Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 116 The cruise ship that is about to set sail (Part 1, please subscribe!!!)

Chapter 116 The cruise ship that is about to set sail (first update, please subscribe!!!)

"What do you think of Cindy's proposal?"


At the end of the shopping, on the way back after saying goodbye, Gwen, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned her face sideways, looked at Locke who had fallen, and said, "We only need one room."

Their tickets are not ordinary tickets.

It's the kind of ticket that comes with its own suite, which is different from the cheap ticket that sells for 25 dollars in a small cabin. After all, among rich people, if [-] is just a ticket And if there is no attached value, there is no way to buy it.

Locke opened his mouth.


Gwen: What do you mean by this? Does it mean that we can live in one room and sleep in one bed on the boat?


it's not good.

The speed is a bit fast, I'm not ready yet.

In this second, Locke's thoughts turned rapidly, and he suddenly thought of an eternal topic that could torture a man.


Or is it worse than a beast?

This is a multiple-choice question, and it is a multiple-choice question. Even the most bottomless man can't choose all of them. This is a mandatory multiple-choice question.

How should I answer this?

Good answer?
It feels a little too abrupt.

Bad answer?

Gwen has already said so, if he said, I know you are greedy for me, if you don’t think about it, I’m afraid, Gwen gets out of the car, this time the parting will be a farewell.

Gwen blinked and looked at Locke who was silent: "I mean, we can return one ticket to Mr. Chester, after all, we are boyfriend and girlfriend, we don't need two, and this ticket is quite Dear."

Locke recovered, looked at Gwen, smiled and said, "I'll listen to you."

beautiful answer.

Respond to all changes with the same, so that he won't appear impatient, and likewise, he won't appear so ignorant of style. Moreover, he gave Gwen the multiple-choice question of being a beast or being inferior to a beast.

Locke perfectly escaped the mandatory multiple-choice attack this time.

I'm really smart!
Locke silently gave himself a thumbs up.

Gwen looked at the smiling Locke, but didn't think too much, and nodded: "Then it's such a happy decision, you, me, a room, this will be a pleasant holiday, what do you think, Locke?"

Locke still smiled: "Of course."

It's vacation.

Cindy and Kahn came together, Locke actually didn't mind, they were there to play, not to pretend to be there to actually do the task, and, if there were two more people on board, I believe they would have a better time .


Just when I was on the boat, I couldn't complete various missions.

Forget it.

Just take a vacation for yourself.

Locke thought so in his heart.

at this time.

"Ding! 』

"The player's thoughts are the source of mission announcements!" 』

『The task is being generated! 』

"Ding! 』

『Mission: "An Unforgettable Sea Journey"』

『Task Rewards: Basic Rewards "Achievement Points*500", "Potential Points*500", "Random Treasure Refresh Coupon*1"』

"Task bonus mode: "Casual""

『Mission Description: A 20-day sea trip is about to begin. During these 20 days, the higher the mood value, the greater the reward bonus. 』

『Task Remarks: "Whoever said that there are no tasks? In the player's dictionary, there is no vacation. They are either doing tasks or on the way to do them. If the game has no tasks, then the players will have no motivation. And I, provide Your motivation!"』

"System message: "My dear, only I understand you in this world!""

"What the hell?"

"……What's wrong?"


Locke came back to his senses, smiled at Gwen, and looked at the puppy who was crossing the road with a chirp: "That dog didn't even look at the road, and almost crushed it."

Gwen looked at the Dalmatians who had crossed the road about ten meters away, and blinked.

Locke is on the road again.

Good guy.

Is there really a pop-up mission coming?

Casual tasks?

It's the first time.

This thing, how to calculate the addition coefficient?
Locke raised his eyebrows, but as usual, as Locke thought, the system did not respond.


Gwen arrives home.

Get out of the car.

When Gwen closed the door, she said to Locke who was sitting in the car: "Remember to return your ticket to Mr. Chester."

Locke smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Also barren.

The few bottles of Thunder Bourbon left in Chester, add up to more than 50.

What's more, Locke can see that if he returns a ticket to Chester, the red-necked Chester will definitely tear it to pieces in front of him.

Chester, like Locke, never takes back what he sends out.


After returning to the Star Building, Locke found his own ticket, thought for a while, took out his cell phone, and made a call to Chester.


When Chester heard that Locke was going to return a ticket, his neck turned red, and he directly asked if Locke didn't plan to sell him the old ticket, and then hung up the phone angrily.

I knew it.

Locke looked at the hung up phone, smiled, and shook his head.

Sell ​​it yourself?


Locke was not short of money, and if Chester found out that the gift he gave was sold by Locke, I'm afraid he would be even more angry.

