Douluo: Live Q&A, the whole world was exposed by me

Chapter 95 The first live broadcast is over, the master's desire! (Part 1)

Chapter 95 No.11 live broadcast is over, the master's desire! (first update)
Because of Tang San's embarrassing status.

Although Tang San answered the question correctly this time, he obtained the very valuable Baicao Pill prescription.

But apart from Tang Xiao complimenting Tang San and Wuhundian telling Tang San that this time it was just a piece of shit luck, next time if Tang San is found again, they will definitely kill their father and son, the rest of the forces are There is no indication.

【Ding!This live question and answer session has ended, and the live broadcast room will be temporarily closed after 3 minutes, and you can freely choose to exit the live broadcast room. 】

[The time for the next live Q&A, one month later! 】

Soon, a line of blood-colored characters appeared in front of everyone.

A cold voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

The next live broadcast, in a month?
When I saw that the next live broadcast was a month later, whether it was the human soul master or the soul beast, I couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Because according to previous experience.

The live broadcast at one-month intervals generally broadcasts what will happen in the future.

But for what happens in the future.

Whether it is the soul beast side or the human soul master side, it can be said that they are completely smeared.

Only Lin Yu knows the future.

In the next live broadcast, can it only be this Lin Yu who is in the limelight?
Many soul masters couldn't help but feel resentful in their hearts, but they were helpless.

I can only comfort myself in my heart. Even if the live broadcast is about future events, it does not necessarily ask questions about the future.

Just like this live broadcast.

According to previous experience, the time interval of fifteen days, what should be played is what happened in the past.

But this time, the question was about the names of several exotic flowers and plants.

The next live broadcast, they will not have no chance.


With the end of the live broadcast, everyone withdrew from the live broadcast room one after another.

Heaven Dou Imperial City, Dugu Mansion.

"Are the various exotic flowers and plants growing around my medicine garden called Immortal Grade Spirit Grass? But the few Immortal Grade Spirit Grasses that I just introduced don't seem to exist in my medicine garden now."

"And just now that Tang San only mentioned the names of these immortal grade spirit grasses, but didn't introduce the specific effects."

"The medicinal power of this Immortal Spirit Grass is absolutely extraordinary, so I don't dare to take it offense!"

After exiting the live broadcast room, Dugu Bo recalled what happened just now and couldn't help but sigh.

However, after the introduction in the live broadcast room, Dugu Bo now knows.

Those exotic flowers and plants growing around your own medicine garden can be said to be of great value!
But the more he knew about this, the less Dugu Bo dared to speak out.

After all, in this live broadcast, Dugu Bo already knew that his old nemesis, the old chrysanthemum in Wuhun Hall, seemed to know these immortal spirit grasses.

And because there is an old chrysanthemum's martial spirit prototype, Qirong Tongtianju, growing around his medicine garden.

If this old chrysanthemum finds out, he will definitely push Wuhundian to attack him!
at the same time.

At the junction of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, in a branch forest of the Star Dou Great Forest.

After exiting the live broadcast room, in a dim forest.

Tang San couldn't help but excitedly communicated with the live broadcast room and took out this time's reward.

The prescription of Baicaodan and a bottle of finished Baicaodan.

"Little San, show me the recipe for this Baicao Dan."

On the side, after seeing Tang San take out the reward, Tang Hao said in a deep voice.

"Here, Dad!"

For Tang Hao's request, Tang San naturally chose to agree, and then handed it to Tang Hao respectfully.

"[-]-year-old ginseng, [-]-year-old Purple Ganoderma lucidum, [-]-year-old He Shouwu..."

When he saw the herbs written on the prescription, Tang Hao couldn't help frowning.

Although it is said that a hundred-year-old medicinal material is not as rare as a thousand-year-old medicinal material, nor is it as hard to find as a thousand-year-old medicinal material.

But it is also a very precious medicinal material.

And more importantly, this Baicao Dan's prescription is really just like its name, it actually requires hundreds of different medicinal materials, and the years are more than a hundred years old.

It is not an easy task to collect a hundred different medicinal materials of more than [-] years old.

It is also quite difficult to refine these medicinal materials.

I am afraid that there are only two imperial families from the Tian Dou and Xing Luo empires.

There are also forces like the Spirit Hall and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Only then can we collect enough of these medicinal materials to make Baicao Dan.

"The recipe for this Baicao Dan is really the same as its name. It actually requires hundreds of medicinal materials to refine, and each medicinal material must be a hundred years old."

"It's not a simple matter just to collect medicinal materials."

"I'm afraid this prescription won't work for us in a short period of time."

After reading the prescription, Tang Hao couldn't help shaking his head, speaking in a deep voice, returning the prescription to Tang San and letting him keep it.

"Okay, little San, then you can take this bottle of Herbs and cultivate to the realm of the Great Soul Master as soon as possible."


Regarding Tang Hao's words, Tang San nodded earnestly, and put the prescription into the 24 Bridges of Bright Moon Nights on his waist.

This is the apprenticeship ceremony given to him by teacher Yu Xiaogang.

But just when Tang San was about to take Baicao Dan into the 24th Bridge Moonlight Night.

The Grandmaster beside him suddenly walked in front of Tang San with a somewhat unnatural expression, coughed a few times, and said.

"Little San! We haven't seen this Baicao Pill yet!"

While speaking, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but look at the Baicao Pill in Tang San's hands, with a desire that could not be hidden in his eyes.

different from the original.

In the original book, there was no live broadcast room that changed his life against the sky. Yu Xiaogang had completely given up the idea of ​​proving himself.

And because he taught Tang San for six years, he already had feelings for Tang San.

That's why he chose to refuse when Tang San came back from Binghuo Liangyiyan and gave him the ninth grade Zizhi.

But this time, Yu Xiaogang had already seen the ability of the live broadcast room to change his life against the sky, and the idea of ​​proving himself through himself was aroused in his heart.

Although it is said that because I know how many pounds and taels I have, plus I see the future of my own success.

Therefore, Yu Xiaogang chose to take some insurance, accepting Tang San as a disciple, and using Tang San to prove himself.

But for Tang San, Grandmaster's feelings are not very deep, more of a utilitarian mind.

So now seeing Tang San getting the reward from the live broadcast room, knowing that Baicao Pill can help people break through Soul Reverence, Yu Xiaogang couldn't hold it back.

A bottle of Baicao Pill can help a soul master with innate first-level soul power to break through to soul master.

But disciple Tang San is already a soul master, shouldn't he be able to break through to Soul Sovereign without a whole bottle of Hundred Herbs Pill?

That being the case, giving him a Herbs Pill should have no effect. Maybe he can break through to Soul Sovereign through this Herbs Pill?

This is Yu Xiaogang's dream for many years!

As for whether disciple Tang San would agree, Grandmaster confidently believed that it should be possible.

He still sees people very accurately.

Since this disciple said that he is a teacher for one day and a father for life, then he should have a good position in his heart.

Getting a Baicao Dan should not be a big problem.

And when he heard the teacher Yu Xiaogang's words, and saw the fiery and eagerness in Yu Xiaogang's pretended indifferent eyes, Tang San also understood in his heart.

It seems that this cheap teacher wants his Baicao Dan! !

(End of this chapter)

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