Chapter 601 Seeing Zhou Bingkun

When Xu Damao led the dog out, the two dogs struggled a little.

As Xu Damao pulled the rope hard, they immediately followed behind him obediently.
However, the two dogs couldn't stop looking at their masters, almost turning back every three steps.

Zhao Si's wife was very upset, her eyes were red.

"Mr. Xu, Brother Dashan, I have to go back and cook medicine for the master, so I won't give it to you."

Zhao Si's wife said these words with a bit of crying, and after she finished speaking, she went back to the house with a heart.

She was very embarrassed by what she did to Xu Damao, rubbed her cold nose and said.

"This thing makes me feel like Huang Shiren, and I don't feel good in my heart, or am I adding some money to their family?"

Zhang Dashan: "Mr. Xu, don't mind, this lady's family is soft-hearted, and Zhao Si's family has absolutely no other meaning."

"The money is already high enough. If there is no such price in Shili Baxiang, we can't add more money."

Xu Damao followed Zhang Dashan back to his house, but did not stay to drink.

Instead, he chose to leave immediately. If he was drinking some wine, he would not be able to go back.

Could it be that he wants to squeeze on a kang with others at night, if only Cuihua is the only one, he can still take care of it.

But the number of people obviously exceeded the standard, and the key is Zhang Dashan, what should he do with his clean body.

When it comes to Tianbian that he can't drink, Cuihua understood what he meant when Xu Damao first refused.

As expected of the person who was left alone by Mu Chunhua, he immediately followed Xu Damao's words.

She also stopped a lot of excuses on her head, and the two of them came out of Zhang Dashan's house.

"Mr. Xu, Cuihua, I almost forgot about 'Xiangtou', please wait a moment."

A large bag of things was taken out from the tank in Zhang Dashan's yard, and there were various 'fragrant heads' in it. .

The ears of a wild boar, the heart of a silly roe deer, the intestines of a wolf, and a piece of hairy meat of a blind bear, I don't know where they are.

Xu Damao was a little worried when he looked at the pile of things. He didn't know the price of this thing, so he could only look for help on Cuihua.

Cuihua was also quite happy, and after a simple estimate, she directly took out 10 yuan.

Zhang Dashan and his wife said nothing, Xu Damao helped, and they and Cuihua pushed each other for a while.

After Xu Damao tied the dog to the back seat, he never thought of taking out a few cans of yellow peaches from it.

"These guys keep some, help me to send some to Zhao Si's family, and buy the embarrassing things that people love and hear."

As for how much Zhang Dashan gave to Zhao Sijia, he didn't care, Xu Damao didn't wait much longer.

The car full of mud drove away from the village, swaying and finally returning to Yichun City before dark.

Xu Damao: "Cuihua, thank you very much today, let me invite you to dinner tonight."

"It just so happened that I haven't been there since Ji's restaurant opened, so let's take it as a surprise inspection."

Cuihua: "I listened to Teacher Xu, and I just looked at the ledger, and I usually don't care about it."

The system set by Mu Chunhua and You Fengxia is relatively strict, even if they are specially responsible managers, there are not too many outside recruits.

Xu Damao drove the two dogs into the house first, and pinched them as soon as he entered the door.

The two sides kept yelling, Xu Damao tied them all up, but couldn't bite each other.

Hao Hongmei: "Principal Xu, you are back. You bought these two thin dogs specially?"

Xu Damao: "This is Cheng Cuihua, the manager of KFC, why don't you say hello, polite?"

"I'm sorry I forgot it when I was excited just now, hello Manager Cheng."

"This little girl's name is Hao Hongmei, and she was sent by Sijiucheng to take care of me."

"I usually work diligently and neatly, but it's a bit of a Ma Daha posture."

Cuihua: "This little sister is still young, she'll be fine when she grows up.

Xu Damao: "Hao Hongmei, pack up. You don't need to cook tonight. Let's go out to dinner with us."

"What about Principal Xu's two dogs?"

"Let them tether in the yard first, they can't be put in the house until they are properly trained."

"Otherwise, the whole house will smell like shit. When I have time, I'll help them build a doghouse first."

After Hao Hongmei changed clothes and came out, Xu Damao took the two of them all the way to Jishan Hall.

Zhou Bingkun has been able to exercise during this period of time, and he has become more proficient in ushering and sending them.

"Mr. Xu and Manager Cheng, you are here, it's terribly cold outside, hurry in and drink some hot tea."

"Bingkun, how has your work been recently?"

"Very good, very good. Thank you Teacher Xu. This place is much better than the small soy sauce factory."

Xu Damao: "That's good, so that the days will be more prosperous."

"By the way, I'm having dinner with Manager Cheng tonight. Please help us arrange a room."

"Mr. Xu and Manager Cheng, please come with me."

Zhou Bingkun led them to the Orchid Hall, followed by two other managers.

One is in charge of finance, the other is in charge of logistics,

They may not know Xu Damao, but Cheng Cuihua and their immediate boss dare not know him.

Seeing that Xu Damao was a little impatient, Cuihua asked Zhou Bingkun to stay and let the two of them go out.

"What kind of ingredients are there in the restaurant today? It doesn't have to be too rich, but it must taste delicious."

Zhou Bingkun: "Today's braised pork face is good. It has been simmered on a low fire for a long time. Now eating it is absolutely soft and delicious, fragrant but not greasy. And the fat intestines are cleaned very cleanly. I am preparing a pickled mutton for you. It is eating Sour and refreshing, appetizing, not good, not greasy.”

Xu Damao: "I'm ordering two and that's it. It's not good to eat too much at night."

"Today, two girls came to a pot of pork. It was crispy and full of sweet and sour."

"I'm here for a snow bean paste, let me see how good your restaurant cooks are?"

"Finally, a black and white dish is a combination of meat and vegetables. Is there anything else you would like to eat, Cuihua and Hongmei?"


"It can't be eaten."

Xu Damao: "Nah Bingkun, let them serve the food quickly, then come over and let's have two drinks."

"Okay Teacher Xu, I'll go down and let them serve the food quickly."

(Grilled pig face: a traditional dish in Qi, Heijiang, usually eaten on February [-]; smoked spiced salmon: sliced ​​salmon, marinated with various seasonings, and then steamed in a pot , and finally smoked with sugar.)
(Sauerkraut mutton, pot-wrapped meat, and snow-coated bean paste have been mentioned earlier, black and white vegetables: fungus and cabbage are mixed together and eaten after cooling.)
Note: The dish of Demoli fish stew did not exist in this era, and it would not appear until the mid-80s when everyone was allowed to open restaurants.

(End of this chapter)

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