Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 197 Reincarnation of Dirt? (The first update, please book in full!)

Chapter 197 Reincarnation of Dirt? (The first update, please book in full!)

Hearing this result, Locke and the others in the library looked at each other.

Locke couldn't help but sighed.

shook his head.


"... Locke?"

Come over to read a book together, lest my best girlfriend be Kem, who was not pried away by Cindy. Hearing this sentence, he looked at Locke, looked around, and said in a low voice: "Your words, let I remembered, a few days ago, I learned a sentence in Dongguo language class, and I feel that it is very suitable for you."

Locke came back to his senses and looked at Kem.


"The cat cries for the mouse, fake mercy!"


Locke was stunned for a moment when he heard Kem's words, though his tone was low, but he pronounced them clearly, and then, his face suddenly showed an extremely bright smile.

very good!

Not only will I personally pay for it and charter a flight to take you to Paris, but I promise to dress up and go to Paris to attend your auction.

Jesus came and it didn't work.



"When I bought bourbon yesterday, I won the first prize in the hotel, a three-day trip to Paris with a luxury charter flight. However, Gwen and I are going hunting tomorrow, and we can't go. I will give you this ticket. "

"Don't go."


Kem flicked his ponytail: "My summer vacation activities have been arranged, and I will go to Hawaii with my mother."

Locke was silent for a moment, then, sighed.

Forget it.

If it doesn't work, let's solve it on the spot.

Kem looked at Locke's disappointed expression, was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed a little vigilant: "Locke, you asked me if I wanted to go to Paris since last year, this seems to be the third time, I feel, you What kind of bad idea are you thinking?"

Locke looked up: "No, I just think that your appearance, your temperament, and even every word you say, are so suitable for the temperament of Paris."

If you don't throw you in Paris and experience kidnapping, you won't know what it means to have a misfortune come from your mouth.

In fact.

If it weren't for Kem being Gwen's best friend, frankly speaking, if you change your identity, Kem really wouldn't be able to survive three chapters in Locke's story.

Kem looked at Locke suspiciously.

next second.

Kem raised his little butt, moved towards Gwen who was sitting beside him, waited until it was next to Gwen's little butt, and then whispered to Gwen: "Honey, I feel that Locke seems to have some bad thoughts about me, which is very dangerous, let me declare first, you are my best friend, I will never fall in love with Locke, don't worry."

Locke with beating eyebrows: "..."

Gwen was slightly taken aback, then shook his head speechlessly: "..."

Being interrupted by Kem directly dilutes the impact of the news of the verdict from the Federal Court.

After all, the reason for the influence is only because Nina Bell is also their classmate. Right now, being suddenly defined as a vicious terrorist will still have some influence.

After all.

If you don't have the skin of your classmates, basically, there will be no ups and downs in your mood at all.

In the afternoon, after a few people left the library, they found a luxurious steak shop, and after eating an extremely sumptuous steak buffet, they had forgotten who Nina Bell was.

night time.

Locke grabbed a newspaper he had just bought downstairs, closed the door, took off his coat, poured himself a glass of bourbon, sat on the sofa, and unfolded the newspaper in his hand.

The case was pronounced at noon, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, the New York Times had already published the news of the verdict this time.

Locke also wanted to know why, Nina Bell, was only imprisoned for life and not allowed to be released on parole within ten years.

after all……

The grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner!
Locke can't say that the rain and dew are even in this respect, but it can also be said that the first person killed under the avalanche must be the mastermind.

Nina Bell intends to let Locke die socially because of species discrimination. Naturally, Locke's return is also equal.

Locke's payoff is Nina Bell's physical death.

This is very consistent with the principle that the action of force is mutual.

If you want me to die, there is nothing wrong with me letting you die.

and so……

Locke's big gift bag was prepared for Nina Bell. In that big gift bag, Nina Bell was the mastermind. As for the others, in a word, they were just sinners under the avalanche.

Under the avalanche, not a single snowflake is innocent.

Same here.

Nina Bell's family, and even the group of little blacks who yelled with Nina Bell, since they enjoyed happiness with Nina Bell, then this crime also needs to be borne together.

However, Nina Bell was only sentenced to life imprisonment.

