Chapter 57 The Avengers Agreement
Captain America's words made the atmosphere at the scene suddenly tense, and the air was slightly condensed.

If it is really unfortunate that Captain America's words are true, then the problem will be really big.

Pierce, as a high-level executive above the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., would secretly plan to kill the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
No matter what the reason is, there must be a terrifying conspiracy behind it.

Even Nick Fury is reluctant to imagine.

But Nick Fury has to admit that what Captain America said is also very reasonable, and with his usual style of intelligence chief, many things do not need to be confirmed.

Just the possibility is enough to take action.

From this moment on, Alexander Pierce has been on Nick Fury's special attention list.

"Pierce is one of the few people I respect. I hope the captain just thinks too much." Nick Fury was silent for a moment before speaking in a deep voice.

"I also hope that I am overthinking." Captain America echoed sternly.

"In any case, this matter has sounded the alarm for me." Nick Fury sorted out his emotions, and changed the topic, "It made me realize some shortcomings now!"

Nick Fury will naturally not say what the shortcomings are in public, but he already has an idea in his heart.

In the future, the management of S.H.I.E.L.D. will adopt a split management method.

Every person involved in the action will not get all the orders, but only the part of the orders related to himself.

In this way, even if someone really falls into the hands of the enemy, or rebels, there is no possibility of information leakage.

Because no one really has information at all!

And no matter who arranged the assassination in the future, accurate information grasping is a must.

In this case, your own future security will also increase accordingly.

In addition, the black panther nano suit must be worn 24 hours a day, and cannot be taken off for a moment, even when taking a bath!
Pork Face suddenly had a plan.

"Nick Fury, in addition to the image just now, I think the other options in this question are also worthy of our analysis."

Iron Man suddenly said, "For example, D, don't you all wonder what the Sokovia Agreement is?"

"Sokovia, this is the name of a small country." Nick Fury was well-informed and recognized it immediately.

"This is an agreement named after a country, so this agreement is related to Sokovia. What happened in Sokovia is why this agreement came about." Captain America added.

"It's not just about Sokovia, it's also about you, Captain." Iron Man stared at Captain America. "This is an agreement that needs to be signed by Captain America. So, what kind of agreement is this?"

"Stark, please continue." Nick Fury knew that Iron Man must have an idea, so he made a gesture of please.

"What identities will Captain America have in the future? I guess there are three."

"First, the identity of an ordinary American citizen, second, the identity of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and third, the identity of an Avenger."

"Don't consider the first identity, it can't be an agreement for all American citizens, the second identity..."

"The second identity is not very likely, and I will not let my agents sign any shit agreement, unless I am crazy." Nick Fury directly interrupted Iron Man's words.

"I agree, that's not your style."

"So it's most likely the third identity, that agreement, the agreement for the Avengers."

Iron Man nodded in agreement, "It may be that the Avengers did something in Sokovia that led to the birth of this agreement."

"The Avengers are all 'capability enhancers', and sooner or later they will attract the attention of some big bosses, even international attention." Nick Fury also nodded, "It will make sense to issue a corresponding agreement at that time .”

"However, Captain America will refuse to sign this agreement in the future. It seems that it should not be a very friendly agreement." Iron Man shrugged immediately.

Captain America didn't say much. Now he can be said to know nothing about the agreement, and it is too early to say anything.

"We already have a rough idea of ​​the agreement, so what about C, did it reveal something?" Nick Fury paced back and forth a few steps and said.

"C has nothing to say, Bucky is dead." Captain America said sullenly, with a look of sadness on his face.

"How can you be sure of this?" Iron Man asked while looking at Captain America.

"You don't know, Bucky is my closest comrade-in-arms, he..." Captain America was about to explain to Iron Man, but was soon interrupted by Iron Man.

"Bucky Barnes, Captain America's closest comrade-in-arms and best friend, later joined the Roaring Commando, fell off a cliff and died during a mission..."

"Captain, Bucky's information can be seen in many museums in the United States. We all know who he is, but!"

Speaking of this, Iron Man suddenly came to a turning point, "Will Pierce arrest you because of what happened 70 years ago? Even if it is used as a distraction item, is this too insulting to people's IQ?"

"Stark, what do you mean?" Captain America's voice was slightly excited.

He already vaguely understood what Iron Man meant, but that guess was a bit bold, and he couldn't be sure.

"I mean, the Bucky in the options refers to Bucky 70 years later! Bucky is probably not dead!" Iron Man boldly said, "Captain, you never Find Bucky's body, right?"

"Yes, we searched that generation, but found nothing!" Captain America became more and more excited, "In other words, it is very possible that Bucky, like Peggy, has lived to this day!"

This can be said to be the biggest good news that Captain America has heard since he woke up.

Nick Fury didn't say much, but secretly made a decision in his heart.

After answering the question, go to check the whereabouts of this Bucky and confirm whether the other party is still alive.

Obviously, this person has a great influence on Captain America, and may even lead Captain America to commit crimes.

If you are really alive, you have to find someone to keep an eye on it.

[Please listen to the question: Iron Man Tony Stark and which of the following teamed up to kill Ivan Vanko? 】

[A. Captain America Steve Rogers]

[B. Doctor Strange Stephen Strange]

[C. War Machine James Rhodes]

[D. Hawkeye Barton Clint]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a universal capsule;
Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

After discussing for a while, a new topic appeared. Everyone stopped discussing for a while, and all turned their gazes to the big screen in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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