Get up.

Locke took out a bottle of Thunder Bourbon from the study, grabbed the car keys, and planned to go out to find Chester.

Gwen, who returned home over there, also told Helen about this matter.

After all, Gwen felt that if two people were boyfriend and girlfriend, it was right to live in one room, and there was no need to waste a room.

Helen thought for a while, then nodded: "That should be the case, but how could someone give Locke a ticket worth 50 yuan? Is it someone from his family fund? What is this Chester called?"

Originally, Helen thought that Locke had bought these two tickets.

But didn't expect...


Gwen blinked, almost forgot about it, and smiled: "It's Locke's previous mentor in Texas, the teacher who taught Locke cowboy skills."

"Is he coming to New York, too?"


"So, this Chester is Locke's guardian?"


Gwen recalled the previous meetings between Locke and Clint Chester, and shook his head: "It shouldn't be, but Locke respects him a lot."

Although Locke is very polite to everyone, Gwen can clearly feel that Locke respects the typical Texas cowboy Colin Chester with a bushy beard from the bottom of his heart.

Helen nodded, but didn't say anything?
at this time.

The phone rings.



Gwen picked up the phone with a smile on her face: "Lock, what's the matter?"

after awhile.

Gwen looked up at Helen: "Mom, Locke wants me to ask you, have you and Dad arranged a restaurant for Christmas?"

Helen looked at Gwen suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Gwen said: "Lock is over at Chester's lover's restaurant now, and he said yes, on Christmas night, someone who made an appointment canceled, do you want to go with Dad?"

Helen was slightly taken aback: "Chester Lover's Restaurant?"

Isn't this the restaurant that George wanted to book for a long time, but there were no vacancies?
How would Locke know?
Gwen smiled and said, "Mr. Chester, his name is Clint Chester, and he is the owner of this restaurant."

Helen: "..."

Although Gwen and Locke have been to Chester's Lover's Restaurant several times, they have never told Locke that George and Helen have wanted to come to this restaurant for a long time.

She thought about mentioning it to Chester to see when she was free.

But Chester is Locke's mentor, and Gwen felt that if he said it himself, Chester might agree, but for Locke's sake, what is the difference between that and what Locke said.

Locke used his favor to invite her to dinner. Gwen had no psychological pressure, but it was not good to use Locke's favor to find Chester for his own family affairs.

Married, it doesn't matter.

But right now, no.

So, Gwen didn't mention it to Locke, nor did she mention it to Helen and George.

Helen recovered from a trace of shock: "Yes, of course."

Gwen nodded, grabbed the phone again, talked to Locke on the other side of the phone, and then hung up.

Helen thought of it at this time, and looked at the pretty Gwen: "So, before, you said to go out to eat several times, but in fact, you went to Chester Lover's Restaurant?"

Gwen: "..."

Chester restaurant.

Locke hung up the phone, looking unimpressive, Chester, who looked like an old Texas hooligan, said, "Yes, remember to save a seat for Christmas, George Stacy and Helen Stacy."

Chester took a puff of his cigar and squinted his eyes: "Don't worry, that's your father-in-law, and I'm your godfather. Don't worry, I promise to make arrangements for you."

Locke raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, didn't bother to correct the grammatical errors in Chester's words, and got up: "Okay, I'm leaving, pack up, plan to go to sea for vacation, and I'll see you when I get back."

Chester waved his hand: "Hurry up, let me remind you, take it easy on the boat and have fun, don't let the Peerless Assassin out, when the time comes, it will be washed away with great difficulty..."

Locke opened the door and left: "Okay, let's go."

Sure enough, the older you get, the easier it is to chatter.

He is traveling, is to relax.

Is it necessary for the Peerless Assassin to come out?

Three days passed in a flash.

this day.

Locke drove directly to George's house, and then, when he went to Augusta, after picking up Gwen from George, after making a promise between men and men, he got in the car and killed Xin di home.

They made an appointment with four people to go to the pier together.

Stark Industries Building.


Pepper Potts, dressed as a business secretary, walked out of the elevator and looked over there. He was wearing sunglasses, had a beard, and his face was full of crazy expressions. Tony Star, a genius weapon designer and the world's richest man Ke said, "Boss, the car is ready."

Tony over there got up: "I'm not interested in this kind of activity that requires staying in a tin can for 20 days."

Pepper was expressionless: "This is President Stan's wish. This time, the Poseidon also has a part of Stark Entertainment's shares, and it is its maiden voyage."

Tony flipped through the calendar on the table and settled on December's cover girl.

Traveling in December is a perfect match for a December girl.


(End of this chapter)

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