Locke was also curious as to why this was the case.

The New York Daily article solved Locke's confusion.

The first reason that bears the brunt is naturally because of Nina Bell's age.

But that's not the main thing.

The main reason, according to the New York Daily article, seems to be that the district attorney and Nina Bell seem to have reached some kind of agreement.

Because, after the trial ended, Nina Bell's parents said that they would not appeal the result of the trial, facing the side who needed to be sentenced to death.

This means that before long, they will sit in the happy chair and complete their journey to the sky.


Nina Bell's parents seem to have won clemency for their daughter, Nina Bell, from the FBI with their own death and failure to appeal.


It should also be there. After more than two months of torture, the FBI seems to have realized that this is probably an unjust, false and wrongful case.


It is impossible to admit a mistake, if it is a white... Bah, in short, it is impossible for them to admit their mistakes.


Locke touched his chin and nodded secretly: "It may be because of this."

The FBI knew that something was wrong, so, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, they simply reached such an agreement, changing the mastermind into Nina Bell's parents, because as long as the mastermind pleaded guilty, then the evidence that fell from the sky is For real.

This will be a big case that can make the FBI famous.


"Is it affectionate to lick the calf?"

Locke snorted, put down the newspaper in his hand, and drank the wine in his glass: "I'm afraid it's not about the reincarnation of dirt."

After all, Locke knew that Nina Bell's family was from voodoo. Just by looking at the voodoo cheat book, he knew that Nina Bell's family was not that kind of counterfeit, but the real thing.

And voodoo borrows power from hell, and with the power of hell, it is nothing rare to reincarnate in a filthy place.

The key is.

When Locke went to Nina Bell's house to set up the scene last time, he saw the voodoo altar of Nina Bell's family. Obviously, they were not theoretical, but practical.


Locke got up and stretched.

So what if the dirt is reincarnated?
The devil from hell came to New York, hehe, what, it is not Locke's turn to clean up. At this point in time, the supreme mage who prostituted the power of the dark dimension is still alive and well.

The sky is falling, no matter what, it is not Locke's turn to resist.

Tomorrow, I will find someone to leave, go to the airport with the Gwen family, and then fly to Malan County, West Virginia.

the next day.

Locke showed up downstairs in Gwen's apartment on time.

Just right.

He ran into Helen's parents, that is, Gwen's grandparents.

Gwen’s grandparents live on Long Island, New York. They came here this time because it was agreed at the time that George, Helen, and Gwen Locke would go out together. Naturally, the three background panels at home need to live with their grandparents. .

after all……

Although it doesn't take up space to take those three background boards out, if you don't care about it at all, it's not justified.

and so.

Faced with the idea that George Jr. also wanted to go, Locke shrugged helplessly, saying that he was also taken by George by the way. If George hadn't wanted to prove himself, George would definitely not have taken him.

After all, if you take your daughter's boyfriend out, everyone knows who your daughter will turn to.

Originally, George planned to set off with Locke directly, and then, when he came back, he came back alone.

It's a pity that Helen seems to have seen through George's plot, worried about the safety of her future son-in-law, and for the happiness of her eldest daughter, she can only sacrifice her stinky brother at home.


The least stinky brother was hugged by little George, and then got into the car of his grandparents.

"Goodbye, grandma!"

Gwen and his grandmother hugged: "When I come back, I will bring the prey that Locke has brought over to see you, I promise."

Locke, standing next to Gwen, blinked.

what's the situation?
I haven't caught any prey yet, how come, has the prey been allocated?
Grandma smiled cheerfully: "Okay, when the time comes, clean the backyard and make a barbecue."

Gwen nodded heavily.

As for the grandfather, he glanced at George, his face was not very good-looking, and then he glanced at Locke, and nodded kindly.

after awhile.

Locke waited until his grandparents left, and found that George, who was smiling at his father-in-law and mother-in-law just now, looked at him with a bad face at this moment.

none of my business?

Locke felt that he finally found out why, why George always looked at him like a thief.

That's how the feelings themselves come about.


It's not scientific.

You all know how difficult an old man is to deal with, so why, when it's my turn, can't you change yourself and make yourself a good man in my mind?


When is the time for retribution.

Locke sighs!

(End of this chapter)

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