Start pretending to be the creator

Chapter 31 The new movie starts playing!

Chapter 31 The new movie starts playing!
"Origin Network, updated?"

All over the world, one after another exclamation sounded.

Talk about the battlefield.

"Brothers, stop arguing, has been updated, I'll go first!"

"What? The Origin Network has been updated?!"

Immediately, everyone no longer cared about any quarrels, and poured into

"I'd like to see what's going on this time." The old Wang next door said disdainfully.

The obedient rabbit was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do, so he could only enter indignantly.

Prehistoric site.

"Professor, the Origin Network has been updated!"

Professor Chen, who was dealing with cultural relics, was startled, hurriedly put down the things in his hands, took the laptop and clicked into


In a grand church, Father Charlie, who was praying in the morning, also noticed the update of the origin network.

After passing the news to other priests through the software, he himself couldn't wait to enter the origin network.

Brave and awesome, the invincible airman, director Lu, host James... one after another clicked into

Before clicking in, he was full of curiosity.

What the hell happened to the UFO?
Are there really aliens?
They almost thought so before clicking in, but when they actually clicked in and saw the new movie with eyes full of anticipation, they were all stunned.

"Prehistoric Civilization 3 Great Flood?"

what is this? !!

The following three words immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Then after thinking about it, some people's faces immediately changed after they figured it out.

"That prehistoric flood?" Professor Chen was shocked.

Father Charlie, who was looking at the computer, was also stunned.

"The great flood recorded in the Bible?"

Not only were they shocked, but netizens also reacted belatedly.

Even if you don't respond, there are comment reminders.

"The prehistoric flood? Damn it!"

"This movie actually involves the mystery of the Great Flood?"

They were startled.

In shock, countless people clicked on Prehistoric Civilization 3·The Great Flood impatiently.

However, under the expectant eyes of countless people, the playback area flickered, and the screen that appeared was...

【02: 54】

Netizens: "..."

They only felt familiar with this scene, as if they had seen it before.

next second...

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"I broke the defense!"


At this moment, countless people became angry, because their expectant hearts were broken into scum.

"I should have thought of it earlier, I was so excited, I was blind for nothing, shit!"


"It's another three hours, this broken website is about to blow up!"


The swearing comments kept coming.

But after scolding the dog who set it up for three hours enough, they have nothing to do with this website, they can only wait for the time to pass impatiently with a heart like being scratched by a cat.

With nothing to do, netizens started discussing immediately.

"Speaking of the Great Flood, I thought of..."

Speaking of the great flood, some people immediately thought of the live broadcast on the TV station in the prehistoric ruins not long ago, and what Professor Chen said.

"Curious, what happened to the prehistoric flood?"

Countless people are curious about this worldwide unsolved mystery.

A netizen named 'Resurrected Ultraman' said, "Is it melting glaciers? Or an asteroid impact?"

"Or the movement of continental plates?"

Another netizen said, "I'm also curious, but since the movie marked the big flood, there should be a big flood, and then we will know the reason."

Suddenly, someone had a brain hole and said, "Could it be made by that UFO?"

After a while of silence, a series of exclamation speeches appeared.

"666, brother is amazing!"

"It's a good guess. It is indeed possible, and the possibility is still very high."

"Maybe it's the hands of aliens!"

For a while, the comment area became lively, and countless people discussed and speculated.

Many netizens waited impatiently.

While waiting, countless belated people clicked into, and more and more people watched it.

Five billion...two billion...

The number is still increasing.

Soon, the time came to the last minute!
【00: 01】

Under the impatient eyes of Professor Chen, Father Charlie, Director Lu, Lao Wang next door, Brave Niu Niu and others, time slowly returned to zero.

As the number returned to zero, countless people stared straight at the playback area with their eyes wide open.

The comment section also exploded.

"Go, go, go!"

"here we go!"

Under the expectant eyes of countless people, the darkness in the playback area faded, and a ray of light appeared.

The first thing netizens saw was the pitch-black space, and a pitch-black UFO that was slowly approaching and docked in the atmosphere.


"My God, even if I've seen it more than once, every time I see this thing, I have to marvel, it's so technological."

"what is inside?"

As if sensing the amazement and curiosity of the netizens, the camera suddenly and slowly zoomed in on the spaceship. Under the tense gaze of countless people holding their breath, the scene inside the spaceship came into their eyes.

Silver, the whole body is silver, smooth and full of high-tech walls, the style is simple and beautiful.

Then within a few seconds, the scene in the cab appeared, ten chairs, and the people sitting on the chairs.

Two to three meters tall, with a bird-like head and a pair of wings behind it.

Netizens were silent for a moment, and then the comments exploded in the next second.

"What an alien!"

A series of shocked eyes looked at the ten people sitting on the chairs in disbelief.

Although they had already made preparations and guessed that there might be aliens in the spaceship, they were still shocked when they actually saw this scene.

When they were surprised, an alien sitting on the far left said, "I didn't expect that there is really a planet that allows us to survive in this place."

Hearing this speech, countless people's hearts skipped a beat.

Especially when the picture of the earth was projected, and then prehistoric humans appeared on the picture, and after those aliens uttered a word, they were in a bad mood.


Jonas showed surprise on his face, and commented casually.

"These low-level creatures actually possess good intelligence."

"Yes, it's surprising that there are still little intelligent things on this planet."

Listening to their speeches, netizens exploded.

"Indigenous? Lower creatures? Fuck, how arrogant are these people!"

Countless people became upset one after another, and looked at those aliens viciously by the way.

"What's so great about aliens, sooner or later I'll climb for you!"

"That's right!"

Netizens disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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