Chapter 314 Gwen's Pet
Accompanied by a shrill and unbelievable scream, Ian Mullen opened his mouth wide, as if he had sprayed out something, and then fell backwards.

A thud.

When the vomited object hit the observation mirror, the whole person also fell to the ground.

And that item?
Look at the shape...

It should be a sooty black lung.

Good guy.

Is this just spit out the lungs?

Detective Kano's expression changed, and he couldn't help turning his head away.

Carrie was not feeling well either.

Locke's face was calm, and there was a hint of sarcasm vaguely.


You are thinking of peaches to eat.

Locke has not failed some clergymen over the years, but without exception, none of those people said that they went to heaven, and they all lined up one by one to report to Mephisto.

Thanks to Mullen's words just now, he thought he could prove the existence of the heavenly dimension for him.


It's still empty fun.

Let me just say, even if there was the dimension of God in the past, in front of the supreme mage, the first guardian of the earth, God, I am afraid that he would cry and run away with his silver city on his shoulders.


When the doctor arrived at the scene, he thought it was another violent law enforcement incident, but seeing the solitary pitch-black lung, he had an epiphany.

This is certainly not violent law enforcement.

This is terrible law enforcement.


The surveillance in the interrogation room here is not broken, and there are three witnesses in the observation room.

However, if something like this happened, Locke and Carrie would definitely not be able to stay in the police station. After all, when the people from the Internal Affairs Department came over later, they would have nothing to say.

So, the two said their goodbyes and left.

Back to the hotel.

Carrie drank the juice to relieve the nausea that still existed, and looked at Locke, who was pouring bourbon at the bar: "Tonight, do you still want to do it?"

That's how the script was originally written.

Locke held the wine glass and looked at Carrie: "Do you think this is the case?"

Carrie came over, sat on the high stool, and shook her head: "How is it possible, Anila just woke up before leaving. There is no magic power to support her to curse a person and make him sick."

And it starts with cancer.

I'm not even that stupid.

Carrie still remembered that when she first awakened, the magical power of awakening was at most like breaking a spoon and making a person have a nosebleed or something.

"A curse like this."

Carrie pondered for a few seconds before saying, "At least, she has found her source of strength, or in other words, she has become an official Salem witch."

And it must be the kind of witch who has her own teacher.

Having power is one thing.

How to use it is another matter.

Carrie said: "Besides, this is a curse. Curse is the most difficult magic to master among witches. Teacher Harkness said that the difficulty of curse is even higher than that of resurrection."

To bring the dead back to life, the most is to go to the dimension of hell and fight, as long as the soul is not Mephisto's fancy, or if the soul has not passed through the gate of hell, it can be pulled back, even if it is fancy by the devil, A fight with the devil, that's all.

But curse?
Especially the curse similar to lung cancer, which is much more complicated than bringing the dead back to life.

After all, cursing lung cancer is to change a person's life form. As we all know, creation is far more difficult than destruction.


Carrie shrugged and said, "The magic power of the curse does not belong to Anila either. I know her awakened magic power breath."

Locke nodded: "So, this Mullen is just a scapegoat."

Carrie added: "Also, a perfect scapegoat."

Busson Katz is dead.

Ian Mullen is also dead.

The most important thing is that the testimonies of these two people can be compared with each other. At least, if they are manipulated like this, from the perspective of law enforcement, the case has come to an end.

Locke shook his head: "So, that's why I respect the law, but I don't believe in the law unconditionally."

A person, if he obeys the law, it means that he is a scumbag.

It's the same as it is now.

Was the killer Ian Mullen?
Obviously not.

The murderer may not be Jim Lord, but it certainly will not be Ian Mullen, but someone else, but, from a legal point of view, there are corpses, there are prisoners, and the suspect is in the immediate vicinity. Pleaded guilty before dying.

From a certain point of view, Jim Lord is not a scumbag, he is even worse than a scumbag.

Scumbags at least know how to abide by the law. This guy is completely treating the law like plasticine, and he can rub it as he wants.

Carrie's hair color began to change.

From blonde to white.

"I'll go now!"

"Not urgent!"


Locke looked at Carrie and smiled, "I'm playing."

Under normal circumstances, when Locke faced such an unworkable situation, he would directly choose to flip the table, but this is not a normal situation.

