Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 269 Quantum Fluctuation Reading (Part 2, please book in full!!)

Chapter 269: Quantum Fluctuation


In the Xingchen Building, Locke, who was sitting at the bar and waiting for the guests to come, put down the phone in his hand, then, with a chuckle, he shook his head: "Boring!"

The call just now was from Yegorov.

Holding the wine glass, Locke walked over to the sofa, turned on the TV on the wall, and tuned to the TV platform on the Washington side. What caught his eye was the appearance of the oval building.

The spokesperson of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, who appeared on the TV screen, opened fire on Moscow with righteous words, accusing Lubyanka of brazenly cooperating with the espionage actions taken in New York City last night.

no doubt.

This is mouth cannon.

However, the media also like to hear such talk, especially in this matter, which also involves Lubyanka, one of the three giants in the espionage world, the interest of many media is very high.

When I heard the spokesperson of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue say that one of their agents died tragically on the spot, I was instantly angry.

And then……

After hearing that Lubyanka had left at least a dozen corpses behind, he was instantly ebullient again.

If it is a one-to-zero ratio, then the media will undoubtedly spray 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to death.

But twelve to one?

That's great.

The media reporters' eyes suddenly brightened, and they almost couldn't wait to start asking questions. Some even called the reporters of their own TV station in Moscow while asking questions.

What time is it, are you still sleeping?
Hurry up to Lubyanka, there is big news.

"Jingle Bell!"


"Mr. Broughton, a Mr. Anonymous, he said, has an appointment with you?"

"Let him come up."


after awhile.

Locke stood at the door, looked at Mr. Anonymous who came out of the elevator, and said curiously: "If I didn't let you come up just now, would you find a way to come up?"

Mr. Anonymous took off his sunglasses, with the same smile on his face.

"will not."


"That means that our fate to meet for the third time has not arrived yet."

"Please come in."

"Thank you."

Anonymous thanked him, walked into Locke's apartment, and then, his eyes fell on the two glasses of bourbon that had been poured on the sofa and coffee table, and he laughed: "If Superintendent Stacey sees it, I don't know what will happen ?”

Locke closed the door behind his back and smiled, "My home and Gwen's apartment, these two places, George won't trouble me."

Mr. Anonymous nodded, watched the news broadcast on the big TV on the wall, and sat down: "Last night, New York City seemed very lively, but unfortunately, many people didn't know about it."

Locke also went to the sofa, sat down, picked up his wine glass, watched that it was already on the TV, and rushed towards Lubyanka quickly, live broadcasting the reporter screen of the first news, and took a sip of the wine in the glass: "very Obviously, Mr. Anonymous does not belong to this group of many people, does he?"

Anonymous also picked up the wine glass in his hand, raised his head slightly: "What about you, Locke, do you want to be that many people?"

Talking is artistic enough.

Locke thought secretly, and then looked at Anonymous with some curiosity.

Anonymous took a sip of the wine in his glass, said good wine, and then said: "Last time, you said that you wanted to know my name, and I said, you will know when we officially meet for the third time, but, you Are you sure you want to know my name?"

This word...

The implication is already obvious.

The name of the CIA agent, the real name, if it is not a family member, then the comrades in the same trench are left, or the enemy who knows him best.

Locke's expression was in place, he opened his mouth, and smiled haha: "I feel that this is a question that is not easy to answer."


Anonymous is very easy-going. After this question was thrown out, he smiled and eased the tension for a moment. Then, he looked at Locke and said, "Locke, do you know your background?"

Locke leaned on the sofa, looked at the anonymous person sitting on the left sofa, and said casually, "I'm not interested."

Anonymous raised his eyebrows.

Locke looked around his apartment and said to Anonymous: "Look at me, do I need to know?"

He now has a car, a house and a manuscript.

If there is no accident, the future wife should have a good figure, good looks, and an extraordinary IQ. Moreover, his wife's family is also a senior police officer of the New York City law enforcement giant New York Police Department.


Locke looked at the unknown person: "Compared to recalling the bitterness of being alone in the past, I look forward to the unknown and mysterious glory of the future, but you seem to care more about my past than I do, don't you?"

If you want to play Zen machine, I will play with you.

Too mature and steady, too monstrous?

In New York City, 16-year-old Locke sued the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. Is it evil enough?

