Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 220 Helping Arthur Get Out (Chapter 6, Please Book Now!!!)

Chapter 220 Helping Arthur Get Out
Arthur killed his master.

To be precise, Arthur chose after receiving the company's order to kill Harry, and ended up with his master.

at the moment?

Not to mention letting Arthur retire, maybe, the people from the killer company are already thinking about whether to solve Arthur, who has become an unstable factor, in advance.

Killers are actually similar to agents.

In the eyes of some people, they are all tools, even tools that may backfire, are bad tools and need to be repaired or cleaned up in time.

Today, Arthur, has become an unstable tool.

Even if the source of this unstable factor was caused by themselves, it was Arthur who accepted their task and ended his master's life with his own hands.

Therefore, it is impossible to retire formally.

Then there is one path to retirement.

Get away with feigning death.

However, this feigned death escape is not so easy to perform. After all, their company is in the business of accidental murder. Whether it is a feigned death or not can be known clearly at a glance.

and so……

Arthur found Harry's son, Steve.

"I checked."

Arthur turned his head and glanced at the room, then touched his face, looked again at Locke wearing sunglasses, sniffed, and said, "I asked those who played the game, you know, why did Harry Want to gamble?"

Locke said, "Because his son Steve is the mastermind?"

Arthur froze for a moment and glanced at Locke.

Locke shrugged: "New York, after all, is already my territory. I may not know what I don't want to know, but if I want to know something, no one can hide it from me."

Arthur came back to his senses, and didn't bother with this, and nodded: "Yes, it's Steve who is in charge."

Locke snorted.

Why Harry's son Steve played the game is not very important. Anyway, he played the game for money, and after Harry died, Steve withdrew all the money on Harry's bank card.


When Arthur sent him back to Harry's old house, how did he tell Arthur that there was no money on the bank card, and even, because he couldn't pay the inheritance tax, the house would be repossessed by the bank.

Steve didn't seem to know how much money Harry had. As far as Arthur, an actuary, was concerned, it was clear to him.

So Arthur was suspicious at the time.

Then, from the mouths of the group of bad guys who gambled, it turned out that this fat sheep was introduced by Steve.

"He owes a casino in Las Vegas millions."


"Oh, that casino knows who his father is, so he dared to let him owe it."

"I know."

Locke nodded, and the subsequent plot is easy to guess. Facing the early divorce, he has been with his mother, and only followed his son's gambling debts until his mother died of illness. Harry immediately lost his temper and said that he would not give Shi Tiff also has a forge, and even, he will have his will to prove it.

Arthur remembered Steve's special emphasis that he didn't even leave a will, and wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

Harry said it hard, but in fact, if it wasn't for trying to find a way to help Steve repay his gambling debts, he would plunge headlong into the prepared gambling game, and then, because he was afraid of the people in the casino, he would chop off his son, Are you desperate to sell the company's mission information and personnel list?

and so.

Arthur looked at Locke: "Since you already know, how about this favor?"

Locke smiled: "The ancient killer contract, but don't think about it, I taught this, next, if you still want to accept disciples, I can directly refuse, or it will be expensive."

This kind of contract between traditional killers cannot be endless, and it is all aimed at one person. You can't say, you teach me one disciple, and then, I need to teach you five disciples.

Arthur said: "Only if you come here, can he feel that I don't doubt him."

Although Steve wasn't a killer, his father Harry was, and he was a killer of the older generation. Naturally, he had told him some traditions in the killer world.

If it is said that Arthur accepted Steve as a disciple, but no other killer came to fulfill the killer contract, then it can only show that he is not a real disciple.

This will not be conducive to Arthur's own plan.

Locke smiled and looked at Arthur: "Okay, but be careful yourself, don't play it off in the end."

It doesn't matter to him, he has the right to go out for a vacation.

After all, Locke came out twice and encountered trouble twice, but maybe it would be better if he came out wearing sunglasses and wearing a unparalleled assassin?

Fishing crocodiles on this island is also very good.

Entering the living room, Steve, who was watching the American drama "One Hundred Unbelievable Cases of Death" earnestly, looked up at Locke who came in wearing sunglasses. Peerless..."

Steve was thrilled.