"Current bonus value: 20% (up to 100%)"

It seems that this task directly counts his game with Jim Lord into the bonus.

Locke found the body, plus ten percent.

Jim Lord handed over the murderer directly, plus [-]%.

What's next?

Turning the table directly, at most, the bonus is probably only 40.00%.

Obviously I can get 50W points, but I only get back 20W?

Does this sound like a word?

Whenever I have a bonus task, isn't the bonus coefficient set to [-]%?
Carrie was slightly taken aback, and frowned: "Aren't you going back to New York, going skiing in Canada with Gwen, Cindy and Kahn?"

Locke looked at Carrie: "Don't worry, it won't take long."


The sky is big and the earth is big, and the task is the biggest.

As for Gwen?

Locke smiled: "Gwen will understand."

Listening to Locke's answer, Carrie frowned and shook her head thinking about what Betty had said to her in private: "I think Gwen might not understand."


Gwen sat in her bedroom, looked at Locke who was videoing with her, and blinked: "Didn't it mean that the suspect has been caught?"

Moreover, the autopsy report of Buson Katz was also expedited by George, and it took a whole morning to make it.

Let's say that.

The forensic doctor did not directly say suicide, but said that the first autopsy ruled out the possibility of non-suicide.

If you say suicide and the result is wrong, it will be a blow to the reputation of the forensic doctor. If it is serious, those suspects who are convicted by the forensic autopsy can use this loophole as an excuse to directly appeal to the court and say their case It was also a misjudgment.

This is the same reason a police detective is convicted and the case he solves needs to be filtered from beginning to end.

However, forensic medicine is very rigorous, but basically, such a statement is tantamount to saying that Busson Katz committed suicide.

Locke listened to Gwen's words: "Did Cop talk to George?"

Gwen nodded: "Yes, Dad said that the fingerprints detected on the corpse are consistent with the suspect. Specifically, Dad didn't tell me."

Locke nodded and said, "The suspect died on the spot after he finished speaking."



Gwen frowned and said, "You suspect that he is a scapegoat?"

Locke shrugged and said, "It's not impossible, so I might have to stay for two more days."

Gwen frowned and thought for a while: "Then, should I talk to Cindy and Kahn to delay my trip to Canada?"

"Need not."


"I'll go back on the 31st at the latest, and I'll stay for three more days. Don't worry, I won't miss the New Year's Eve with you."

It will be next year.

From a certain point of view, if Locke and Gwen went to the New York City Hall to argue for a certificate, if they waited until next year, George and Helen's signatures would not be needed.


Gwen smiled at the other end of the video, nodded and said, "Then you pay attention to safety."

"I will."

Locke smiled slightly, and then chatted with Gwen for a while, then hung up the phone.

new York.

After Gwen hung up the phone, she tied her big ponytail and looked at the photo of him and Locke on the phone. She had already asked for leave with Dr. Conners, and she was waiting for Locke to come back tomorrow. Then, she could have time Tired and crooked together.

"never mind."

Gwen flicked her long ponytail, and then looked at a spider that was spinning a web in a small glass breeding room next to the computer.

If you look carefully, you will find that the spider is not only not scary, but even a little cute.

There is something to say.

A white cover a hundred ugliness.

Although the spider is still the same spider, but because she is mutated white, not only does she not look scary, but she is a little cute.

Locke nodded at the glass cultivation chamber.

The mutated white spider inside seemed to have discovered something, flew up, and took a bite at the glass.

Gwen frowned: "Bad thing, don't try to bite me again."

Get up.

Gwen walked towards the door.

This mutated white spider was discovered by Gwen about a month ago, that is, when she was going to Long Island with Locke the next day. When she was cleaning the laboratory, she accidentally found that the spider was not I know where it fell on her hand.

And bit her.

Gwen was on the verge of tears.

Fortunately, the spider is white and looks cute. If it was black, even if it was fluffy, Gwen would slap her down and send her to hell.

But who makes her cute?

Therefore, after debridement of the wound, Gwen asked someone from the laboratory to take a glass cultivation chamber, and then kept it in the laboratory as a pet.

Isn't it a holiday?

Gwen just brought it back. Although the people in the laboratory can help her feed it, but if the people in the laboratory can feed it, they may do some bad things with this poor spider.

She didn't want to hear the bad news about the white spider after returning from vacation.


(End of this chapter)

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