Start pretending to be the creator

Chapter 17 The Fruit of Life and the Fruit of Wisdom

Chapter 17 The Fruit of Life and the Fruit of Wisdom

"what is this?"

They stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the scene.

The clouds parted and the sun shone?
This miraculous scene made the audience swallow their saliva several times.

This scene was extremely real, and it really made them feel the vast power of the world.

"Let's not talk about anything else, let's just say it's in the movie. This shouldn't be a coincidence..." Someone asked hesitantly.

"Do you think so? The strange wind just now can barely explain the accidental phenomenon caused by the weather, but now this miraculous celestial phenomenon..."

"And the location where the sun shines, isn't it too coincidental?"

"You mean?"

"That's right! It's definitely the unknown being who made the move!"

"It can't be a natural phenomenon, right? Is it such a coincidence? I don't believe it!"

People who already vaguely knew the answer looked at the remarks and couldn't help but nodded.

They believe that this is definitely not a coincidence!
And no matter how you look at this scene, only that god can do it.

"What an incredible power, this power to control the sky..." Someone exclaimed.

"If this is true, it's hard to imagine what kind of power that god possesses. It's beyond our understanding just now!"

A young man in his twenties chimed in, "What if this happened for real? Then..."

After being silent for a while, he continued, "The words that Adan and the others uttered to praise God when they were praying before, I thought it was their ignorance and ignorance, they had no knowledge at all, but looking at it now..."

"Is it possible that we are too arrogant and arrogant?"

"Humans think they have conquered nature, stand on top of the world, and deny all mysteries, but... Will this world not be what we think?"

"Is it possible... that there really is a God! He... has been watching us all the time!"


More than one billion viewers only feel scalp tingling.

If it was at the beginning, they might have laughed it off when faced with such words, but now they can't laugh, and are a little creepy instead.

Is it possible... that there is a god... watching them?
"Yes, I'm looking at you, watching you make up your minds, watching you slander me." Su Qi looked blank.

These remarks made him look more and more dull.

He muttered to himself, "I can't control the celestial phenomena, and I don't have any great power, and you don't have any arrogance or arrogance."

"You guys were right at first, it's really a natural phenomenon! Please don't make up your mind!"

The corners of Su Qi's mouth twitched.

As the picture continued, Habil's surprise, as well as Kabil's gloomy and jealous look, were clearly caught by everyone.

to suffer!
Sure enough, the next second, the system's notification sound let them confirm this.

【Gaubil fell into jealousy. He felt that it was because of his younger brother that his sacrifice was not chosen by God.At the same time, he felt his status was threatened. 】

[In the past 200 years, the ethnic group has been divided into two forces with the two of them as the center. 】

[One feels that gods don't care about sacrifices, there is no need to waste too many resources on sacrifices, as long as they do their best. 】

[The other thinks that God is supreme, and the current life depends entirely on God, and one should not make such acts of despising God, and should offer the best sacrifices to God, so that God can be pleased. 】

[However, at this moment, as God responds, this balance will be broken. 】

Afterwards, seeing Kabil's jealous face and inviting Habil to the field, everyone was secretly shocked.

Inside a cathedral.

Father Charlie was sitting on a chair watching a movie, behind him was a group of priests called by him.

The previous scenes have reminded some people of something.

"Gabil... Habil... Cain, Abel? And the sacrifice just now..."

"Isn't this something recorded in the Bible?" A priest named Mark said excitedly.

That is to say, Habil will be killed by Gobil next?

Under the gaze of netizens and them, Gao Bile yelled jealously, "Why, why would God choose your sacrifice!"

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Habil was stunned.

As Gobil angrily knocked Habil down, he finally raised a stone and smashed it down.

blood spatter...


The audience screamed.

"Oh my god, I'm scared to death, I'm really dead!"

Unlike other movies, the scenes in this movie really scare them.

Habil's eyes before he died made their hairs stand on end.

Boom boom boom!
Thunder flashed in the sky, as if the gods were angry.

