Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 23 Do you shoot a gun (please collect, please recommend!)

Chapter 23 Do you shoot a gun (please collect, please recommend!)
"I'm sorry."


In Gwen's room, Gwen looked at Locke who was about to come back to get the bag, and then left, spread his hands, and explained with a sigh: "My father is good at everything, but he is too impulsive and has a strong sense of justice. No matter what kind of case, as long as it falls into his hands, he will rush to the forefront, you don't know how worried my mother and I are."

Gwen and Helen, I hope this time can teach George a lesson!
That is, if what George faced last night was not a crime hunter, but other serial killers or other terrorists, what would happen to a policeman who went straight up without a body armor or even support? .

Just look in front of the NYPD Memorial Wall.

There are many.

This is not Helen and Gwen standing on the side of the evil hunters, but speaking with facts.

Locke smiled, took the casual suit jacket on Gwen's coat rack, and put it on: "Because of police officers like Mr. Stacy, we can enjoy a safe life, can't we? Mr. Stacy is a A man worthy of admiration."


Admiration is nothing but admiration, but Gwen and Helen wanted to make George change his character through this matter, and Locke felt that it was impossible.

Successful people come in all shapes and sizes. They may have different personalities, but they all have one thing in common.

adhere to!

Like Locke.

In his assassination career, Locke also guaranteed the success rate of each assassination. He did not run or miss an order in any order he received.

So did George.

The cases that were handed over to George all ended in closure.

Let's say that.

The old sheriff who has been in New York for more than ten years, if he doesn't have a few unsolved cases that he has handled, it is impossible.

But George is different. They are all closed cases and there are no unsolved cases.

From this point of view, when George seemed to look at Locke and said "I know we are the same kind of people", he was actually right.

He and George are indeed the same kind of people, but they chose different paths.


Gwen watched as he put on his coat, and passed Locke's backpack over: "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

Locke said, "Go to the traffic management office."

The personalized license plate he applied for came out. In fact, it came out on the day he bought the car, but who told him that the car had already been scrapped before he went to the municipal government.

And twice.

Tomorrow is Sunday, so it should be fine.

Locke is confident.

Gwen's eyes lit up: "It's just right, let's go together."

Locke looked at Gwen.

Gwen smiled and said, "My driver's license is also ready. I was going to let my dad take it home, but..."

It is estimated that George will not have time to go.

Locke nodded: "Okay, then you plan to give it to me tomorrow, and I will pick you up."

As classmates, it is necessary to help each other.

not to mention.

Locke also ate Helen's meal twice.


Just when Locke was about to go out, George, who should have just lay down for a long time, came down the stairs and looked at Locke: "Do you want to go back?"

I'd like to stay overnight, will you?
Locke nodded: "Yes, Mr. Stacey, you are..."

George put on his coat: "The report from the bureau came out, just in time, give me a ride on the way, drink, don't mind."

Locke shrugged: "Of course not."

Then Locke said goodnight to Gwen and Helen, and then went out with George.

The silver Audi R8, with a speed of [-] mph, refused any speeding ticket.

Locke was driving, and George seemed to be on the phone with someone from the Bureau in the passenger seat.

Has Firefox's identity been found out?

so fast.

At this time, shouldn't the textile factory be busy wiping their buttocks and refuse to stare at them?

Locke thought so in his heart.


After George hung up the phone, he looked at the scenery outside the window and said casually, "Do you like playing with guns?"

Locke glanced at George: "Of course I like guns, men should like them."

George nodded: "Have you played?"

Locke said: "When I was in Texas, I used to hunt and play."

George smiled and said, "Shall we go to the shooting range next weekend?"

Locke looked at George: "Really, great, thank you, Mr. Stacy."

The words fall.

The NYPD is also here.

"Then it's settled."

After George got out of the car, he said to Locke before closing the door, "You and I, don't tell Gwen and Helen, this is an agreement between men."

Locke nodded: "I will keep my promise."

after awhile.

Locke got back on the road.

Did George find anything?

Locke raised his right hand and looked at it. This hand was very smooth, very much in line with the hand a 16-year-old boy should have, not the kind of callused right hand that is proficient in "spear swinging".

His shots are all directly added points.

A real sharpshooter, needs a lot of bullets to feed.

But Locke doesn't need to...

dark blue...

Upgrade it and get it straight away.

It is completely nonsense to judge Locke's occupation or something based on Locke's physical characteristics.

So George sent him to the shooting range?
Locke thought of a possibility, and then, couldn't help smiling, shook his head.

the next day.

After Locke waited for Gwen's call, he drove Gwen to the New York vehicle management office.

after awhile.

After Gwen got his driver's license, Locke also got his own license plate number from the staff.

Locke grabbed the tool, squatted in front of his vehicle, and fixed the license plate on the hard-won Audi R8.

License plate number.


Gwen looked at it for a while, and couldn't turn the corner: "Is this the abbreviation of some word?"

Locke nodded: "Of course."

Gwen blinked, and quickly flipped through her vocabulary, trying to find out what kind of abbreviation these four letters were.


Got nothing.

Locke looked at Gwen's expression and smiled.


Locke cheated!

Straight to the point, clear at a glance.

Gwen thought for a while, put aside his thoughts for the time being, and congratulated Locke: "Congratulations, I finally got the license plate. This time, it shouldn't be a scrap car anymore. After all, it's been 24 hours now."

The first car, in less than ten hours, a corpse fell from the sky, smashed on the car, and was scrapped in an instant!

The second car, which seemed to be less than eight hours old, exploded on the ground amidst a hail of bullets, and was instantly scrapped.

This is the third car.

And finally persisted for 24 hours.

Locke glanced at the time on the watch, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Yeah, it's not easy, I finally survived the golden 24 hours."

Gwen covered her mouth and wanted to laugh: "Then you have to cherish it."

Locke nodded: "I will."


 have a great weekend guys

(End of this chapter)

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