Xu Damao, who is not reconciled to the courtyard

Chapter 546 Mu Chunhua opens up the market

Chapter 546 Mu Chunhua opens up the market

This morning, Xu Damao was sitting by the fireplace with a cup of tea, and it was rare that he did not go out for a walk.

He was thinking about the situation of those factories that he had recently learned about, and seeing that there were no shortcuts.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Damao let out a deep breath.

Summed up in two words, that is "no play".

Take the towel factory, which can no longer offer any wages, they would rather rely on the designated loans instructed by the leaders.

Or even that trivial local financial subsidy would never sell this factory.

This is not only a matter of leadership, many workers below will not easily agree.

They cannot accept that they have changed from state employees to private employees, because the gap is too great.

Another way is to hang under a big factory, but this is unacceptable to Xu Damao.

Aside from paying a lot of "necessary" fees each year, you can't make your business too big.

Xu Damao's head is nothing like a bamboo basket fetching water, but a certain degree of wrangling is absolutely indispensable.

If you don't get it right, it will also affect your reputation, which is really worth the loss.

Xu Damao suddenly felt a little bored, and decided to enjoy the nearby specialties for a while.
When I can go hunting in the mountains, I go to play for a few days, and then directly withdraw the troops and return to the camp.

As for the house, just stay here, it will be a place to stay when you come to play in the future.

Xu Damao read a book in front of the fireplace in the morning to amuse the dog, and at noon he went outside to eat a more luxurious dish of this era.

"Crispy White Meat".

"Crispy white meat", also known as shredded white meat, is made of pork fat, which is pasted and fried.

Some are cooked by the method of wire drawing, and some are made by the method of hanging frost.

Today, Xu Damao ordered the practice of pulling wire for eating. In this era when fat is the mainstay of meat products, this dish is really extravagant.

When he ordered, the waiter looked at him like he was looking at a prodigal.

While eating, the guests around looked at him and muttered in a low voice, as if he had made a mistake.

Xu Damao ignored their eyes, but although this dish was crunchy and sweet, it was fat but not greasy.

But he will only eat it this time, because this famous dish makes him feel like he is eating jelly beans.

At noon the next day, Xu Damao ate a traditional dish from the three northeastern provinces, "three kinds of glutinous rice".

It is made from three kinds of pig water, fat intestines, big belly, and pork liver.

On the third day, I ate "crisp yellow cabbage", which is also a special dish of the era.

Crispy yellow cabbage is also a shredded dish. Eggs are broken up, wet starch is added, it is spread into pancakes, then fried with a knife, and finally boiled with sugar and shredded.

On the fourth day, I tasted "Northeastern Cherry Meat". The northeastern cherry meat is cut into cubes with pork loin.

After hanging, it is fried and made with tomato sauce. It is shaped like a cherry and tastes sweet and sour.

On the fifth day, after wandering around for a long time, he couldn't eat the food he wanted, so he had to take a bite.

On the sixth day, he went to several restaurants, and finally one restaurant agreed to cook that dish for him.

"Xuemian Bean Paste" is one of the famous dishes at the imperial banquet of the puppet dynasty.

Form the bean paste into a ball, wrap it in the beaten egg whites, fry it until the skin is slightly yellow, remove it, and sprinkle with sugar.

It looks simple, but it is one of the most feared dishes for chefs now.

Because it needs to beat egg whites, and beat the egg whites until the chopsticks can stand in the middle without falling.

At this time, there is no egg beater. You can only rely on a pair of chopsticks to beat the egg whites, and you can't stop in the middle. In the end, you get cramps in your hands.

This is the dish, and it was only when Xu Damao wandered around many restaurants that he found someone who was willing to cook this dish.

(The above dishes belong to the special era dishes of the three eastern provinces, and now few restaurants buy them.)
Xu Damao has been busy looking for special dishes these days, and Zhou Rong's daily correspondence with her eldest brother has also come to each other's hands.

After graduating from university, Zhou Rong, who chose to stay in Sijiucheng for postgraduate studies, was surprised after receiving the letter from her eldest brother.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Bingkun could meet Teacher Xu, and he also got help from others.

If the original Zhou Rong was interested in love poems and small poems, even to the point of worship.

She now understands that those things can only be counted as bonus points, and will not help your P points in life.

She had long since lost the inside-out pride of watching Feng Hua become everyone reading poems in the school's auditorium.

What I have now is just the irritability of current life and the confusion about future work.

Teacher Xu is different. Not to mention his high position is now prohibitive.

Just as a Red G artist, he will be respected enough wherever he goes.

At this time, Feng Huacheng, who had just joined the library, went home from get off work and announced loudly as soon as he entered the door.

"I have already signed up for the poetry competition, and I am confident that I will win the championship. If I can win this time."

"Not only will I be able to get a house smoothly, but even my position may go up a notch."

Zhou Rong said absent-mindedly, "Really, then you must practice more."

"Huacheng, I've been thinking about Yueyue a little these days, and I want to go back to Jichun to see her."

Feng Huacheng: "If we can get a house this time, we can take Yueyue over to live there."

Zhou Rong: "I'll take a look at home. I'll definitely come back to cheer you on before your poetry contest."

The next day, Zhou Rong asked for leave and got on the train bound for Jichun City.
Xu Damao came back from foraging on the street at noon today and filled the fireplace with firewood.

After making a cup of tea, throw yourself on the sofa by the fireplace.

Pick up the pager still at home and see several new pages on it.

It turned out to be a local number, Xu Damao picked up the phone and gave it back.

"Crooked, who called the page just now?"

There was a burst of laughter from the other end of the phone. The voice was very familiar. Before Xu Damao could remember who it was, he spoke from the other side.

"You little conscience, I came to Jichun to find you. Hurry up and tell them your address. I'll warm your bed tonight."

It is the voice of Mu Chunhua with one word on the shoulder.

Xu Damao: "Why did you come here?"

Mu Chunhua: "Explore the market. Originally, Jichun City was going to be a little later."

"But people miss you and put it in the front. You won't be angry, will you?"

Xu Damao told Mu Chunhua the address, and before even half an hour there was a knock at the gate.

She was the only one outside the door, and Mu Chunhua dressed herself like a ball, making her face smaller and smaller.

"Master~ slaves are here to serve you."

(End of this chapter)

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