Xu Damao, who is not reconciled to the courtyard

Chapter 609 Zheng Juan's Doubt

Chapter 609 Zheng Juan's Doubt

The next day, Zhou Rong took the manuscript that Xu Damao had preliminarily calibrated and got on the train bound for Sijiucheng.

It doesn't matter to Xu Damao about Zhou Rong's departure, but Hao Hongmei is a little mixed.

The happy thing is that she doesn't have to be "interrupted" by Zhou Rong when she is reciting the text, and the worry is that she is worried that her physical strength will not be able to withstand sex.

Xu Damao is now reading a book by leaning in front of the fireplace as before.

Hao Hongmei was a little absent-minded and helped him make tea until Zheng Juan came.

But Zheng Juan's state is also a bit wrong today, she seems to be stumbling and stumbling when she speaks, but she doesn't want to say anything.

Xu Damao couldn't help but think, did Zhou Rong's departure affect them so much?
Of course, it's possible that they were staying downstairs, making it difficult for them to whisper. "

"Let's talk below, the two of you, I just thought of something to write about."

The departure of Xu Damao made the situation of the two people a little better, but the good is also very limited.

Hao Hongmei: "Sister Zheng, do you seem to have something on your mind today?"

Zheng Juan: "No, nothing, it's just a neighbor who was beaten and hospitalized. I'm thinking about their family."

Hao Hongmei: "Did Sister Zhou talk about your neighbor Qiao Chunyan yesterday? How is the situation of the two of them now?"

"Is it a fight at the head of the bed, a fight at the end of the bed? Or the kind of old and dead?"

Zheng Juan: "I don't know the current situation, but the two of them didn't speak yesterday."

"Then why did they fight? Is the man having an affair? Or is the woman having an affair?

Zheng Juan looked at Hao Hongmei dumbfounded, but did not expect this little girl to be so curious.

"I don't know about this, and neither of them said the specifics."

Hao Hongmei immediately became Sherlock Holmes, said seriously.

"The woman's head was broken, and without telling the real reason, it must be inferred that she has a relationship outside."

"But the strange thing is why the man didn't say anything. Could it be that there are people outside the two couples?"

"My God! If that's the case, then these two couples are really superb."

"No wonder they didn't say anything. If this is not done properly, there may be peanuts delivered."

Zheng Juan didn't expect Hao Hongmei to have such a rich imagination, but after thinking about it carefully, what she said seemed to make sense.

If it wasn't for this unspeakable thing happening to both of them, why didn't they say why?

Zheng Juan's impression of Qiao Chunyan and his wife became a lot worse when she thought about it like this, and at the same time, she regretted her promise.

The two were chatting without a word here, and Zheng Juan didn't stay to help with the cooking.

She promised yesterday that she would go to the hospital at noon today to take care of Chunyan's mother for a while, so that the old man could rest.

But now she doesn't have the same mood as yesterday, Hao Hongmei's words stabbed deep in her throat like a fishbone.

But she couldn't say these words, and there was no place to go to verify.

Today, there are a lot of things in the ward. It should be someone from Qiao Chunyan's unit.

Qiao Chunyan: "Sister-in-law, you seem to have something on your mind today?"

Zheng Juan smiled uncomfortably. Today everyone is asking themselves, who would have thought that she was for the same person.

"It's just that our eldest sister-in-law is going back to Sijiucheng this morning, so I got up a little earlier to see her off."

They chatted like yesterday, but both of them seemed to have some concerns, so the atmosphere at the scene was not as good as yesterday.

Just at this time, Sun Guoqing, Yu Hong, Xiao Guoqing, and Wu Qian came to the hospital together. Naturally, the crowd would not be so cold.

Everyone's conversation was good at first, and Qiao Chunyan said that it was thanks to Zheng Juan's help for the past two days.

Wu Qian was not happy when she was on the side. If Qiao Chunyan didn't tell her, she wouldn't be able to remember it.

Some time ago, Zhou Bingkun and his wife were the most talked about in the light-word film. Zhou Bingkun is better, everyone is saying he is stupid.

Zheng Juan used to be at the bottom of several of them, but now she is doing an easy job and earning a salary that is not lower than her.

Thinking that his man can only get half of his salary now, the sarcastic tone in Wu Qian's mouth came out bald.

"To say that our group of people now counts that Bingkun's house has been open and bright, not only does it not worry about where to live."

"And now it's a dual-career, it's really getting better these days."

"It's like our National Day and Catch-Chao are two people who work in big shifts and can only get half of their salary every month."

Everyone is an adult and can have a few real fools. Wu Qian's acidity has been committed again.

But this is also very Wu Qian. If she doesn't do something, then she is not Wu Qian.

Xiao Guoqing couldn't control Wu Qian, so he could only smile embarrassedly.

"I have something to do with Catch Chao going to the factory in the afternoon, and Chunyan also needs more rest, or we'll come another day."

These people left the ward, and now it was Qiao Chunyan's turn to enlighten Zheng Juan.

"Wu Qian is just that kind of person. When a few of us have dinner together, every time she makes everyone break up, so you should just put P for what she says."

Zheng Juan smiled and didn't speak, but she had doubts about Zhou Bingkun's former buddies and friends.
The fact that Cao Debao sent his wife to the hospital finally reached the soy sauce factory today, and there was a lot of discussion in the factory for a while.

There is nothing wrong with gay men. Those who know his previous situation will say "Man" to him.

The lesbians won't work, and there are lesbians pointing at him wherever he goes.

If he was a little grumpy, he would spat at him twice, and then scolded Sang and Huai with a few words.

Even if they come to the production workshop under their jurisdiction, the workers of these days still carry that kind of energy.

If Cao Debao dared to say something excessive, a large group of old ladies would come to tear you up immediately.

He is now sitting in his small office and doesn't want to go out, and he is also complaining about why he played the harmonica that night.

This time, a strong old lady was blown, which created his current life.

It would be nice if the old ladies were strong in normal times, at least it would make life a little more comfortable at home.

But if these old women are too strong, it will become a kind of sadness for men, and he is a living example now.

At this time, Cao Debao was thinking, if time could be reversed, he swore that he would never play any harmonica that day.

No, he didn't even want to talk to Zhou Bingkun, let alone attend the party that day.

Wouldn't it be nice to wait for his princess in distress, and wait for the sky like Zhou Bingyi?

At that time, why was he so fascinated to provoke Qiao Chunyan, a tigress, that he had not raised his head for so many years.

It's all because of alcohol.

(End of this chapter)

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