American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 80 Who can't afford Thor's hammer?

Chapter 80 Who can't afford Thor's hammer?

"No! How could this be! Impossible!"

Thor was so irritated that he shook his head and kept yelling. At this moment, he really looked like a psychopath.

Poor Thor is really unacceptable.

He is Thor!

Now that he is deprived of his divine power and can't hold the hammer, he can barely accept it, after all, the hammer is still a magical weapon.

But when he couldn't pick it up, a mortal in the atrium picked it up. What's the matter?

Thor's heart simply couldn't take that.

"Steve, you gave me back the hammer, there must be a mistake somewhere, you picked it up, there is no reason why I can't pick it up!"

Thor came to Captain America excitedly, stretched out his hand and said to Captain America.

Captain America handed Thor the hammer in his hand.

An embarrassing thing happened. As soon as Captain America let go, the hammer hit the ground heavily.

Even Thor's body staggered, almost being pulled by the hammer and falling to the ground.

Then Thor once again exerted his breastfeeding strength, frantically "pulling" Thor's Hammer from various angles and postures, but in the end he was exhausted and out of breath, and he still couldn't shake Thor's Hammer at all.


Thor, who was hit hard, knelt on the ground with his knees softened, raised his hands and looked up at the sky, and roared loudly.

That gesture is full of Yuan Hua's sense of sight that he can't make a question.

"Why, Father!"


Thor roared again and again.

"Thor, why can't you hold the hammer? We can study it slowly, but for now, let's get out of here first." Nick Fury said to Thor seriously.

As he spoke, he greeted Captain America, "Captain, put the hammer away."

Captain America didn't say much. He stretched out his hand and picked up Thor's Hammer easily, looking effortless.

"Looking at it this way, I feel that the captain and the hammer match very well." Coulson muttered weakly on the side.

Fortunately, Raytheon is now in a state of desperation, so he didn't notice Coulson's words, otherwise he would definitely be hit mentally.

"It's unscientific. Why can't I pick it up when he can pick it up?"

Iron Man stood aside, showing a very unconvinced look, "Is it because the captain is a super soldier?"

"Stark, why are you depressed? This is not your hammer. He should be the one who should be depressed." The black widow glanced at the stupid big man kneeling on the ground.

"Thor, you can go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. with us first, and then you can try again, as long as you want, but for now, cheer up."

Nick Fury walked up to Thor again, and helped Thor up from the ground.

"Thank you Nick Fury, you are such a good person." Thor said sincerely, looking at Nick Fury with grateful eyes.

[A new round of answering questions has begun, all answerers, please prepare yourself. 】

Just as a group of people were about to leave, an electronic synthesizer suddenly sounded coldly.

At the same time, in front of everyone's eyes, a fluorescent screen with a sense of technology appeared suddenly.

Not only that, but the many SHIELD staff around them, as well as the many small town villagers watching from outside the blockade, were also frozen one by one.

"What's going on here?" Thor was a little confused, he looked at the scene blankly, and he realized something, "Loki, is that you?"

The only one who can do all this is Loki, who is proficient in magic, right?

Did Loki come to find him?
Thor couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face.

"Thor, this matter has nothing to do with Loki. I can only solemnly remind you to answer the questions carefully." Nick Fury reminded Thor with a serious face, "Maybe you will have unexpected gains."

"Answer the question, what question are you answering?" Thor was still confused.

"To put it simply, this big screen is actually a question answering system, and some questions will be randomly released next."

"However, those questions are just a formality. The real purpose of the answering system may be to give us some information about the future through those answers."

Iron Man explained Thor concisely at this time.

"Predict the future? It's impossible!" Thor couldn't help shaking his head, "As great as my father, he can only vaguely see some relevant fragments of the future!"

"Maybe your father is not the greatest existence in this universe." Iron Man shrugged.

"Do you dare to underestimate my father?" Thor was a little angry, staring at Iron Man and shouting.

"I'm just stating a fact to you." Iron Man didn't care about Thor's anger, and still looked calm.

"Thor, the answering system can not only predict the future, but also punish and reward the answerers, so Nick Fury is right, you have to answer the questions carefully next."

"Trust me, it won't do you any harm."

Black Widow also reminded Thor.

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet, the answering questions will start soon." Captain America glanced at everyone, and said to everyone in a deep voice.

He found that there were too many people answering the question this time.

In addition to Nick Fury and Tony Stark who joined him to answer the question last time, there are also two other agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Black Widow and Coulson.

Plus a Thor who just descended on Earth.

There were as many as six people.

Among the six people, except for Thor, the other five people are not participating in the answer for the first time.

Therefore, he behaved very calmly, even with great expectations on his face.

Only Thor was alone, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face.

Thor saw that everyone seemed to admire this answering system very much. Although he still didn't fully believe what everyone said that predicted the future, he was also very curious about the answering system.

I want to see what kind of thing this answering system is.

[Please listen to the question: Among the following characters, which one cannot pick up Thor's Hammer Mjolnir? 】

【A. Odin, King of the Gods】

【B. Goddess of Death Hela】

【C. Hulk】

【D. Vision】

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a single Gouyu Sharingan;
Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

"This is the so-called answering system? This is ridiculous!"

Thor couldn't help but yelled at the answering system on the spot. Fortunately, the opponent was just a screen and not a person, otherwise Thor might have punched it.

What the hell is this nonsense?
Thor's Hammer is Thor's exclusive artifact. Apart from him, well, besides his father Odin, how could anyone else be able to hold it?
But this question clearly implied that besides him and Odin, there were two other people who could pick up Thor's Hammer!
This is not counting the Steve Rogers who just picked up Thor's Hammer in front of him!
What a joke!
(End of this chapter)

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