American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 537 The Rebirth of All Humanity (The Finale)

"So... the God Slayer was finally defeated by me! I knew it a long time ago!"

Thor couldn't help laughing out loud with a terrified face, everyone couldn't help but want to punch this guy, "Even if it's a god-slayer, it won't be able to turn over in front of Thor Odinson." What kind of waves come from?"

All the answerers couldn't help but a little hehe.

Who was the one who was beaten by the God Slayer before like a grandson and fled without even being able to keep his own weapon?

It's not uncommon for everyone to poke Thor.

"Well, no matter what, the God Slayer is indeed defeated, let's see what's going on next!"

Tony Stark spread his hands at this time and said to everyone.

"What else is there to analyze? It must be option A!"

Without hesitation, Thor said decisively, "It must be that I got the artifact of Zeus, and then defeated Geer in one fell swoop!"

"This is an obvious thing. Thunderbolt can't exert its due power in Valikir's hands, but it's different in my hands."

"I used Thunderbolt to kill God King Zeus in one fell swoop, have you forgotten?"

"The answer to this question must be A!"

The possibility that Thor mentioned is certainly there, but it does not mean that it is enough to rule out several other options.

Everyone understands that the reason why Thor chose A is because Thor in option A seems to be the best, that's all.

"Thor, what you said is indeed reasonable, but I think we should wait until we have analyzed all the options before considering it comprehensively."

Bruce Wayne said to Thor.

"Bruce, the answer is already obvious, isn't it? There's nothing else to think about."

Thor grinned at Bruce Wayne, and then gave his answer directly.

All the answerers of the last round of answers have already answered the questions. This answer is the first question of the new round, and it is about Thor again.

Thor replied that there was nothing wrong with it.

"I choose A!"

【wrong answer! 】

Immediately, such a notification sound came from the system.

[The answerer, Thor Odinson, will be punished by erasing his divine power for five years, and it will be executed immediately! 】

Thor's five years of supernatural power are gone.

"The answer is not A? It doesn't make sense!"

Thor ignored the deduction of his divine power, but was a little unacceptable.

He is a majestic Thor, holding Zeus's artifact and even killing Zeus, but he still can't kill Geer?
Is Geer more powerful than Zeus?
However, the answer is not A.

"OK, let's look at other options."

Tony Stark ignored Thor and continued while looking at the big screen.

His eyes first set on option B.

"Thor, can you use spells to create a group of Thors?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Thor.

"This kind of thing is indeed very cool. Of course, I am also very good, but this kind of thing is still a bit exaggerated."

After thinking about it, Thor shook his head.

Now he can't do this kind of thing at all.

"Then is there such a possibility?"

Professor X put forward another guess on the side, "The current Thor is indeed unable to do this kind of thing, but the future Thor will be able to do it?"

Not to mention, what Professor X said is really very reasonable.

Thor slapped his thigh: "It makes sense, it must be so! Absolutely so! The answer is B. I must have created a group of Thors and defeated Geer!"

The crowd ignored Thor directly.

Believe you are a ghost.

You were so sure about option A.

Do you really think that every question can make you blind cats and dead mice like the last question?

But in any case, option B also has this possibility.

In the past, Odin could give the person who raised the hammer the power of Thor with a spell at will, so it is not groundless that Thor directly created other Thor spells.

After everyone's discussion, option B is to be determined.

Then everyone turned their attention to option c, and there is no doubt that option c also has this possibility.

Everyone has seen that the three gods of Asgard are not the opponent of Geer, the god slayer, and they paid the price of sacrificing a Thor, which is naturally reasonable.

As for option D.

"Zuidun? I don't think there is any need to discuss this option, right?" Tony Stark said quite naturally.

The premise of mouth escape is to have a brain!

This thing is a bit difficult for Thor, right?
Not only Tony Stark, but also the other answerers at the scene felt the same way.

As for Thor, a guy with well-developed limbs but neglected brain development, is it possible to convince others?
Or persuade a guy who has an incomparable obsession with killing gods?
The consensus is that the odds are very, very low.

The answer to this question must be either B or C.

So is it B or C?
After some simple discussions, everyone still thinks that option C is more likely.

After all, although option B cannot be said to be completely impossible, this kind of thing is not easy at first sight.

If Thor could really do this kind of thing, why did he go to the Almighty City to recruit soldiers?
Wouldn't it be over if you just scatter beans into soldiers?

As for who will answer the question, all the answerers had a simple discussion, and it just fell on Bruce Wayne's head.

"I choose C!"

【wrong answer! 】

[The answerer Bruce Wayne will be punished by erasing his shooting skills, and it will be executed immediately! 】

wrong again?
All the respondents felt a little surprised. After all, in their opinion, the possibility of option C is quite high.

