American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 64 I'm One Person Against S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 64
After a brief introduction to Captain America about the Winter Soldier, they returned their attention to the topic.

The brain started to run at a high speed, thinking carefully.

"I think the most likely one is Nick Fury."

Captain America was the first to express his point of view, "Nick Fury holds an intelligence agency in his hands, and he is the person most likely to find out the identity of the Winter Soldier."

"His intelligence network is definitely not as good as Jarvis's." Iron Man said arrogantly on the side, with an extremely embarrassing look on his face.

"Jarvis? Who is he? The leader of another intelligence agency?" Captain America asked with a straight face.

"Jarvis is my artificial intelligence...Captain, promise me that you will make up the lessons after answering the questions, you are too out."

Iron Man patted Captain America's shoulder with his hand, with an old-fashioned look on his face.

"You may not understand what artificial intelligence is, but let me tell you, as long as it is connected to the Internet, it cannot be hidden from Jarvis's eyes."

"In modern society, surveillance cameras and recording equipment are spread all over the world. It is almost impossible not to leave any traces on the Internet."

"Even if the Winter Soldier is a ghost, so mysterious that many intelligence agencies don't believe his existence, hasn't Jarvis found a lot of information in a few minutes?"

"So, in this regard..." Speaking of this, Iron Man started to snarl again, "I'm really sorry Nick Fury, I can match your S.H.I.E.L.D. by myself."

Iron Man's temperament has always been relatively arrogant, and he likes to exaggerate. Captain America didn't believe it immediately, but turned his questioning gaze to Nick Fury.

"Jarvis is indeed the most advanced artificial intelligence of the current era. At some point, in terms of intelligence collection, it does have an advantage over intelligence agencies."

Nick Fury nodded, but he didn't refute Iron Man on this, because Iron Man is really not boasting.

If it's the kind of situation where there just isn't much monitoring, in other words not leaving much of a trail on the network, then traditional methods are the only way to go.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is definitely more useful than Jarvis in this situation.

But what era is it now? Now is the age of digital information!
As Iron Man said, most of the time, everyone will leave more or less traces on the Internet.

And as long as there are traces on the Internet, Jarvis, as an artificial intelligence, is naturally much more efficient than S.H.I.E.L.D.

For example, when the Black Widow was shot by the Winter Soldier and the mission failed, it is naturally impossible for SHIELD not to investigate.

However, the fact is that it has been so many years, and the things that have been found are really not as many as those that Jarvis retrieved in the short period of time on the fighter plane.

"Not some of the time, but most of the time!" Iron Man added sternly, and then shrugged at the two, "So the answer is obvious no, choose C, Iron Man!"

"This question is about intelligence ability, right? Among the four options, my intelligence ability is undoubtedly the strongest!"

"Captain, it's your turn to answer the question now, I've already analyzed the answer for you, thank you!" Iron Man immediately spread his hands to Captain America, with a very determined look on his face.

"Compared to computer technology, I believe in the power of people." Captain America shook his head and said.

"It's as old-fashioned as the old man, now it's a new era! Oh sorry, I forgot that you are actually an old man." Iron Man shook his head again and again, with a look of inadequacy.

"No, Stark, you think things too simply."

Nick Fury also denied Iron Man, "Assassinated agents like the Winter Soldier, all his relevant information must be erased."

"I bet that even if the Winter Soldier took off his mask in front of you, you wouldn't be able to find out who the Winter Soldier is!"

As a scientist, Iron Man may not know much about these things, so he didn't think of it, after all, the lines are like mountains.

But Nick Fury, as an intelligence leader, is well versed in the way, erasing all traces is just basic practice.

Iron Man was taken aback by Nick Fury's words, and then... was speechless.

Because Nick Fury has a good point.

Even if Jarvis is awesome and can immediately find all kinds of information about the Winter Soldier on the Internet, there is still one prerequisite: the identity information of the Winter Soldier already exists on the Internet.

Only in this way can they be compared, analyzed, and matched to determine the identity of the Winter Soldier.

But what if there is no Winter Soldier's identity information on the Internet?
Even getting information about the Winter Soldier is useless!
"And we currently know nothing about the organization behind the Winter Soldier, Stark, and your Jarvis is useless at all!"

Nick Fury then said to Iron Man again.


In the organization behind the Winter Soldier, the data of the Winter Soldier may be highly encrypted and stored on the intranet. In theory, there is a possibility of being cracked and invaded by Jarvis.

But this also has a premise, that is, Jarvis needs to have a breakthrough.

For example, knowing what network the other party is using, or obtaining a terminal device from the other party that can access its intranet, and so on.

With his eyes blacked out, Jarvis could only stare blankly.

So even though Iron Man didn't want to admit to his usual arrogance and self-esteem, he had to admit at this moment that he really couldn't do this job.

"Let me tell you how to get the Winter Soldier's identity information, or we captured someone in the other organization who knew the Winter Soldier's identity."

"And the Winter Soldier's level of secrecy in the opposing organization is absolutely high. Those who know the true identity of the Winter Soldier must also be absolutely high-level."

"Or, we broke into the opponent's base and obtained relevant information with a high level of confidentiality."

Nick Fury continued to talk in front of Iron Man, "But no matter what the situation is, it is a very difficult thing, and it is not something that one person can do."

As for catching the Winter Soldier, they forced him to find out his identity.

Nick Fury didn't even mention this point. People like the Winter Soldier are useless even if they are caught. There is no way to make the other party speak.

"Nick Fury is right, this is something that a special operations team can do."

"The collection and analysis of intelligence, the deployment of combat plans, accurate and efficient on-site command, and the actions of the rapid response team... are indispensable."

"There seems to be only one person who can do this kind of thing." Captain America set his sights on option A.

(End of this chapter)

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