Chapter 59 Immortals
A small black disc the size of a fingernail was attached to Shuo's neck. The words were spoken, and after being converted by the small black disc, they came out in a language that Ying Zheng and the others could understand.

"Where is your Wanqu country?"

Ying Zheng asked a question that everyone cared about.

Including netizens, they are very puzzled in their hearts, where is the place where this giant lives.

Shuo grinned, not caring about revealing some details, and said in a low voice, "My country is still [-] miles away from Xianchi to see the sunset!"

The ministers were stunned for a moment, and they couldn't believe it, and said, "It's a bunch of nonsense!"

Facing everyone's unbelieving eyes, Shuo chuckled and didn't care.

Believe it or not, what he said was the truth anyway.

Ying Zheng frowned, and did not immediately express his disbelief, but began to think.

He has never heard of the strange body shape of the other party since he ruled the Qin country. Where can there be people with such a terrifying body shape living.

It is not impossible to say that it came from extremely far away, even from the end of the sky, and of course he did not fully believe it.

Just when they were wondering, netizens also started discussing it.

"Aliens are hammering!"

"One mile in the Qin Dynasty was equivalent to 416 meters, ninety thousand miles was 3.7 kilometers, and the circumference of the earth was 4 kilometers. Including the distance from sunset, it must have exceeded [-] kilometers!"

"In terms of orientation, this place is impossible to be on Earth!"

Someone echoed, "That's right, even ninety thousand miles in ancient times was probably a valuation!"

"Nine is the largest number among yang numbers. It was considered by the ancients to be the extreme of numbers. Ninety thousand miles is also considered the distance between heaven and earth. Just like the Kunpeng in Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyaoyou", its skyrocketing distance is ninety thousand miles. .”

"What does this Wanqu person mean... beyond the distance between heaven and earth, very, very far?"

"The implication of the visitor from space is obvious, no wonder those ministers don't believe it!"

Although he was surprised by the giant's words, seeing Shuo's disrespectful and casual attitude, some ministers immediately wanted to reprimand him.

Ying Zheng waved his hand to stop it.

Then Yingzheng and Shuo started talking, chatting, the other party even talked about the beginning of the world, and said it in very detail, which made people feel like they were there.

Regardless of whether the ministers believed it or not, Ying Zheng listened to the story that was not much different from the myth, and his expression was very calm.

Compared to this Shuo who said it casually, with a casual face when he spoke, and didn't know the true or false story, he might as well believe in the creation of the world told by the young people of later generations.

Maybe if there are no descendants, he will really be surprised, right?

At this time, the audience complained.

"Is this Shuo playing tricks?"

It seems to be for the purpose of showing status, or maybe it is to attract people's fear. The myth Shuo talked about is a story of a giant who made up the world with his bare hands like a clay ball.

"It must be intentional. They don't believe in God at all, and they are fooling people with the words that giants control the world. It's really disgusting!"

"Well, the ones who fabricated the world are giants, and they are also giants, perfect!"

Netizens mocked a few words.

As he spoke, Shuo looked at Ying Zheng, the First Emperor, with a look of complacency and showing off on his face.

He said, "I can go to various places without walking, and I can fly in the sky. Traveling thousands of miles a day is just a trivial matter!"

"Isn't this a fairy?" Many ministers exclaimed.

Shuo quietly observed the faces of many ministers, and when he saw the disbelief on their faces, he immediately felt a sense of satisfaction, and the complacency on his face became even stronger.

He stood high above, proudly looking at the ants below.

In the distant boat, Shui and the others couldn't help laughing as they watched the displayed scene.

"Haha, the expressions of these natives are so funny!" Shui laughed.

"Isn't this normal?" Hu said contemptuously.

However, just thinking about it, when they and He Shuo looked at Ying Zheng, their faces were stunned.

"Why isn't he surprised?"

Shuo was surprised.

Even if you don't believe it, you should at least show some surprise. Why does this ruler have such a strange expression? He was a little surprised at first, but he quickly regained his composure, as if he accepted it?
Not shocked at all?
Shuo and the others were astonished.

Shuo felt that the First Emperor must have been stunned.

He decided to say more, wanting to see the Emperor Shihuang put on an interesting expression.

While listening to the surprised whispers of the ministers, he cheered up and laughed persistently, "In our place, we also rely on the sun for warmth during the day."

"However, even if it's dark at night, we can rely on something called burning stones instead of sunlight to generate heat."

"The stone is as small as a grain of grain, and just a small grain can illuminate a room with brilliance."

As soon as the words fell, there was another exclamation, and the expressions of surprise on the faces of the ministers, including those black armored soldiers, became more serious.

"Where does this stone come from?" Li Si asked in amazement.

Shuo said casually, "This stone was excavated from our Burning Mountain. The clods and stones there can emit dazzling light. When these stones are smashed, the shape of the crushed stone is like grain."

The comments and gazes of these ministers made him, Shui and others very comfortable.

However, when they continued to turn to Emperor Shihuang, they found that Fang Fang was thoughtful and just nodded, as if he was not very surprised.

How can it be!
They are unbelievable.

Are there still people who are not surprised to hear these strange remarks?
Just look at those ministers, they are the normal reaction!
Shuo didn't believe it, and continued, "More than that, even if we Wanqu people are old, we can see things beyond the world even if we sit at home!"

After speaking, with a confident expression on his face, he secretly said, "Shouldn't you be shocked now?"

His idea was not wrong, Ying Zheng was really surprised by this meeting.

It's just that the degree of surprise did not meet Shuo's expectations.

Why is this guy reacting like this?
"Why aren't you surprised?"

Shuo couldn't hold back anymore, and asked Ying Zheng in disbelief.

Ying Zheng's expression was very flat, which aroused the curiosity of netizens.

The next moment, I saw him saying to himself, "What you have done, my future generations can also do it!"

What you do, people in my future generations can do the same!
When he said this, his face was so confident and proud, as if he believed that the people of later generations would not be weaker than the Wanqu people.

As soon as the words fell, not only the minister He Shuo and others fell into astonishment, but the netizens were also stunned and shocked.

What you do, my future generations can also do it!
This sentence kept echoing in their minds.

Qin Shihuang is proud of their modern people, and also confident because of them, thinking that they will not be weaker than Wanqu people...

(End of this chapter)

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