Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 30 Don't shoot, I'm a hostage (please collect, please recommend!)

Chapter 30 Don't shoot, I'm a hostage (please collect, please recommend!)
Outside the textile factory!

The New York Police Department looked at the dilapidated textile factory in front of it as if it had experienced a small-scale war, and pulled out their weapons in unison, ready to stand.


Almost 3 minutes behind George, Inspector Kate Beckett, who rushed to the scene, got out of the car, hunched over, wearing body armor, and ran to George's side: "How is it?"

George pointed to the car that was still burning at the gate of the textile factory.

Accompanied by the sound of firecrackers exploding from time to time, the four letters of the looming license plate are clearly visible.

This should be the real Audi R8.


Scrapped again.

George felt amused, and at the same time, worried that his daughter had also ridden in Locke's Audi R8.

According to Locke's scrapping speed, there is no guarantee that one day, when his daughter is also in the car, suddenly, it will be scrapped again, right?

……and many more!
George shook his head and threw the picture out of his mind.

Will not.

Locke seemed to be just unlucky.

at this time.

Accompanied by that unique alarm bell, the Special Service Team of the New York Police Department arrived at the scene in an armored vehicle.


Seeing this, George said to the police officers who rushed over, "The criminals we are dealing with are very dangerous, so be careful!"


"Roger that!"


Armed to the teeth, two special service teams, with a total of sixteen members in the front, were the first to rush towards the textile factory under the cover of a row of bulletproof shields in front.


When everyone entered the textile factory, they were completely shocked by the sight that caught their eyes.

In the textile factory at this moment, it cannot be said that there are few people, but it can also be said that there are corpses everywhere and blood flowing into rivers.



It should be a few inexperienced police officers. Seeing that the ground was almost turning into a stream of blood, they couldn't help retching a few times.

All the police officers were strained to the extreme.

But the strange thing is that the textile factory seems to be very quiet.

"Special Service, charge forward!"


"Kate, you lead a team of police officers to the left, and I will lead people to the right!"

"it is good."

George directly made a gesture with the people behind, and then slowly rushed directly to the right.

But whether it was George, or Kate, or the secret service team, what they encountered was nothing but corpses all over the floor.

After the three groups reunited, their gazes turned to a warehouse-like building in front of them.

After entering.

It is the textile workshop used by the textile factory to deceive people.

But at this moment, the textile workshop is in a mess, but the same thing is that there are countless corpses here, and there are not many good textile machines left.


Seeing this, Kate finally couldn't help but said, "Is this the crime hunter alone?"

How is this possible?
There is really no logic at all. No matter how strong one person is, he may be able to face ten people without weakness, but the corpses here are not as simple as ten.

George said in a deep voice: "There is no evidence that Evil Hunter has a team, or likes teamwork."

During the two years that Sin Hunter was active in Texas, he always acted alone.

If there are accomplices, they also use money to lure homeless people to help.

Just like this time.

It is precisely because Evil Hunters like to act alone and never get along with groups, so until now, the information about Evil Hunters is basically based on the psychological profile of the FBI.

That is to say, when he was about 25 to 35 years old, he lived alone, and he might have a house with his parents. He was lonely since he was a child, and he didn't have many friends. Because of this, no one noticed him.

At first, George also used this information to describe the character and appearance of his evil hunter in his heart.


After George had dealt with the evil hunter, George subconsciously discovered that part of this mental profile was wrong.

At least a little bit wrong.

The evil hunter he had seen with his own eyes was not aloof at all.

at this time.

The police officers who were walking in the textile workshop raised their guns one after another, and looked at the third floor where there was a sudden movement.

George and Kate and the secret service team leader exchanged glances.

Boom boom boom!
The members of the secret service team rushed into the room of the Destiny Spinning Machine with explosion-proof shields.

next second.

The muzzles of the guns were pointed at Locke, who was handcuffed to a water pipe not far away, his feet were also tied, and even his mouth was stuffed with cloth strips.

The movement just now was caused by Locke hitting the water pipe with his head.


George, who came in with the secret service team, saw Locke's eyes light up over there, shouted, and then motioned for others to quickly explore the rather large room, and then ran to Locke's side with Kate.


After George took off the cloth strip, Locke gasped heavily.

"Be patient."

Kate looked at Locke, said something, and then pointed the pistol directly at the handcuffs: "Bang!"

Hearing the gunshot, Locke couldn't help but move.




After a search by the special service team, they repeatedly sent security calls, and there was no sound of the enemy.


I'm afraid they are too late.

The evil hunter has run away.

Locke also gave an assist at this time: "Why did you come here, that guy left about 10 minutes ago."

George's face was a little ugly.


been played.

at this time.

When Kate helped Locke get up, she saw a booklet and a phone that fell from Locke's arms.

at this time.

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone that fell on the ground rang.

George and Kate looked at each other.

Locke said: "When that guy left just now, he stuffed this brochure and phone into my arms. I thought it was a time bomb, so I didn't dare to move."

George bent down and picked up the phone.

Kate said in a deep voice, "Don't answer."

If it's a phone remote control bomb that explodes after being connected, then it's over.


George connected directly to the phone.

The police officer next to him couldn't help being startled, but he was relieved to see that there were no explosive flames coming out from all around.

George's phone was on speakerphone.

A voice similar to a synthetic voice came out, and he laughed twice: "I thought, you dare not answer the phone."

George and Kate made a gesture, signaling to contact the main office immediately and trace the phone signal from here.


The synthesized voice over there finished speaking: "This time there are too many sinners, and there are not enough cards. However, this booklet can explain all of this. Remember, I never kill innocent people." Then hung up the phone.


 It's Tuesday, begging for new data!

(End of this chapter)

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