Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 126 Explosive New Year's Start

Chapter 126 Exploding New Year's Start
This is what Locke won.

Since Locke has no idea to say it, and Gwen is not the kind of big mouth, there is no need to say it everywhere.

They are just boyfriend and girlfriend, not husband and wife.

Even if they are husband and wife, Gwen is even more ignorant.

Mother Helen said that life is her own, and there is no need to care what others say, just like Helen's relatives honestly feel that it is too small and shabby to be crowded in that apartment.

Helen and Gwen also said that if we want to compare ourselves with others, then what is the best, we don’t ask for more, we just want to be richer and happier than ordinary people, and let them say what others say.

Helen had always thought the little apartment was fine.

Gwen felt the same way.

Smaller, only the taste of home.

Like the apartment in the Star Building that Locke bought.

Big is big.

But every time when Gwen and Locke video, watching Locke walking in the dark living room, I always feel like watching a horror movie, without any taste of home.

Cindy nodded after listening to Gwen's words: "That's right, I heard from my dad that every time he eats with their boss, he is under a lot of pressure. For the kind of top rich people, eating with them is better than eating on the side of the road." Where's the hamburger?"

Gwen and Locke looked at each other and smiled.

Topped with burgers.

It was specially airlifted, and it is said that it is from a burger restaurant that Tony Stark likes to eat most.

Locke looked around: "Hey, what about Robert and the others?"

Kahn pointed upstairs: "It's up there."

Locke smiled and said, "Still at the poker table?"

Kahn nodded, "When Cindy and I came over, we were already there, and that one, your friend, is Dylan."

Locke raised an eyebrow.

Gwen also asked Cindy over there: "What about Jennifer and Kristen?"

"Not yet."

Cindy turned her head to look and said, "When Kahn and I came over, we walked around and didn't find the two of them."

"Leave them alone, let's eat first."

Locke said so, and looked at Gwen: "After sitting for almost a few hours, I feel hungry."

Gwen laughed: "There are no free expensive drinks here."

Locke shrugged: "I can also eat thousands of dollars of Wagyu, and I can also drink fifty dollars of bourbon. I don't choose."

If you let him buy it, it must be as expensive as it is.

But Locke is really not that particular about what he eats and drinks, and he doesn't feel that he should eat more than how much money he has.

after awhile.

Just as Locke ordered a cup of hot cocoa for Gwen and Cindy, Jennifer and Christine, who had changed into a dress, also came down from the stairs on the second floor.



Jennifer came here and invited Gwen and Cindy: "Christine and I are going to the ballroom, are you going? I heard that there is also a New Year's Eve event in the ballroom."

Cindy and Kahn looked at each other, expressing interest.

"Gwen, are you going?"

"Wait a minute."

Gwen was still thinking about the hot cocoa she was serving immediately, and said to Cindy, "You and Kahn go first, and we'll go find you later."

And she also planned to wait and listen to the captain's New Year's speech.

This is also a good learning opportunity.

Cindy nodded, said okay, and then said to Jennifer and Christine who initiated the invitation: "Then let's go first, the ballroom should be very lively."

Jennifer made an exaggerated expression: "There are too many people."

Cindy pulled Kahn up and said, "Gwen, let's go there first, remember to come to us quickly, we have to count down together."

Gwen smiled.


Before Gwen could say anything, the four people over there had already left with a whoosh and ran away faster than a rabbit.

Gwen looked away, looked at the hot cocoa that was served, and pushed the hot cocoa that was originally for Cindy to Locke: "Shall we go there later?"

Locke is very frank: "Frankly speaking, I don't want to go."

The ballroom is too noisy.

It is the favorite assassination place for many killers, because even if there is no silencer, the assassination in the ballroom can cover up the sound of shooting very well.

His six senses were still slightly touched.

It reminded him that there seemed to be some kind of lurking threat.


Locke has yet to find out what kind of threat it is.

So at this time, try not to go to some adventurous places if you can.

Locke wasn't worried about himself, but he was worried about Gwen.

Holding hot cocoa, Gwen warmed her hands, looked at Locke, and said with a smile, "Then we'll be right here. I heard that there will be a speech from the captain, and a former first-line singer will sing."

Locke nodded.

His original intention was to go back to the room and squat early, but it's okay here.

Locke took in all the pictures in all directions from the corner of his eye.


Locke looked curiously at Dylan who was hooking up with a beautiful woman at the stairs.

And that beauty seems to be a widow.


That beautiful woman has a son, and Dylan is not excluded. If it is not a widow, then it is the Queen of the Sea. There is no third possibility.

after awhile.

Locke looked at Dylan, who was walking down the stairs with a smile on his face, clutching the chips, and shouted.

Seeing this, Dylan walked over.

