American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 70 You Don't Know Your Father

Chapter 70 You Don't Know Your Father
"So... this round of answering questions is over?"

Captain America looked at the empty surroundings and murmured subconsciously.

It wasn't until this moment that he really understood how Nick Fury and the others learned the news that he was frozen in the Arctic Ocean through the answering system.

"Yes Captain, the answer is over." Nick Fury nodded emphatically, "However, our business is far from over! Stark!"

Having said that, Nick Fury looked at Iron Man, "You happen to be here too, why don't we discuss the next plan."

Iron Man thought for a while, but didn't refuse much.

Only these "answering friends" know about the future predicted by the answering system, and some topics can only be discussed with them.

"I have nothing to say, I must find Bucky first." Captain America was the first to express his opinion.

"Captain, don't worry about this. When I look back, I will use my clairvoyance to find Bucky." Nick Fury said to Captain America heavily.

"Then please." Captain America replied seriously.

"Stark, what about you?" Nick Fury looked at Iron Man with one eye again at this time, "What are your plans next?"

"Ivan Vanke, although he is not troublesome, he is quite annoying. I will check him first." Iron Man shrugged.

Neither Nick Fury nor Captain America are surprised by this.

"Stark, the focus of my next work is to investigate Hydra." Nick Fury pondered for a moment, then said to the two Iron Man solemnly, "However, I need your help."

The only thing Nick Fury can be sure of now is that Hydra has infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., but to what extent, Nick Fury does not know.

But since S.H.I.E.L.D. has not been aware of Hydra's activities for so many years, Nick Fury has to draw a bad guess: Hydra may be in S.H.I.E.L.D.

developed to a considerable size.

It is precisely because of this that the traces of Hydra will completely shield SHIELD, because someone in SHIELD helps them cover it up!
What's more, Hydra's undercover agents are carrying out some tasks under the guise of S.H.I.E.L.D.

SHIELD thought it was the mission of SHIELD, but in fact, it was the mission of Hydra.

Under such circumstances, Nick Fury did not dare to use S.H.I.E.L.D.'s resources to conduct investigations casually, because that would most likely scare the snake away.

In other words, now Nick Fury can't believe the people in S.H.I.E.L.D.

He has already begun to understand why he told Captain America not to trust anyone in the video of the answering system.

"Nick Fury, is the situation so bad?" Iron Man couldn't help asking aside.

"Although I don't want to admit it, things are really that bad. I can't use the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. to investigate, so I need your help."

Having said that, Nick Fury glanced at Captain America again, "And you Captain, I need you too."

The only thing Nick Fury can trust now is Captain America and Iron Man.

"I am obliged to do this." Captain America agreed without even thinking about it.

"Nick Fury, I also want to help you, but I may not have that much time. I have been trying to synthesize new elements that can replace palladium recently, but there has been no progress."

Iron Man showed a helpless look.

He really wasn't refusing. The matter of palladium poisoning was related to his wealth and life. Before it was perfectly resolved, he didn't have the time to take care of other things.

"Regarding this matter, I think I can help." Nick Fury said meaningfully.

Iron Man sneered at this, he is the top scientist in the world, so far he has not made any progress, Nick Fury is just an intelligence leader, what can he do.

"Nick Fury, I appreciate your kindness, but I think I still need to go back, I really don't have much time..."

"Stark, that thing on your chest is actually an unfinished technology." Nick Fury stood up suddenly, and said this coldly.

"What are you talking about?" Iron Man didn't agree with this at all. "It's a finished product. It worked after I shrunk the Ark's reactor."

"No, your father Howard said that the Ark reactor was just a springboard for a greater technology. He was going to launch an energy competition back then, leaving all his opponents in the dust."

Nick Fury explained to Iron Man and started talking.

"He got the idea of ​​a kind of super energy, and the nuclear reactor would be like a 3A battery in comparison."

Iron Man began to turn around slowly, a little confused: "You also know my father?"

"Didn't you invade S.H.I.E.L.D., you don't know this?" Nick Fury spread his hands and asked.

Iron Man really doesn't know.

He invaded S.H.I.E.L.D. just looking for the information he wanted to know, instead of cracking all the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D. like a voyeur.

He really doesn't know the real relationship between Howard and S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Stark, your father is one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D." Nick Fury said to Iron Man sternly.

Iron Man couldn't help being taken aback, this matter really exceeded his expectations.

"Peggy Carter is also one of the founders." Nick Fury then glanced at Captain America next to him and added.

"Carter is also the founder?" Captain America was equally surprised.

But after learning this, he suddenly felt a lot more intimacy with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury.

And this is why Nick Fury told the news to Captain America and Iron Man. It is nothing more than to increase the sense of distance and bind everyone more closely together.

"Stark, Howard left something for you. He said that only you have the resources and wisdom to complete the plan he started."

Nick Fury then looked at Iron Man with a straight face and said.

"You must have heard it wrong. The person he said must not be me." Iron Man shook his head.

Howard didn't care about him at all, and had always been indifferent to him, never saying anything like that to him.

"Stark, you really don't know your father." Nick Fury sighed.

"It sounds like you know him better than me." Iron Man looked disapproving.

"In fact, to some extent, it could be said that."

Nick Fury spread his hands, "I'll get someone to deliver the things to you right away. After you solve the problem of palladium poisoning, let's discuss how to deal with Hydra."

(End of this chapter)

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