"No, no, it's not my fault, God, I didn't mean to kill him!"

Gao Bile held his head and screamed, and ran wildly in fright.

Don't talk about him, the netizens are a little scared when they hear that thunder.

"God is angry?"

Su Qi: "..."

I really don't!

The screen switched to Adan's body.

He was stunned at first, and then rushed out with a look of shock and anger. Some netizens were very puzzled. They didn't know what happened to Ah Dan. Of course, some of them had some guesses in their hearts.

They watched Adan rush to Gao Bile's house, questioned him directly, and watched Gao Bile lie in a panic.

"Your brother is bleeding all over the place, he is wailing, accusing you of killing him!"

Adam sadly said.

"No, no! I didn't!"

Gobile was completely panicked.

Adan said blankly, "God let me know everything."

"God...God knows..."

"Hehe, that's right...the god who knows everything, how could he not know..."

Gao Bile smiled bitterly, his expression collapsed.

Netizens showed surprise on their faces.

Sure enough, it is God!
Gao Bile's words reminded them of their previous speculation. Could there really be a god who has been watching them?
Everyone shivered.

Boom, lightning flashed across the sky.

The thunder in my ears became more deafening, as if the gods were angry, and the wind and rain outside the house became more intense, as if the gods were sad.

Gao Bile's expulsion did not surprise everyone, and most people thought it was reasonable.

The scenery in front of me is blurred for a while, and things are changing rapidly.
The beep continues.

[Time passes quickly, and soon another 300 years have passed. 】

【Adan's tribe is getting stronger and stronger, but on the contrary, his life is coming to an end. 】

A Dan lay dying on the wooden bed, this scene made netizens stunned.

"He's dying?"

"Adan picked the forbidden fruit as if it was yesterday, and he was going to die so soon?"

Everyone felt that time passed quickly, and at the same time, the fear of death was also aroused in their hearts.

Su Qi: "..."

Ah Dan picking the forbidden fruit, wasn't that broadcast yesterday?
The screen continues.

"Who in this world will not die?"

Facing the crying of his children and grandchildren, Adam sighed.

[For hundreds of years, Adan has observed plants, animals, and people, and has already realized that he will die one day, and has already accepted this fact. 】

"Things in this world have a beginning and an end. This is given by God. No one can escape..."

"Who can live forever except God who can last forever?" Adan murmured.

Not long after, he passed away...

With his passing away, netizens were taken aback.

What Adan said at the end also made them feel a little complicated.

At this time, Brave Niu Niu said, "Is there an end when there is a beginning?"

"Isn't that cyclical?"

"People have life cycles, civilizations have life cycles, and even the stars cannot escape this fate."

"Could it be that all of this is really determined by some kind of existence?"

"Eternal God?"

This remark made many people stunned and a little horrified.

In his hometown, the corners of Su Qi's mouth twitched, this brave bull really knows how to make trouble.

The subsequent death of Ewa made their hearts even more heavy.

[Another six years have passed...]

A small city appeared in their eyes.

[Gobile came here 300 years ago and built a city. 】

"Father, where are you going?"

Gao Bile touched his wrinkled face, looked up at the sky, and muttered to himself, "Yidlisi, I have thought a lot about it over the years."

Idris looked at his father suspiciously, not knowing what he meant.

Gao Bile continued to murmur, "I shouldn't have done that back then..."

Maybe it was because he realized that he would not live for long, but he saw a lot clearly.

"I'm sorry for Habil, I'm sorry for my father, I have gained nothing in these years except pain..."

"...I don't even dare to sacrifice to the gods..."

"The mistakes I made, God will definitely not forgive..."

Even when the gods refused to accept the sacrifices, it was definitely not the fault of his younger brother Habil, but God knew what he was doing early on.

I thought that God would not know about those small actions, but how could God not know?
Even if the sacrifices he prepared were random, if he did them well, how could the gods refuse those sacrifices?
But he, however, pushed all the faults onto his younger brother, was blinded by jealousy, and committed that wrong thing...

