Chapter 47
Today, Xu Damao entered the factory early, quickly solved the problem of the two, and found his section chief.

Xu Damao: "Senior, I want to ask for leave today to see my parents."

"Is it to show off?"

"I know I can't hide it from you. This is not a son's future. I want to make my parents happy."

Section Chief Zhang: "Go, you don't need to take leave. I know it's not close, but it's fine if you don't interfere with tomorrow's affairs."

"Don't worry, Section Chief, I will be back on time."

Xu Damao handed Xiao Hei to Daniel, and hurried to the station by himself.

After arriving at his parents' house, his father was not at home. Xu Damao told his mother about his promotion.

Mom immediately finds someone to bring Dad back, buys vegetables and cooks to celebrate his son's rest.

After eating, I will give my parents some physical conditioning. Of course, it is not the kind of parallel imports to outsiders. Once it is OK, the rest will be prescribed a prescription to maintain slowly.

Arrived at the station at 5:[-] in the morning, took the bus all the way back, and finally was not late.

He came to his office, touched Xiaohei's dog's head, took the brewed tea, and asked if he left yesterday if there was anything in the factory.

Daniel told Xu Damao what he knew.

As soon as the morning was over, he was called over by Director Yang.

It turned out that Boss Lou came to the factory at noon and wanted Xu Damao to accompany him.

Director Yang wondered if it was the problem with the last treatment.

Xu Damao: "Director Yang, I'm sure that after my treatment, Boss Lou has no problem in the near future. Of course, if he is too indulgent, that doesn't count."

"Director Yang, otherwise I won't go. You can call me depending on the situation. If he pulls people again, I really don't want to do it. Our factory doesn't have fun."

Director Yang: "Then you go back first. If it's his own problem, I'll call you again. If not, I'll help you."

"Thank you! Director Yang."

Director Yang: "By the way, Xiao Xu, what aspect of medicine are you good at?"

"Director Yang, I can't say this. There is no clear dividing line in traditional Chinese medicine. I can only say that I have a little experience in regulating the internal organs."

"Well~ I see. Then you go to work first. If you can push me, I will push you away."

There is no problem with Boss Lou himself, which Xu Damao can be sure of.

Then when he came, he also pointed out that he wanted to see himself, that is, he wanted something.

Those who have a good relationship with him are probably some big businessmen.

It is not rare for me to be in contact with such people now. If one is not good, it is all thunder!

I don't know if my wife in this life is Lou Xiaoe.

If it is, then after all, I have slept with someone else's daughter, I can help if I can, not if I love it.

Some people say that you don't want to carry the thunder, then find a wife early.Why wait for Lou Xiaoe?
This may also be one of Xu Damao's unwillingness!Like heart disease, you can't get rid of it.

Why would his wife be slapped by his opponent and have a son with him.

Xu Damao's old age was miserable and he had nothing to support.This is the hurdle that cannot be overcome.

Then again, who is worthy of Xu Damao's marriage now?

Not at all good!The protagonists and supporting roles in the original play are small, inappropriate and inappropriate, and the others have not been seen yet.

As for Ding Qiunan, the heroine is iron and rice is steel.

You can be friends or P friends, but it is definitely not suitable to be a wife in this era.

When you see this, don't spray it, Qiu Nan was definitely not a good wife candidate in the 60s.

Because she has the common problem of 21st century girls.

First, I never tell you to guess when there is a problem. In the original play, she treated Nan Yi like this, so the two of them failed.

It was also how he treated Cui Dake, which led to an unhappy marriage.

Everyone just saw that Ding Qiunan was unhappy in her marriage, so why was she unhappy?
I'm not doing it for Cui Dake, but Cui Dake's way of getting Ding Qiunan is indeed not very clever.

But it did not affect his love for Ding Qiunan. For decades, Ding Qiunan's character has always hurt the feelings of the two people.

What did she say that she disliked Cui Dake's way of life, that is your husband, the person you need to rely on in your life, it's okay if you don't protect it, but you can't say it in front of others!

Whether he was kidnapped outside or provoked trouble, didn't it all make your life a little better?

What about Ding Qiunan?Does everyone say that about your husband?How can she imagine it!

If you look down on Cui Dake so much, then don't eat the food that Cui Dake has worked so hard to get back!Don't spend his money?

Eat his food, drink his food, and use his money. He always makes him guess what he thinks in his heart. If he can't guess, it means that his marriage is unhappy?What kind of bullshit logic is this?

Although such women abound now.

But it was in the 60's!Any life is not easy, not to mention those who sue their husbands for the sake of living, children who sue their parents, parents who report their children, relatives, friends and neighbors.

With such a wife, Cui Dake also takes good care of her and the children.

I haven't complained much. After the storm passes, I support you in school and earn money to support your family.

Ding Qiunan is like a wealthy wife. People like eating, looking after children, complaining about her husband still say she is unhappy?
Then I want to ask, what kind of happiness did Ding Qiunan want to pursue in that era?
Sweet words can't bring a wowtou, nor a foot of cotton!
The screenwriter and director positioned Cui Dake as a bad guy, and I have no objection to that.

But Cui Dake absolutely did it in his feelings and tolerance for Ding Qiunan, a good husband and father at that time.

What about Ding Qiunan?Until the end, he was still revealing that Cui Dake was not!Still talking about his unhappiness.

This is Ding Qiunan.

A simple comparison between Ding Qiunan and Lou Xiao'e, Lou Xiao'e can shake Ding Qiunan 18 streets.

What kind of family is Ding Qiunan?What family does Lou Xiaoe have?Upbringing is completely different.

Xu Damao beat or scolded Lou Xiaoe, and Lou Xiaoe still occupied with Xu Damao to protect her husband.

Although she was disappointed and divorced Xu Da Mao in the end, and then had a one-night stand with Sha Zhu, it was also the old lady's plan.

It is for this reason that Xu Damao never tried to find a way to flirt with Ding Qiunan.

Thinking of this, Xu Damao scolded Boss Lou again, always thinking about brushing himself in vain. If it wasn't for Mrs. Lou last time, it would be impossible for him to take a penny from Lou's house because of Boss Lou's attitude.

Resolutely resist white brushing, what do you take yourself for?

The people in the factory will always use it in the future. You are a capitalist, don't make any contribution to Xiao'e, and you still want to come and brush yourself!
Going back to the house to drink tea, I figured out when to call me, but when the Daniel called me for dinner, no one came to call me!

Self-motivated, eat!Only dry rice can hide the embarrassment in my heart.

Daniel saw that something was wrong with Xu Damao, but he didn't dare to ask.

After Xu Damao finished eating, he tidied up the table, took the lunch box and went to wash.

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(End of this chapter)

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