Poseidon, Locke incarnated as the savior, is it evil enough?
On the sea, Locke chopped down a big shark with his bare hands, is it evil enough?

On Lake Cali, Locke sniped three or five vampires. Is it evil enough?
If at this moment, Locke pretended to be that innocent and ignorant teenager, it would be called a problem. Right now, this is just Locke's normal performance.


Born as an orphan, he has been very mature and stable since he was a child. These are all historical records.

Anonymous took out a stack of documents from his arms and placed them in front of Locke: "This is your mother's documents. You can choose to read them or not."

If you read it, you can continue.

If you don't look at it, it means that it's a waste of time.

Locke's eyes fell on a file folder that also had no cover on the coffee table in front of him.

next second.

Locke raised his head, glanced at Nameless, and then, under the gaze of Nameless, picked up the file folder.

With a few bangs, about a dozen pages of materials were reclosed.

Locke threw the information on the coffee table again, looked at Anonymous: "Look at it."

Anonymous couldn't help but shook his head. In fact, he had already thought of Locke's resentment because he was abandoned since he was a child. That's why he intentionally or unintentionally made Locke feel that he wanted to recruit him in the previous two contacts. of.


Still very resistant.

The Nameless sighed inwardly, glanced at Locke, got up without putting away the materials, and walked towards the door.

at this time.

"Lorraine Broughton, female. Born on May 16, [-], from Gauteng Province, South Africa, [-] years old, recruited by the CIA."

"The first mission was carried out on February 12, 21. On February [-], [-], a riot broke out in Baixiang's election, and [-] Allah believers were killed. Among them, they were suspected of having close ties with a certain organization. People died in this riot."

"The second mission was in November of the same year, also in the same month. On November 27, Colombian Airlines Flight 11 crashed at Madrid Barajas Airport. Intelligence showed that there was a defected CIA agent. It's not there either, it's on that plane."



"In 6, another mission, good guy, go to London, and let London MI6 find out, recruit her, let her become an agent of MI[-]..."

Locke leaned on the sofa without looking back, his tone was light, like a mechanical repeater.

Anonymous, who was about to leave over there, stopped, came back, took off his sunglasses again, sat back on the sofa, and looked at Locke: "Where did you get this information?"

Locke stopped the repeater and looked at Anonymous: "You told me, you just let me read the information, didn't you?"

The Nameless frowned: "You just..."

Locke smiled, nodded his head, and then pointed to his eyes: "Self-created, quantum fluctuation reading, combined with my Western memory method, is unparalleled in the world."

To be precise.

It should be unforgettable.


Quantum fluctuation reading, it sounds very compelling and high-end, doesn't it?

Good guy.

Locke actually read the information given by Lubyanka last night, but the above information also shows that Lorraine Broughton has been Russian since childhood.

But it's too fake.

After all, Lorraine Broughton doesn't look like a hairy girl.

But today's CIA's original data surprised Locke.

Frankly speaking, he thinks that he is already a very open-minded person thinking that he is eating the food of the CIA and doing the mission of the KGB at the same time.

It's still small.

Feelings This Lorraine Broughton is not a double agent, but a triple agent.

Growth and the CIA, and then lurked into MI[-], and then pretended to be instigated by the KGB. In the end, the ending was that the CIA became the one who had the last laugh.

This works!
Gee tut.

Could it be called a legendary spy?


Locke secretly said in his heart, he can also add a Mossad.

You Mossad can't be undercover too.

No matter how bad it is, damn it, it's impossible for the dragon group to go undercover.

Although he didn't care about Lorraine Broughton, that was because he didn't care about Lorraine Broughton, his so-called biological mother's identity. He still cared a lot about Lorraine Broughton's achievements.

Isn't it a three-faced spy?

The spy on three sides is legendary?


I can be five, six.

As long as there are tasks.

Locke thought so.

And Mr. Anonymous, was already slightly shocked. Sitting on the sofa, there was a feeling. Suddenly, he thought it was a pile of treasures, but he found out that this is not a pair of treasures. This is clearly the rhythm of a pile of treasures.

Locke sipped the wine in his glass, then, looking at the still-shocked Nameless, he chuckled and asked, "Mr. Nameless, are you sure you're here to recruit me this time?"


(End of this chapter)

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