Chapter 73 Nick Fury's Help

Stark Building.

Iron Man looked at the shining "triangle" in his hand, his face couldn't help but shone with excitement and anticipation.

After so many days of hard work, the new element was finally synthesized by him.

"Congratulations sir, you have created a new element." The caring artificial intelligence Jarvis immediately sent a congratulatory message.

Iron Man didn't talk nonsense, and with a hint of excitement, he put the new element into the Ark reactor.

Immediately the Ark Reactor began to light up.

"Sir, the reactor accepts the updated core, and I will start the test immediately." Jarvis said, and then started the test immediately.

The result is naturally unmistakable and the new elements are completely usable!

The problem of palladium poisoning that has plagued Iron Man for more than half a year has been perfectly solved!

Iron Man's current mood can be said to be relaxed and happy.

"Sir, Miss Pepper is here!"

Jarvis suddenly opened his mouth to remind, and Iron Man really saw that Pepper had arrived at the door, entered the password to open the door, and walked in directly.

"God, Tony, you haven't slept for a few days?" Little Pepper couldn't help covering his mouth and shouted.

The current Iron Man, as if smoking opium, is in an extremely bad state, "What are you doing when you shut yourself down?"

"Pepper, I just synthesized a new element, and I succeeded!" Iron Man shouted at Pepper with great joy.

"New element?" But Little Pepper was stunned and at a loss.

Have absolutely no idea what this means.

"Listen Tony, no matter what element you synthesize or whatever, you need to rest now."

Pepper persuaded Stark with a serious face, "Listen to me, leave this room and go outside to relax."

"Sounds like a good idea!" Iron Man nodded solemnly.

In fact, even if Pepper didn’t say anything, Iron Man planned to go out and relax. Even the “Iron Man” couldn’t bear the super-intensive work during this period.

"Tony, do you really think so?"

This caught Little Pepper by surprise, Tony Stark was willing to listen to other people's persuasion, this is really the sun coming out from the west.

"Of course!" Iron Man began to suggest excitedly, "The Monaco International Motor Race is about to start, how about we go to see the racing? Will you come with me?"

"I still have a lot of work to do."

"You are gone now, and I will give you a vacation right away." Iron Man said willfully and authentically, "Your only job now is to accompany your boss to watch the race car."

"Tony, you can't do this." Little Pepper was speechless.

"Of course I can, who made me your boss."

What else can Xiaojiao do? With such a willful and inhuman domineering CEO boss, he can only obey him.

"Sir, I need to remind you, that Ivan Vanke, I haven't found anyone who fits the profile yet."

When Pepper left from Stark Tower, Jarvis immediately reminded Iron Man, "It is very likely that he is not in America."

Yes, Iron Man was busy synthesizing new elements during this time, and also let Jarvis look for Ivan Vanke.

It's just a pity that Jarvis did find a lot of people named Ivan Vanke, but none of them fit the characteristics described by Iron Man.

"It's okay... I don't think he just happened to be in Morocco that way."

Iron Man didn't care about it, how could there be such a coincidence in the world.

After briefly arranging the next things, Iron Man took a shower and had a delicious meal, and only then did he feel that he was alive again.

Nick Fury received the news the next day and came to Iron Man in person.

"Stark, it seems that Howard did not misunderstand you." Nick Fury sat down opposite Iron Man unceremoniously, and said old-fashionedly.

"Of course he didn't misunderstand me." Iron Man took it for granted, he never knew what humility was in his dictionary.

"Okay, Stark, you and I both know that I'm not here to visit you, so let's skip the useless greetings and get straight to the point."

Nick Fury sat up straight, and said to Iron Man with a straight face, "I need your help."

Nick Fury helped Iron Man synthesize new elements, and Iron Man helped Nick Fury investigate Hydra. This was something that everyone agreed after answering the questions.

Of course, Iron Man will not renege on his debt.

"Tell me your needs directly." Iron Man asked cleanly.

"I have a large number of people that need to be monitored and analyzed, but I can't use the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. In this case, it is difficult for me to do it."

"So I wonder if you can provide me with some technical support, such as researching some surveillance drones, giving me a system similar to Jarvis, and so on."

"You are Iron Man, and you are a rare genius in America. I think this should not be a difficult task for you."

Everyone has watched the video of the answering system, and Nick Fury did not cover up anything, and directly stated his purpose.

"I understand, I will hurry up and make something." Iron Man vowed to promise.

Nick Fury walked away contented.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Iron Man, who had just promised him to hurry up and develop it, boarded a private jet to Monaco the next day.

Came to the scene of the Monaco International Motor Racing Competition.

"iron Man!"

"iron Man!"

When Iron Man and Pepper came out of the luxury car, there were enthusiastic cheers from all around.

Even in Europe, Iron Man has many fanatical fans.

Iron Man is used to this, with a confident and calm smile on his face, waving to his enthusiastic fans.

Then, talking and laughing with Xiaojiao, they walked towards the venue.

Happy, who is not yet a fleshy prick, is wearing sunglasses, and follows behind the two of them ruthlessly.

"Pepper, it's in Europe right now, so whatever happens next, let's just let it take its course?"

Considering that his next move might severely irritate Pepper, Iron Man began to vaccinate Pepper in advance.

"What goes with the flow?"

Little Pepper keenly felt that something was wrong, Tony wouldn't want to make some kind of moth again, would he?

My own boss has never made people feel at ease.

Although she is not the CEO now, she feels much busier than the CEO.

But before Little Pepper had time to ask, many people from all walks of life in the upper class came over to greet Iron Man in the hall.

Where does Little Pepper have any chance to ask.

 Thanks to Nicole for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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