the Crusader, and asked curiously what the crusader was about.

After listening.

Gwen was a little confused.


Mortals who are not afraid of witches' magic.

Isn't that still a mortal?
Gwen blinked: "We can call the police!"


Gwen looked at Locke, trying to find supporters for his statement: "I'm right, you can call the police."

Crusaders are mortal.

Are Cordelia and Zoe not mortals?
At the very least, Gwen feels that she has no way to distinguish from the appearance. What is the difference between witches and mortals? If there is no Locke, if you meet Cordelia, Zoe and Madison on the street, Gwen would only think that Zoe and Cordelia were sisters, and Madison was that Hollywood movie star.


Gwen expressed her suspicions, and then looked at Cordelia again: "We can call the police, and my father is the chief of the New York Police Department."

She didn't like this domineering Fiona, especially when Gwen suddenly thought, it seemed, that this Fiona had killed Madison.

She wouldn't want to sit in a room with a murderer.

Moreover, it seemed that Cordelia and the others didn't like Fiona either, it was just because of the crusader's prestige that they didn't dare to drive Fiona away.

Gwen said: "If possible, I will ask my father to find Inspector Thornton and ask him to arrange patrols and increase the patrol here."

What is the age.

What about the Crusaders?
Federation is about law.

Let alone the Crusaders, even the Pope, if you dare to kill people in the street, especially when it is dark, the Pope can turn into a hornet's nest.


Cordelia shook her head: "It's useless."

Gwen frowned: "What?"

How could it be useless?
Gwen said: "You are worried, the police station knows your identities..."

Cordelia shook her head: "No, the Dolan Church in New York has always been in contact with a mysterious institution, and a few Salem witches who came from Europe told us that even the people of the Dolan Church would ride on that mysterious institution. The world body can order the police all over the city to round them up."

"You mean, the law enforcement agencies have always known, and have been helping the Church of Dolan, hunting and killing you?"



Gwen blinked, a little unbelievable, no, the first half of the sentence, the law enforcement agency knew, and Gwen believed it, but the latter sentence, the law enforcement agency has been helping the Dolan Church hunt and try witches?

Gwen didn't believe it.

If George knew about the witch and helped Dolan hunt down the trial witch, Gwen would be very angry. If he still hunted down that kind of good witch, Gwen would be even more angry.

Locke heard Cordelia's words and thought of a certain institution that was notorious among him.

"That mysterious institution..."

Locke looked up at Cordelia: "S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Cordelia: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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