Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 299 No USB flash drive? (The first update, please book in full!!)

Chapter 299 No USB flash drive? (The first update, please book in full!!)
Express 12 years ago?

That hapless courier?

So, he came to Xingchen Building, and the unlucky client he wanted to find, who had been waiting for him for 12 years, was me?

Locke raised his eyebrows, took a small box from the guard's hand, and was patched with tape, and fixed his eyes.

Rock Broughton, Silver City Children's Nursing Home, Galveston, Texas.

Is it really me?

Locke looked at the blurry words on it and blinked.


The doorman seemed to have thought of something, took out an envelope from his pocket, and handed it to Locke: "Mr. Broughton, this is what the man wanted me to deliver, saying that this is his letter of apology for making you wait for 12 years."

Locke hummed and took the envelope: "Is there any more?"


"Thank you."

Locke smiled slightly, re-entered the elevator, and pressed the floor button.

After Locke returned home, he threw the key into the candy bowl bought this year to hold Halloween candy, and then shook the box in his hand, there was a sound of frame, nothing special.

As for this letter?

Locke snorted and tore it apart.

A sincere and well-written courier's apology letter to the courier who was late for 12 years. .

You're sorry yo-yo.

What the hell is this?

Locke threw the letter of apology in his hand aside, and then directly took the fruit-cutting knife, and cut off the tape that came and went on the old box.

next second.

With a snap, a letter and a USB flash drive fell directly into Locke's hands.


"This USB flash drive?" Locke grabbed a USB flash drive that looked like a USB flash drive in his hand, blinked, and blinked at the USB flash drive in his hand. It didn't look like an excuse for USB, nor did it look like an interface for anything else. Eyes: "What the hell is this?"

This should be a USB drive.

Locke squeezed the USB flash drive in his hand, but he can guarantee that there is no USB flash drive that the system can poke into on the market. He thought so, and then his eyes fell on the letter that fell down.


"Hello, my son, I'm Lorraine..."


Locke just opened the letter in his hand, looked at the line of words on the head, subconsciously closed the letter, and then, with a violent sentence, threw himself far away.

Shet, let this ghost linger?

Locke wiped his face, looked at the fallen letter, and drank the bourbon in his cup.

Frankly speaking, he had some small expectations.


Twelve years ago, at that time, Locke was only five years old, who would send me something special.

Locke looked at the ceiling in a daze, so what was he expecting just now?

Is it the mystery of unboxing?

Locke shook his head, then, looking down at the U disk in his hand and the letter that fell on the ground, his eyes flickered slightly.

It feels like Pandora's box again.

Locke complained inwardly. It took him a lot of energy to wipe out the problems left by Lorraine Broughton. He just said that when he successfully turned Lorraine Broughton into a literal character again, the result was that the letter Came here with this ghost thing.

It's a bit of a coincidence.

Locke's eyes flickered, he got up, grabbed the letters that fell on the ground, and squeezed the USB flash drive in his hand, and went directly to the study room, turned on the phone, and began to inquire about the express airline that crashed 12 years ago.

There is no need to spend too much energy looking for it, because this matter can be regarded as hot news. The courier’s hometown, Los Angeles, has already organized a column, and even the courier has signed a contract with the Los Angeles Daily , written exclusively about him in his Desert Island Diary by the Los Angeles Journal.

The accuracy of the information is quite high.

and so.


This letter should have been sent to him 12 years ago, but because the express plane crashed, it has been delayed until now.


12 years ago, there was no computer that could plug this thing in.

Locke looked at the thing that looked like a USB flash drive in his hand, squinted his eyes, and finally his eyes fell on the letter.

"Hello, my son, I am Lorraine Broughton."

"Sorry to greet you on your birthday in such a way."

"But mom..."



Locke directly closed the letter in his hand, and with a shake of his right hand, he found a wooden box, and then threw it in together with the letter and the USB flash drive, and locked it in the safe in the study with a click. inside.

the next day.

Today, after changing into a pink down jacket and wearing a cute hat with rabbit ears, Gwen was taken aback and looked at Locke in the driver's seat: "What's wrong with you?"

Locke yawned and looked at Gwen curiously.