Locke frowned at Dylan: "What's going on."

Dylan's face straightened: "I want to know, I heard that you went to Stark's poker game tonight, tell me how much you earned, and I'll tell you."

"very fair."

Locke nodded: "You go first."

Dylan said, "Maggie, and her son, Connor!"



"As expected of you!"


Dylan twitched his lips, ignored Locke's compliment, and looked at Locke: "Okay, it's your turn."

Locke smiled and said, "Not much, I made a small profit of 500 million."

Dylan's eyes widened: "How much?"

The corner of Locke's mouth raised, and he looked at Dylan: "I told you, you can go there with me, but you won't go by yourself."

Dylan scanned Locke up and down: "It's not right, you took away nearly 6000 million, and you can still come out alive?"

If this were inside the Bellagio casino in Las Vegas.

Let alone 6000 million.

Even 1000 million will make you one of countless missing persons after you walk out of the casino.

Locke laughed and shrugged: "Once again, I reminded you, how much did you earn?"

Dylan shook his head and looked at the chips in his hand: "Not much, 200 million."

200 million is fine.

Moreover, this must be the number Dylan said after excluding the cost of the cruise.

Dylan looked into the distance at this time, his eyes lit up, he got up, and left directly.

Locke followed Dylan's advancing gaze and shook his head.

While in Las Vegas, Dylan had shown an unusual enthusiasm for young women, especially divorced ones.

Those who come out of the military have problems.

Gwen next to him was listening to Locke and Dylan's words, and seemed to think of something, looked at Locke: "I used to think that money is very valuable, but during the conversation between you and Dylan, I suddenly realized that money, a little It's worthless."

George's annual salary is only [-].

Leaving aside the fact that Locke has just earned George's 600-year annual salary, Dylan just said that he has gained...

Good guy.

That's George's annual salary for 20 years.

No wonder Dad said that when he grows up, he will know that money is easy to earn in the eyes of some people.

Gwen thought so, and then suddenly felt sorry for George.

Locke smiled slightly, held Gwen's hands, and looked at Gwen: "I won't sign a prenuptial agreement."

Gwen opened her mouth and rolled her eyes: "I didn't promise to marry you."

Do you think you can trick her away without signing a prenuptial agreement?

It's not that easy.

at this time.

The restaurant gradually quieted down.

The dark-skinned captain also came to the stage to prepare his New Year's speech.

"The ocean has always been the cradle of life!"

"Since humans first emerged from the salty depths of the ocean, we've seen water as an opportunity for rebirth."


"He is the God of the Sea!"

"He lives deep under the sea in a palace made of coral and precious stones."


The dark-skinned captain gestured with emotion, and his tone was very passionate: "Then, what other way can we celebrate the new year better than directly riding on this old guy's head?" What about birth?"

Holding a wine glass.

The dark-skinned captain looked at the many distinguished guests at the banquet: "I wish you all smooth sailing in the new year and keep it going, cheers!"


Accompanied by the applause from all around below, many distinguished guests sitting on the table raised their champagne, looked at each other and shouted cheers to their side.

Locke held up the hot cocoa in his cup, and looked at Gwen with a smile: "Respect for the new year, and what I just said is serious."

Gwen's eyes flickered, she looked at Locke with a smile, and clinked glasses with Locke: "I hope that after five years, you can still remember the oath you made today, and respect those who keep the promise."

Five years later, she and Locke will also be 22.

that time……

We can really be together.

Ding sound.

Two mugs of hot cocoa collided with each other.

Accompanied by the countdown sound that started getting louder and louder.

"Cheers, to five years later!"

"Cheers, to five years later!"

Locke and Gwen looked at each other, and took a sip of the hot cocoa in their cups.


Locke looked at the hot cocoa on Gwen's lips, and his mind moved.

Locke stepped forward, hugged Gwen, and kissed the thin lips that felt different every time he tasted it.

Gwen also responded to Locke.


happy New Year.

Accompanied by the sound of various prepared fireworks being released in the ballroom.

The time has officially entered [-].

Locke and Gwen let go.

"Hi Gwen, 17."

"Hello, 17-year-old Locke!"

Locke and Gwen became very playful, embraced each other, and perfectly blended into this happy New Year's carnival that is not a carnival.

at this time.


The six senses are screaming! ! ! !

Woohoo, give a full order! ! ! !

Monthly pass!

Recommended ticket!
I want it all.

Recommend a book "Beautiful Manga Reward Order": Friends who like to read beautiful manga, you can read this book, it feels good!

 From now on, there will be a regular update at [-] o'clock in the night, a regular update at [-] o'clock in the morning, and a regular update at [-] o'clock in the noon. As for how many updates, let's see, the amount of Xiaomi is still full!
(End of this chapter)

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