Pay 99 yuan: create a mysterious funeral for you

Chapter 71 Not like a good person

Chapter 71 Not like a good person
Zhong Jiayou stayed tenderly for a while, then hurried to the hospital.

Although the popularity on the Internet has reached expectations, he is very clear that he must come forward and update the matter of grandpa, so that the hot spots will completely focus on himself.Moreover, the news that Grandpa had passed away had to be announced as soon as possible, otherwise it would be another trouble if someone took advantage of it.

All the social accounts are followed by a large number of fans, and I only need to update a dynamic to easily update the latest situation on the hot spots.

After arriving at the hospital, his father appeared in front of him with dark circles under his eyes. He had been busy all night and had already arranged for someone to cremate Zhong Youcai's body.

"The people at the funeral parlor, I've already made arrangements. Someone will come and take your grandfather away in a while!"

Zhong Zhihong sat wearily on a chair beside him, his eyes were red, he seemed to have experienced a lot of vicissitudes this night.

Glancing at his son who was looking around with indifferent eyes, he thought of his father's words before he left, and thought about it.


Zhong Jiayou responded, glanced at the relatively deserted hospital corridors around him, and sat down beside Zhong Zhihong.

He took out his mobile phone in his pocket, and when he was about to wait for the funeral home to carry the body, he took a few more photos.

When the time comes to update the news, there will be photo materials.

Being bored at leisure, he remembered what his father said yesterday that his grandfather was going to make a will, and asked quickly:
"Dad, didn't my grandfather say he was going to make a will last night? Did he tell you anything?"

"He wanted to see you for the last time, but he didn't wait for you."

Zhong Zhihong had a bad expression on his face, and said casually.

There was some blame in his tone.

"Yesterday, I was stuck in a traffic jam on the road. I was in a hurry to go this way, but I still missed it. But there is nothing to see. After all, I have been visiting him for the past few days."

Zhong Jiayou quickly explained, feeling a little guilty.

Faced with Zhong Jiayou's inability to explain.

Zhong Zhihong didn't pay attention to his words.

Just sitting there a little tired.

Soon, people from the funeral home over there came and took Zhong Youcai's body away.

During the period, Zhong Jiayou hurriedly took a few more photos and began to update his social status.

'Recently my affairs have been exposed, causing many fans to worry, thank you for your concern, thank you very much for your support! (I'm fine.jpg)'

'I just did what every son and grandson would do, be filial to my grandpa! '

'It's just that time won't stay on him. Just last night, my grandfather Zhong Youcai passed away unfortunately! '

'At that time, I had just returned home from the hospital, and my father and I took turns guarding grandpa. Unexpectedly, when I just came home, I got this bad news. It happened suddenly. I stayed by his side for so many days, but even the last time I saw grandpa Couldn't see it!

I rushed back to the hospital, knelt at the door of the emergency room and cried all night in grief, but I was still powerless to change the ending.I understand that the past is irreversible, and grandpa's funeral needs to be settled step by step, and the funeral is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. '

'Grandpa's body was sent to the funeral home to be cremated just now, I really miss him! '

A series of posts were posted, accompanied by photos of deserted hospital corridors and funeral home people carrying the remains.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused the alarm of all fans!

One after another commented and forwarded under this dynamic.

"Ah! Jiayou finally posted a message. I'm so worried. Nothing happened, right?"

"Our idol is the best! Jiayou, come on!"

"Seeing Jiayou say that this is something that every son and grandson would do, the whole person broke down in an instant! Tears!"

"As expected of a star I like, such an outstanding star is rare! Those stars should learn from Jiayou!"

"Jiayou, my condolences are changing, the deceased is like a husband, don't ruin your body, rest when you are tired! (Distressed and pitiful.jpg)"

"Yes, sorry, we are all worried about you, don't be too sad! Pay attention to your body!"

"I haven't even seen the last face, I can imagine Jiayou's desperate and pitiful appearance, woohoo! I want to give Jiayou a comforting hug! Early in the morning, I couldn't stop crying , This is my favorite star!"

"Hundreds of goodness and filial piety are the first, it is really touching!"

"It's good to be touched by everyone, but as he said, he just fulfilled the obligations and responsibilities of a descendant. I still hope that everyone will be rational and caring. There are many filial sons who can do this kind of thing, not just him. What I want to bring to everyone should be to learn the spirit of filial piety, instead of being moved here, holding it mindlessly, and chasing stars mindlessly! With this time for star chasing, why not stop to improve yourself and care for your parents and elders!"

"Upstairs, do you have no feelings? Jiayou is so difficult, you still spray him like this, are you embarrassed?"

"Have I sprayed it? I just call on everyone to chase stars rationally!"

"Sensible? Hehe, it's because Jiayou's jealousy is here that he deliberately sprays it here for the sake of presence, right? Are you the only one who knows so much?"

"That's right, Jiayou is already very tired after something like this happened. On the Internet, we will protect him!"

"Yes! That's right!"

Seeing the fans' responses below the feed, Zhong Jiayou nodded in satisfaction.

Regarding dynamic operations, he is still very experienced, and the facts show that he is very successful.

All the fans expressed that they were very moved. All kinds of comments were extremely beneficial to themselves, and they were still helping themselves to improve their image. Occasionally, a few rational players who jumped out were also frantically suppressed by these fans.

The number of likes, comments, and retweets are all rising crazily.

The current situation is proceeding according to Jiayou's ideas, and I believe that the popularity of this matter will soon be transferred to the hot search.

At that time, his position at the top of the list will be even more solid.

Looking at those high-ranking stars in the past, now being suppressed by myself at the bottom of the list, the joy in my heart is indescribable.

According to the agent, batches of people have come to make appointments since last night.

They all took a fancy to their popularity and wanted to invite themselves to play.

Su's Funeral Company.

Before it was time for the funeral, Su Chen was packing things in the store, and was going to buy some auspicious things to put in the store.

It was rare for Lin Yu to be free, so he sat on the sofa and chatted with Su Chen about Zhong Jiayou.

She is particularly perceptive about such things online, saying:
"I didn't expect Zhong Jiayou to be so filial. Many netizens praised him, and, do you know? He is actually from our Qingyang County. These days, such filial celebrities are rare!"

"Well~ it's rare."

Su Chen nodded perfunctorily, he already knew about this matter.

Thinking of what I wanted to inquire about, I quickly asked her:

"By the way, you told me before that there was a long-haired man wearing a peaked cap who stood in front of my store for a long time?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu nodded quickly and said:
"Yeah, that guy is still holding a thermos in his hand, he doesn't look like a good person"

Not finished yet.

A beautiful figure suddenly walked in from outside the shop, her eyebrows frowned.
 Tomorrow is the leader: a new chapter is added to the limited edition.

  Start paying off your debts!

  The matter at hand is over for now.

  Thank you for your support, subscriptions and monthly passes!
  In the past few days, there have been some problems at home and work.

  very headache~
  Thank you for your support and understanding!

(End of this chapter)

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