But in any case, since option C is wrong, there is nothing to worry about.

"The only answer left is B or D. If you have these two options, you can only choose option B?" Clark Kent said on the side.

Said what was on everyone's mind.

Creating a group of Thors is of course more reliable than Zuidun.

"I told you earlier, but you just didn't listen!"

Thor began to shake his head again and again in grief.


"I choose B!"

When Professor X gave the answer of option B...

【wrong answer! 】

[The answerer, Charles Eric, will be punished for erasing his psychological knowledge and skills, and it will be executed immediately! 】

It is worth noting that what is erased here is the knowledge and experience of psychology, not Professor X's ability to control the mind.

There is an essential difference between the two.

"So...the answer to this question is D?"

Magneto showed an incredulous look on his face, and made a sound of surprise.

Several other respondents also felt that it was like beeping a dog, and Thor talked to persuade others, which was absurd no matter how you looked at it.

Even if you know the answer now!
[It is detected that the respondent has answered incorrectly three times in a row, this question will be automatically locked, and the respondent cannot answer the question in the locked state. 】

[It is detected that this question is locked, and the following will directly enter the analysis stage. 】

[The correct answer to this question is D. He did not defeat Geer by force, and finally persuaded Geer with his words. 】

At this time, the system's notification tone rang continuously.

A corresponding video was played on the big screen.

What first appeared in front of everyone was a boundless sea, boundless and connected to the sky.

But on the surface of the sea, there is a very strange statue that seems to be made of the universe starry sky.

God Slayer Geer stood in front of the statue devoutly.

As for Thor and Jane Foster, standing behind Geer, both of them showed despair.

They failed, and the gate of eternity was still opened!
"Garr, stop!"

Thor yelled at Geer in front of him.

The answerers naturally didn't know what Geer was doing, but in fact, Geer was actually making a wish, making a great wish to kill all the gods.

"If I stop, what kind of father am I?" Geer smiled sadly.

This sentence shows that the reason why Geer is madly slaughtering gods is only for his daughter.

"I know your pain, but this is not the solution to the problem. What you are looking for is not death or revenge!" Thor said to Geer from the side.

"Then what am I looking for?" Geer looked at Thor with a sneer.

"You're looking for love!"

"Love? Why am I looking for love?"

"Because that's what we're all looking for!"

After Thor finished saying this to the God Slayer, he ignored him, turned around, and walked towards Jane Foster.

At this time, Jane Foster had already shed her "Thor costume" and returned to her original appearance, lying on the ground so weakly.

He looked very weak and looked as if he had been seriously injured.

"How dare you turn your back on me?" Geer looked at Thor's back and began to speak sharply.

"You won Geer, but if I could spend the last time with her, why would I choose to be with you? I choose love!"

"You can too, you can bring her back too!"

This conversation has a message for everyone.

The two Thors were defeated in the battle with Geer, and the Valkyrie disappeared, not sure if she died, but Jane Foster was seriously injured.

At that price, Geer still won.

I have to say that Geer is really powerful and terrifying.

So this place should be the Gate of Eternity, right?
On the screen, the picture continued to move.

Thor walked to Jane Foster's side and supported Jane Foster, but Geer the God Slayer was moved by Thor's words.

He couldn't help but recall his daughter in his mind.

"I'm going to die, she will be unaccompanied, she will be alone." God Slayer Geer said worriedly.

"She won't!" Jane Foster said to Geer forcefully.

Ger fell silent.

Eventually, he changed his mind and changed his wish in front of the statue.

The next moment, Geer the God Slayer fell to the ground, and a little girl appeared beside Geer, who was his daughter.

The father and daughter hugged each other so tightly.

On the other side, Thor and Jane Foster also embraced tightly.

But soon, Jane Foster turned into light and dissipated.

The female Thor finally died of her injuries.

"Protect her, protect my love!"

Geer the God Slayer looked at Thor and entrusted his daughter to Thor.

Thor nodded.

God Slayer Geer also closed his eyes with a look of relief.

The image on the big screen is frozen here.

I have to say that the mood of all the respondents is still quite uneasy, and it can even be said to be embarrassing.

The image of Geer, the God Slayer, is different from what everyone imagined. This video can be said to reveal the true face of Geer for everyone.

This man is just a poor father.

He never slaughtered gods for the sake of killing, but only for his own daughter.

Although everyone does not know why Geer's daughter died, it is obvious that it must be related to a certain god.

It was the god who killed his daughter!

That's why the God Slayer became such an avenger.

The death of the female Thor Jane Foster is even more embarrassing for everyone.

