Pay 99 yuan: create a mysterious funeral for you

Chapter 98, there are words on the money

Chapter 98, there are words on the money

Death is a sad event and can place families in situations of remembrance.

Many families can't stand the absence of loved ones and are unable to collect belongings.

So correspondingly, there is a professional service of packing up relics for others.

Just like Su Chen's funeral service, when someone dies, the work begins.

Looking at the sticky and smelly money, Feng Mei knew that she couldn't clean it up, even if she took it directly to the bank, it would be difficult to recognize it.

Su Chen can only be cleaned up by professional means.

Although the other party's attitude was bad, Su Chen still accepted it.

Now that the order has been accepted, all the work must be done well.

Not for them, but also for the respect of the dead.

After the two handed over the money to Su Chen to clean up, they left without stopping.

Looking at the relic box that was ignored by the two, Su Chen could only put it away and continue to put relics in it.

The money has been taken out by them and the room is ready for finishing touches.

It took Su Chen half an hour to clean up everything in the room, and the relics of the deceased were put in the relics box, which was a task item issued to him by the system. The sorted relics are placed in it, and at the end of the day, they must be handed over to the family members face to face in order to complete the task.

There are not many relics. There are old smartphones with large characters, books, withdrawal records, and clean clothes that she was reluctant to wear during her lifetime.

After finishing tidying up the room, Su Chen began to prepare to clean up the banknotes.

Both of them were in a good mood when they found that the money under the mattress could inherit a house.

The Ma family couple who left the small courtyard returned to the mourning hall.

The relics are sorted out, and the funeral here cannot be delayed.

As soon as they entered the door, the two found their son Ma Xu sitting in a corner by himself, with a strange expression on his face.

"Xu'er, what's wrong?"

Feng Mei stepped forward with concern and asked.

Habitually touched Ma Xu's forehead with his hand, it wasn't hot.

Ma Xu pouted, turned his head, and didn't want to talk to them.

He didn't speak, just kept silent.

Feng Mei's complexion changed slightly:

"This kid doesn't have a cold either! What's the matter?"

"Ma Xu, are you feeling unwell?"

Ma Hong frowned deeply and asked.

Also very concerned.

Facing the questioning of the two, Ma Xu just didn't speak and kept silent.

At this time, many people came to the mourning hall.

Feng Mei waved her hand:
"Okay, you go take care of others, I'll watch Xu'er for a while!"

"Well, if you don't feel well, send it to the hospital!"

Ma Hongshen could only nod his head. He was still very concerned about the child's affairs.

After speaking, I went to take care of other relatives and friends.

Serving tea and pouring water, busy with work and smiling.

"Xu'er, let's go, I'll take you to the hospital for an examination!"

"I'm not going to the hospital, I'm not sick!"

"Then why are you ignoring mom and dad? We are busy enough with your grandma's funeral, and you are making trouble!"

"I don't want you to control me!"

Ma Xu was a little angry, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Not knowing where his grievances came from, Feng Mei showed rare patience and asked in a low voice:
"What's the matter? Man, why are you still crying!?"


Ma Xu's voice was a little choked:
"Grandma is gone, why aren't you sad?"


Feng Mei was taken aback, and quickly said:
"Grandma is gone. This is something we all don't want to see. Mom and Dad are also very sad!"

"No! You are not sad at all! You don't love grandma at all! You don't love me either!"

Ma Xu shook his head firmly, tears fell out.

Thinking of the scene of them talking and laughing last night, he felt that his parents treated grandma too indifferently!

Feng Mei's complexion was a little dignified, and she said earnestly:

"Why? Mom loves you so much, can't you see? After grandma got sick, I did my best to take care of her, didn't I? We are a family, how could we not love grandma and you? "

What she said made Ma Xu stunned for a moment.

The tears flickering in the eyes reflected the earnestness of the mother's words.

Open your mouth slowly:
"We are family, grandma is not!"

"After you got the disease, you took care of it for a few days, and you still quarreled with your father every day! In the next month, you didn't go there, and even grandma died for several days before someone found her body! Grandma passed away , but you can’t even shed tears! Do you think, is this a family? Is this love?”

The childish tone, but the words were so oppressive, Feng Mei hesitated to speak, but was speechless to refute.

His voice trembled, mixed with a little anger and incomprehension:
"Do I want to treat you like this in the future? I don't want to!"

"Why can you treat me patiently, but you can't treat your biological parents? Why can you be easily moved by your children's love and never forget it, but turn your head and ignore the love your grandma gave you? They are all relatives, why should you treat them differently!? "

"The teacher said that you are my role models. Should I follow such a role model?"

Every sentence of the child's words pokes the heart, and every word punctures the heart.

Seeing the appearance of her son in front of her, she was speechless to refute.

Feng Mei didn't know when her tears fell, she hugged her son, and unconsciously looked at the portrait of the mourning hall, her eyes were a little dazed.

in the courtyard.

Su Chen cleaned up all the money, and found that there were words written on the money.

It appears to have been written by the deceased, in the same font as those labels on the photo earlier.

He carefully cleared out all the money, and the cleaning effect of the medicine given by the system completely exceeded his expectations, and it was simply restored to its original state.However, he observed that there are so many of the same words on each piece of money!
Looking at these words, Su Chen remembered something, and quickly took out the relic box.

Checked the withdrawal record of the passbook.


The wish of the deceased has clearly emerged, Su Chen's face is complicated, and he understands something.


Ma Hongshen came to withdraw the money, but this time his wife Feng Mei did not come.

Seeing Su Chen standing in the yard, he came over and asked directly:

"Where's my money?"

"It's all sorted out, it's all in this relic box!"

Su Chen handed him the whole box again.

He frowned, opened the box, and wanted to count the money.

While nodding, he frowned and said:
"When I count the money, don't give me those things, just throw them in the trash!"

He seemed disgusted with those relics.

When I see those relics, I can think of my mother who suffers from Alzheimer's disease.

Now that the person is dead, he doesn't want to touch those things anymore.

"It is my duty to hand over the relics of the deceased to the family members."

Su Chen said solemnly.


Ma Hong gave him a deep look, paused for counting money in his hand, and looked a little impatient:

"What? You also think I'm not filial? You want me to pick up the relics and show you a filial son?"

With that said, he reached out and took the relic box in Su Chen's hand.

Then, he threw it directly on the ground
(End of this chapter)

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