The corner of Gwen's mouth rose: "Have you looked in the mirror when you got up today? It's rare to see you as if you haven't slept all night?"

Locke looked at himself in the rearview mirror.

It seems that there is indeed some mental malaise.

out of the way.

Locke smiled, started the car, and headed towards the location agreed by Cindy and Kahn.

He did not sleep all night last night.

After all, Locke doesn't like secrets. He searched the Internet for a long time, but he couldn't find anything that could match the U disk interface of the wooden box.

As for that letter?
Locke also watched it later. After all, if you don't read it, it means you care, and you must watch it.

But just like that letter of apology, it has nothing to say, nothing to say, a bunch of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. .

The results of it?
After writing this letter, it will be G.

Locke sighed, so ah, it's not the protagonist, don't throw flags if it's okay, it's okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, it can't even save your own life.

As for what this U disk is.

Did not mention.

Lorraine Broughton just said in the letter that she hoped that Locke would keep it and not show it to others, because this was the amulet she gave to Locke.

Your son is five years old, you fucking gave us a USB flash drive.


At that time, did the U disk come out?
Locke was a little speechless, so in order to find out what this thing was, he spent a whole night searching on the Internet. As a result, with his power of both underworld and white ways, he couldn't find an answer.

This is amazing.

When Locke and Gwen arrived at the restaurant, Kahn and Cindy, who were supposed to arrive earlier than them, might arrive later because their car broke down halfway.

While waiting at the restaurant.

Gwen pushed Locke and blinked: "What happened, Locke."

She swears to God, this was the first time she had seen Locke look tired in the morning, so Gwen was worried.

Locke looked at Gwen and smiled: "You know, the courier to the Star Building?"

Gwen nodded.

next second.

Gwen opened her mouth wide and looked at Locke in surprise: "Isn't it for you?"

Locke nodded: "Correct guess, but no bonus, it was sent by Lorraine Broughton."

"and then?"


Locke took out the thing that looked like a USB flash drive from his pocket with his right hand: "I checked the information all night to find out what this thing is."

Gwen took over and looked at it: "This is not U...Huh?"

Locke looked at Gwen, who also changed his eyes, and said with a smile, "Isn't it weird?"

Gwen nodded, looking at the small but metallic USB flash drive in his hand: "Didn't I tell you what it is?"

Locke shook his head: "Say it, the amulet."

Could it be the amulet containing the ICA member list information?

Locke suddenly thought of what Mrs. A said when he shot Mrs. A.


The ICA has been uprooted by him, and even the whole of London, this year, is facing a storm of political and public opinion because of the ICA.

Gwen smiled, and handed the USB drive back to Locke: "Since it's an amulet, you should keep it safe."

Locke didn't answer the call, and put away the USB drive.

The reason why he kept the USB flash drive was to know what was in the USB flash drive. When he figured it out, the USB flash drive could be scrapped directly.


Locke thought of a good way.

Spend some money, find a supplier, ask him to face this U disk interface, and give him an alternative USB interface to connect to the computer, wouldn't it be enough?
This proposal is good, but unrealistic.

After all, this is not a problem of the size of the interface, but a problem of transmitting data, and it has been 12 years, who knows if the things inside will be turned into ashes directly after the operation fails.

"Where are you going after dinner?"

"The Chesters."

"Christmas Eve today, Locke!"

"I know."

Locke looked at Gwen's face and smiled, as if thinking of something: "By the way, Christmas Eve, I almost forgot."


Locke took out the phone directly.



"Are you at Chester this afternoon?"


"Then wait for me, I have something for you."

"……it is good."

Locke put down the phone, looked at Gwen staring directly into his eyes, and said with a smile: "Chester's Christmas gift for me and Carrie is at home, let me go and get it, and by the way, take Carrie's gift Give it too."

Gwen nodded: "I didn't say anything else."

at this time.

Kahn and Cindy also walked in from outside.


Locke took down two blue and one red gift boxes from the location Chester said on the phone, and then handed the red gift box to Carrie: "Chester asked me to give it to you." .”

Carrie took the gift box and blinked at Locke: "Locke, are you free for winter vacation?"

Locke, who was about to unwrap presents: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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