This person who stood up and fought for Asgard ended up in such a fate.

Even Thor, who has always been upset about Jane Foster's ability to pick up Thor's Hammer, has no complaints about Jane Foster at this time.

The view of Jane Foster has also completely changed, and even said that she has accepted such a female Thor from the bottom of her heart.

Regardless, the woman gave her life for Asgard.

[This round of answering questions is over! 】

At this time, the system's notification tone suddenly sounded, interrupting everyone's discussion.

"Charles, Eric, we will have a meeting after answering the questions. If it is convenient for you, I suggest you come and attend."

Tony Stark said to Professor X and Magneto.

In the last round of answering questions, because we had to deal with Apocalypse, everyone didn't go to the meeting immediately.

"We will."

Professor X nodded.

Magneto also nodded.

"Then everyone...see you later!" Bruce Wayne nodded to everyone.

Everyone greeted each other.


Everyone's eyes blurred, and they returned to their own worlds.

Needless to say, the answerers from the three worlds immediately gathered at the answerer's base and shared information accordingly.

It is needless to say that everyone communicated with each other.

After the information sharing meeting, Clark Kent and Professor X returned to their own worlds, while the bigwigs in the Marvel universe continued to stay.

Because Nick Fury made a big discovery.

"Everyone, America discovered a parallel universe that can perfectly replace our Earth!" Nick Fury said to everyone excitedly.

"This is really good!"

"Is there such a parallel universe?"

All the respondents were all in high spirits.

This is arguably the best news you've heard in a long time.

"Nick, what universe is it?"

Ant-Man Scott Lang couldn't help asking excitedly.

"Everyone should be familiar with it, it is the universe where only one Natasha is left after being killed by Infinite Ultron!"

"And Cersei and the others have specifically confirmed that there are no Celestials inside that earth!"

Nick Fury said to everyone.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but all brighten up, that universe is indeed the most perfect universe.

Ultron killed all human beings, but all kinds of basic constructions on the earth are still left.

Even everyone can directly use the power of the infinite gems to bring the earth back to life and vitality!

Simply perfect!
When Nick Fury talked about this parallel universe to everyone, almost everyone didn't think much about it, and agreed that the earth in this universe is everyone's substitute earth!
No one objected.

Then, there is only one problem left.

When will the super-giant hexa-flying gate that can transfer the whole earth be completed?

"Half a month!"

"Only half a month at most!"

Tony Stark gave a very positive answer.

"Okay, half a month, Stark, Banner, Strange, we are waiting for your good news!" Nick Fury's one-eyed flashed brightly.

After the meeting ended, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Strange once again devoted themselves to the research work day and night.

And the other answerers entered the "abandoned earth" in another parallel universe ahead of time, trying to use the infinite gems to repair that earth.

Each of the six infinity stones can kill half of the creatures in the entire universe, and the power contained in them is simply unimaginable.

Restoring a planet with five of these gems is a breeze.

It can be said that both sides are going very smoothly.

It took only ten days for Thor and the others to repair that one earth, the kind that all the people on the earth can just move over and move in with their bags.

Moreover, this kind of repair is a 100% replica repair, ensuring that every detail of the two earths is exactly the same without any deviation.

Even if everyone moved to another planet, they wouldn't notice anything wrong.

As for Tony Stark and the others, they said it took half a month, but in fact it only took ten days to complete the Hexfly Gate.

"Finally, did you succeed?"

"Finally a success!"

Standing in front of the Hex-Flying Gate brimming with blue energy, all the respondents showed a look of relief.

"can we start?"

"let's start!"


"Strange, activate the magic circle!"

Strange nodded emphatically, and then began to "gesture" with both hands, and a special magic pattern was typed out by him.

The magic pattern is connected with the five infinite gems, absorbing the energy of the infinite gems to power the Hexfly Gate.


Swish swish swish!
The magic pattern erupted with extremely dazzling light, and countless "starlights" exploded.

Those starlights "hit" everyone on Earth with precision.

At this very same moment, everyone on the planet felt as if they went into a trance, and then... nothing more.

Because everything is business as usual, nothing is wrong.

They just think they're distracted, that's all.

No one realizes that they have come to another earth!
"Great, it worked!"

"May all mankind be reborn!"

Everyone is excited.

At this time, Tony Stark suddenly felt that his eyes were blurred, and he came to the familiar pure white space again.

Besides him, there were four other familiar faces, and a slightly stranger stranger.

They are Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Professor X, Magneto, and... Starlight.

"what happened?"

"What is this place?"

"Who are you?"

With a trace of puzzlement and vigilance in Xingguang's eyes, he looked at the crowd and asked.


Professor X smiled at Starlight...

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