Xu Damao, who is not reconciled to the courtyard

Chapter 28 Governing Wen and Governing Li

Chapter 28 Governing Wen and Governing Li

After another needle was given to Wen Li, Xu Damao offered to check the pulse of her parents.

Wen Li's father was more open-minded, and he didn't even need to say it. Wen Li's mother was suspicious of this hairy boy.

He didn't say that he had to mention it himself. Since he said it himself, he should also look at it. Whether this little Maotou really came to treat the disease, or did he come to ho-ho her daughter.

His daughter is divorced and has children, this little Maotou will definitely not marry his daughter.

But he couldn't let him swear at his own daughter. If people knew about it, it would be even more difficult for his daughter to find a next home.

Xu Damao took Wen Li's mother's pulse, carefully described her small symptoms, and gave some solutions.

Symptomatic!Wen Li's mother believed it, this little Maotou really knows how to see a doctor.

There is nothing wrong with her father, except that the waist is not good, and it looks like a disc in the waist.

Xu Damao also gave suggestions to solve the problem, and gave Father Wen's waist a second bone setting, which made Father Wen feel comfortable.

When the time came to give Wen Li the injection, she explained how to use the medicine and precautions, refused to leave the meal, and left.

After Xu Damao left, Wen Li's parents asked what was going on?

Wen Li said: "Xu Damao went to school to know himself, how could he not see Yanni cry yesterday, how to help Yanni to buy shoes, how to like Yanni, and then take Yanni to dinner, and pointed out his physical problems, hope that he If you can take good care of your body, you will be able to take care of Jenny better. Wait..."

Mother Wen asked, "Is there any purpose for him to do this?"

Wen Li replied: "I'm already like this, what purpose can people have? What purpose can they spend 50 yuan to get close to someone like me?
"He can find several girls for this money. They just help me and the children. Can you stop being suspicious of others every day?"

"Is Mom really worried about you? That Tong Zhi back then, if Mom asked more, how could it be in the current situation."

"Mom, don't mention that person. Yanni and I have nothing to do with him in the future."

"After I recover, I will look for a job, and I will never marry in my life."

"I can raise Yanni as well. The commander-in-chief said that women can hold up half the sky! I, Wenli, will only live for my parents, Yanni and myself from now on!"

The old couple looked at each other, there is no way this child has been willful since childhood, take your time.

On the way back, Xu Damao checked the admiration panel: Wenli admiration degree 90!

Just add 10 points?
After thinking about it, it wasn't that I was ineffective today, it was the help yesterday when she was in trouble, and the last bowl of chicken soup was too powerful.

Sure enough, taking advantage of the gap is the fastest step to the soul ladder!
It was getting late, and as soon as I got home and finished eating, I heard He Yuhui shouting from outside the door: "Xu Damao, old lady Xu Damao is looking for you."

Xu Damao was still wondering, he had agreed with the old lady that there was no need for needles in this section, so why did the old lady find him?

Let's go and see, the ancestors of this hospital can still go to the summons!
After arriving, I found out that it was He Yuyu who had a problem, so I asked her to teach her.

It works. When she develops the habit of relying on herself, I really want to see the face of silly Zhu!

Xu Damao solved the difficult problem of He Yuyu, peeled off layer by layer, explained in simple terms, and solved it in a straight-forward manner.

Be careful when harvesting worship.

After Xu Damao left, He Yuyu asked the old lady, "How does Xu Damao's brain grow? He obviously hasn't been to school for a long time, so how can he solve problems better than his teacher's?"

The old lady smiled without saying a word.

As soon as I went to work today, the section chief reminded himself that it was time to see the deputy director tomorrow.

You have to go early after work, don't wait for someone to call.

Xu Damao was instructed to wait in the office of Deputy Director Li as soon as he went to work tomorrow.

It is another small step, and every small step is the guarantee of my future and peace.

Eat, get off work.

When I heard Jia Zhang's bragging in the yard, he said how he was doing yesterday, turning the tide, and fighting with each other, and finally persuaded the second uncle's family to have peace today.

Of course, Xu Damao complimented him without money, and directly praised Jia Zhang as a figure like the United Nations Peace Ambassador.

Jia Zhang's round face has become oval.

Qin Huairu watched for a while, Jia Fei was too embarrassed to demolish his mother's stage, so he had to laugh with him.

After playing Jia Zhang's home, I felt amused. What would happen if a shit stirrer was added to the courtyard?

In general, no one cares about her little things, except for the second uncle who is very addicted to officials, but when the shit stirrer feels that he is very powerful.

The son suddenly quack!Will she increase her anger on Qin Huairu?Or on someone else who doesn't let her keep stirring?
What will it be like by then?Really looking forward to it!

The next morning, Xu Damao waited at the door of the office of Deputy Director Li.

This move made Deputy Director Li feel very face.

After entering the room and taking the pulse, Xu Damao said, "Director Li, your body has recovered quite well after taking the medicine for this period of time."

"I need acupuncture to help you improve your physical condition. Since your body is not bad, the days of acupuncture are not given to our section chief for as long as four days."

"It takes half an hour to get a needle, and I can't move this time. I hope you can arrange the time."

"These old Zhangs have all told me, I understand, Xiao Xu, you can start using needles at any time."

"Then Director Li, wait a moment, I'm ready to go."

After speaking, I took out the needles, alcohol, cotton wool, and gauze from the bag, disinfected the needles with alcohol, dried them with cotton wool, and placed them on the gauze one by one.

Large, small, long, short, thick and thin.

Around is that Director Li was prepared, and looking at this large needle, he felt a little dazed.

I kept cheering myself up, Lao Zhang can do it, so can I, for the sake of future sexual well-being, what kind of acupuncture is this!bring it on!

In fact, this was Xu Damao's intention. When he gave the section chief a needle, he simply wiped it with an alcohol cotton pad.

To do this to Deputy Director Li is to deepen his impression and give him a feeling of being highly skilled. After all, seeing others being beaten is different from being beaten by yourself!
Since then, the steel factory has added another one, a hedgehog play enthusiast!
When the acupuncture was finished and the acupuncture was started, he used the psychic acupuncture to stimulate the deputy director Li severely and put him in a standing state.

After taking the pulse again, Xu Damao wrote down the prescription again, instructed the dosage and contraindications, and said that he would leave after he came tomorrow.

After Xu Damao left, the office building was blown up. In this era, anyone who farts can be hotly searched.

A projectionist was in the deputy director's office for almost an hour!What is this situation?
So everyone, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showed their magical powers, and went to inquire.

But no one heard what?I haven't heard that the projectionist has anything to do with Deputy Director Li.

This shows that there is a problem, and everyone's enthusiasm is higher.

They are all ready to dig out this big melon first and show their way.

(End of this chapter)

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