American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 76 Thor is a mental patient?

Chapter 76 Thor is a mental patient?
Nick Fury knew that Iron Man was telling the truth, and didn't have too much entanglement with Iron Man on this, and then began to inquire about Iron Man's space technology.

"Stark, have you actually developed space technology?" Nick Fury was very surprised, and asked Iron Man with a serious face.

"No, I didn't develop it, it's this." Iron Man picked up his "Universal Capsule Pendant".

"Universal Capsule?" Nick Fury was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, he always thought that the universal capsule was really just a capsule.

I am really too simple.

"Okay, Stark, now that your palladium poisoning problem has been solved, can we now discuss how to help me investigate Hydra?"

Nick Fury immediately withdrew his mind and began to discuss business with Iron Man.

"Nick Fury, I will develop a miniature drone for you. It is only the size of a fly, but it carries a camera, which can record, film, monitor, and even anesthetize. How does this sound?"

Iron Man poured two glasses of red wine and put one of them in front of Nick Fury.

"Very good, thank you for your support, Stark!" Nick Fury picked up the red wine in front of him, made a gesture of invitation, and then took a sip.

"Don't thank me, because you thanked me, I will thank you next." Iron Man sat down in front of Nick Fury, and said unceremoniously, "Where is your plasma lightsaber, did you bring it? "

This is something that Nick Fury has already agreed to Iron Man, and the braised egg hero naturally has no hesitation.

The plasma lightsaber was immediately taken out and handed over to Iron Man.

There was a flash of light in Iron Man's eyes.

In the following time, everyone began to get busy.

While Iron Man was researching the plasma lightsaber, he was also developing those micro-drones for Nick Fury, and stayed behind closed doors in Stark Tower almost all day long.

While Nick Fury secretly recruited suitable personnel for future monitoring of Hydra personnel, he also sat behind the scenes to investigate the secret base where the Winter Soldier was held.

There are also a lot of other things about S.H.I.E.L.D., so it goes without saying.

Captain America secretly investigated the bald commander while familiarizing himself with life in modern society.

As for those on the paperclip project list, Captain America doesn't have that much energy to investigate right now.

Only when the drones on Iron Man's side and the manpower secretly recruited by Nick Fury are in place can it officially start.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

A month and a half later, Black Widow brought good news.

"Sir, I have found out the exact location of this base."

Black Widow appeared in the office and placed a stack of documents in front of Nick Fury.

Nick Fury couldn't help but pick up the spirit, picked up the document and flipped through it. Not only the specific location, but also other more detailed information were also marked on it.

"Sir, we now know where the Winter Soldier is being held, what are you going to do next?" Black Widow stared at Nick Fury and asked.

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long term. Now is not the right time." Nick Fury said with a straight face after pondering for a moment.

Through the investigation of the Black Widow and the assistance of Nick Fury's Celestial Eye, the situation in the secret base has long been figured out by everyone.

The defense force there is still very amazing.

It is definitely not an easy task to snatch the Winter Soldier from that kind of place.

And now Nick Fury doesn't know to what extent Hydra has infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., so naturally he dare not act rashly.

What's more, that base is the only Hydra base that Nick Fury has mastered so far, which is used for long-term surveillance and digging out more Hydra secrets.

This is the correct way to open.

Instead of hitting the door and exposing this base.

How to deal with it, Nick Fury actually has a general idea.

Hold back and wait until Iron Man's drones are developed, then use drones to secretly monitor the base around the clock.

Nick Fury believes that there is definitely a lot to be gained.

As for The Winter Soldier?

The best time is actually not to break into the opponent's base to rob people by force, but to wait until the Winter Soldier goes out to perform the mission before taking action.

The only thing to consider though is that they don't know exactly when the Winter Soldier will be on his mission and how long they will have to wait.

Captain America can't wait.

"Sir, there is something you must be very interested in."

While talking with the Black Widow, Coulson also came to Nick Fury, "A meteorite landed in a small town."

"And then?" Nick Fury spread his hands.

"Then everyone discovered that the meteorite was actually a hammer." Coulson said, putting a few photos in front of Nick Fury.

The photo clearly shows that in a place that looks like a suburb, there is a huge crater on the ground, the kind of crater that was forcibly smashed out by a meteorite.

It's just that in the very center of the big crater, it's not a meteorite, but a hammer.

"It's the hammer!"

A flash of light flashed in Nick Fury's one eye.

Among the relevant images of the answering system, there is an image of Thor fighting Iron Man. Nick Fury naturally recognizes Thor's hammer.

And the hammer in the big pit is exactly the same as Thor's hammer.

"This is Thor's hammer, sir!" Black Widow also said in surprise.

She knew that Thor would come to Earth during the New York War in the future, but she didn't expect that it would be so fast.

"Yes, this is the hammer."

Coulson also nodded. He also saw Captain America using the hammer in the final battle, so he naturally recognized it.

"This hammer has a magical power. No matter who the locals are, they can't pick up the hammer. Some people even try to drag it with a truck."

Coulson introduced Nick Fury again.

"This is Thor's hammer. Naturally, not just anyone can pick it up, so what about Thor? Have you found any trace of him?"

Nick Fury stared at Coulson again and asked.

"I think he should be in the hospital." Coulson shrugged. "A few locals accidentally injured a homeless man, and then sent the homeless man to the hospital responsibly."

"It turned out that the tramp had mental problems, and he kept saying that he was Thor, the son of Odin, and so on."

"At present, he is regarded as a mental patient and locked up in the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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