【After that day, Gao Bile disappeared and never appeared again...】

The beep continues.

[Time flies, and 500 years will pass soon. 】

The scenery flickers at a very fast speed, and the vicissitudes of life are fleeting!
【Human beings proliferated, and they spread everywhere on the earth...】

Groups of people appeared in the camera, and the number surprised netizens, and what surprised them even more was the passage of time.

"One thousand five hundred years?!"

"Isn't the time progress jumping too fast? God!"

At the same time, some people have a bad feeling.

Is this movie going to end?
Just when they thought so, a scene stunned everyone.

Whether it was Professor Chen or Director Lu and others, they all showed surprise.

The camera changed for a while, and it actually switched to space!
Then, they saw a startling thing.

In space, a long black UFO slowly approached, and finally hovered in the outer layer of the atmosphere.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, looking at the UFO with smooth lines and a sense of technology in shock.

"Fuck! F*ck!"

"Alien spacecraft?!"

"How could such a thing appear?"

Are Aliens Visiting Earth?
California, USA.

The host's hand holding the microphone shook, and the microphone fell to the ground.

But at this moment, no one cared, because they all stared at the spaceship dumbfounded.

Prehistoric site.


Professor Chen took a deep breath, his face full of shock.

The people around were not much better.

Is that the spaceship of an alien civilization?

What is its purpose on earth?
How will it treat humans?
This series of questions kept popping up from the hearts of more than one billion people.

Yet just when they were both shocked and curious to see what would happen next.

The movie screen suddenly went black and ended...

The comment section exploded.

"Nimma! What's behind?"

"It's gone again? Damn it!"

"go to hell!"

"Go to hell, climb, climb, climb!"


The sound of swearing and cursing continued to resound all over the world, and the sound of smashing tables and keyboards also appeared one after another.

Prehistoric site.

Professor Chen took a deep breath, shaking his hands with anger, and almost threw the computer away.

Zhang Hao and dozens of people next to him didn't get any better, and they were all very angry.

It's just that no matter how angry they are, they can't do anything about the origin network in the end.

"Oh, wait..."

Professor Chen felt that he was a few years older and was about to have a heart attack.

Not to mention they were curious, Su Qi who was in his hometown was very puzzled.

He also shook his head and sighed, "Wait until tomorrow."

Only the next deduction can we know what happened to that thing.

Su Qi got up from the chair, stretched his stiff body up and down, thought about it, and decided to go out for some exercise.

Not long after walking out of the room, a dog barked.

A yellow Shiba Inu wagging its tail wildly rushed over from the yard.

"Wang Wang Wang ~"

It circled around Su Qi, stuck out its tongue and wanted to lick people, fully interpreting what it meant to lick a dog.

"Good rhubarb, I'll prepare something for you later."

After touching Rhubarb's round dog's head, Su Qi opened the door.

The glare of the sun shone in, making it warm and comfortable.

Su Qi took Rhubarb out for a stroll.

Although this is the countryside, all you can see are brand new houses.

Not long after shopping, some neighbors greeted him.

"Xiao Su, are you out shopping?" the gray-haired old lady asked.

Su Qi hummed and nodded.

Mrs. Chen has long been used to his few words, so she can't help but shake her head and sigh while looking at his back.

"It's a pity, a good baby has cancer, what should I do, oh..."

A middle-aged man next to him who didn't know Su Qi heard the words, and couldn't help casting a pitiful look at Su Qi's back.

Young, poor!
Su Qi was already used to those gazes, and after walking around, he returned home with Rhubarb.

After returning to the room and locking the door, Su Qi pondered, remembering the items he got after the deduction ended.

Fruit of Life and Fruit of Wisdom!
 Thanks 'bye' for rewarding 3332 coins.

  Thanks to 'lazy foodies' for the reward of 1000 coins.

  Thanks to '20210404190837757' for rewarding 100 coins.

  Thanks to 'Zong Yi'an' for the reward of 100.

  Two in one chapter
(End of this chapter)

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