After all, when you join the killer industry, the first thing you need to do when someone brings a new killer is to recognize clearly that the top killer in the killer world, don't be a fool who accidentally bumps into the boss.

no doubt.

With Wushuang's current name, he can be called a big boss.

It is said that the name of Wushuang is not only known to the killers, but even most of the people in New York City know it.

Locke glanced sideways at Arthur, walked over directly, pinched Steve's chin with his right hand wearing a leather glove, then turned around and looked at his hands by the way: "Barely, so-so. "

Arthur wanted to act, and Locke acted with him.

After all, he and Arthur were friends, and Steve wasn't his friend.

This sentence also gave Steve an idea, that is, if his aptitude is average, don't even think about learning his top-level profound art, Wushuang Luanwu.

Arthur stood behind and said, "You can make up your mind, I won't interfere."

Locke hummed, walked towards Arthur's backyard, and said without looking back: "Find a Glock, come to the backyard and find me."

Steve froze in place.

Arthur reminded aloud: "Aren't you going soon?"

Steve came back to his senses, looked at Arthur, with some expressions of gratitude on his face, got up quickly, and ran towards the gun room. After a while, he took a Glock and walked out of the backyard.

At this moment, Steve believed that Arthur, he, really trained himself as his heir disciple.

For some reason, Steve breathed a sigh of relief.


The news that Arthur, the mechanic, accepted a disciple spread in the killer world. Many people watched the drama silently. They would not make any comments unless the person involved came out to express his opinion.

However, after hearing the news, Arthur's company looked at each other in dismay.

Originally, the appraiser of their company felt that after Arthur killed his master because of his company's order, his loyalty to the company would decline.

But right now?
Arthur didn't seem to lower his loyalty, and even submitted an entry report to his disciple, Steve McKenna.

This operation is somewhat unexpected.

You know, once Steve also steps into this killer arena, then, it is equivalent to saying that Arthur has personally given the company a handle that can restrain him.



Locke, who has been staying with Arthur for a week and is about to leave today, looked at the photos and information in an envelope just sent here, and smiled: "The temptation is here."

Odson is the middle-aged man in the photo. He is also a killer, and also a mechanic. However, he is a killer who has changed from a mechanic to an administrator.

There is some kind of competitive relationship with Arthur's company. Let's put it this way, the information and personnel lists that Harry sold were all eaten by this guy.

There is no doubt that this is a trial, otherwise, he would not have left a word and appointed Steve McKenna to complete it, if Steve wanted to successfully enter the job.

Arthur didn't take it seriously: "It's indeed time to be a teacher."

He was also afraid that the plan would be protracted. If the car overturned, besides, they were mechanics, and they were playing accidental killings. If it wasn't necessary, no one would find them.

As long as the level of knowledge and theory pass, in fact, the value of force itself is not that important.

not to mention……

Arthur looked at Locke with inexplicable eyes: "You are really training him with your heart."

Locke said: "You said, acting, you have to play a full set."

Over the past week, Steve's marksmanship level has progressed rapidly, all thanks to Locke's training.


Locke glanced at the motorboat driven by Arthur's friend, and patted Arthur on the shoulder: "Don't worry, my friend, I am most proud of my unparalleled marksmanship, but I didn't teach it. His marksmanship is at best comparable to that of the New York police. It's about as good as a sharpshooter from the Department."

While in Texas, he made his living with his extremely accurate marksmanship.

After coming to New York, he made a living by throwing guns like meteors from the sky.


Locke has reached the point where there is no trick to win and there is a trick. With the gun fighting technique in hand, a punch, a palm, and an attack are all as precise and sharp as a bullet.


Locke took the key to the motorboat, stepped directly onto the motorboat, turned his head, and looked at Arthur on the pier: "Goodbye, my friend."



Locke twisted the accelerator, and in an instant, the motorboat rushed out like an arrow.

After Locke took a black flight, arrived at the suburban airport in New Jersey, and replaced his avatar at home, he turned on the computer in the study and went to the Continental Hotel.

A news item has been ejected.

Alderson, while eating in a restaurant, was directly blasted into a hornet's nest by a killer with a double-gun Glock, and died in a miserable state.


(End of this chapter)

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