Chapter 488
"what about me?"

"What part do I play in your crazy plans?"

When Professor X's voice sounded, he spoke suddenly, staring at Tianqi and asked.

Frankly speaking, everyone in front of the screen is also very curious about this question, because up to now, Professor X has not been used in Tianqi's crazy plan at all.

Professor X has done nothing but declare war on the people of the world for the apocalypse.

But if you say that Professor X was arrested by Tianqi just to pretend to be a coward in a high-profile way, everyone would absolutely not believe it.

Tianqi's arrest of Professor X must have another purpose, pretending to be a big bully or something, it must be just by chance.

"You are the most important thing!"

Tian Qi said to Professor X with a straight face.

Immediately afterwards, Tianqi brought the four knights to the interior of the glorious hall, and of course, undoubtedly brought Professor X along with him.

And put Professor X on a stone platform.

"You are just another great god." Professor X is still fearless at this time, "No matter who follows you, they will eventually betray you again!"

Tian Qi leisurely came to Professor X, stretched out his hand Xu Xu, and some shackles condensed out of thin air on the stone platform.

Hold Professor X firmly.

"You are wrong Charles." Tianqi said to Professor X while operating, "I found you in my thousands of reincarnations. I have countless talents, but I have never found what I want most. "

"That's... being everywhere and being everyone!"

As he said that, Tianqi himself lay down on another stone platform next to Professor X, and controlled a "spire" engraved with various symbols to the top of the grand hall.

It seems that some kind of process similar to an evil ritual is going to be carried out.

Professor X was struggling constantly on another stone platform, but he had no choice but to watch Apocalypse do his best.

The image on the big screen was frozen in the struggling figure of Professor X.

"Tianqi is really a lunatic!"

Captain America couldn't help but said, "However, history has proven countless times that a lunatic like this is doomed to fail in the end, without exception!"

Whether it was the Red Skull during World War II, or Rocky, Thanos, Infinity Ultron, etc. since the "rebirth" of the US team, some of those people were much more crazy and powerful than Apocalypse, but in the end, they all failed.

"I believe that Professor X and the others will defeat Apocalypse in the end!" Captain America continued to speak heavily.

Of course there is no doubt about this.

Although it seems hopeless that Apocalypse is so strong now, and Professor X seems to have no chance of winning, everyone already knows the future development direction.

Professor X is not only alive and well, but also joined the Illuminati.

No matter how it was done, one thing is certain, Professor X did not die in this "apocalypse crisis".

"Could it be the Phoenix Girls and those young people who saved Professor X?" Bruce Wayne made such a reasonable speculation on the side.

After all, it has been clearly shown in the video, and the only person Professor X notified was Phoenix Girl.

At that time, beside Phoenix Girl, there were two other young people, one was a guy with blue skin, and the other was a young man wearing special glasses.

Of course, everyone didn't know who the blue-skinned young man was, but the young man wearing special glasses, because his features were so distinctive, everyone guessed that he might be Cyclops.

It's just that it's hard for everyone to imagine, with the terrifying strength shown by Tianqi, coupled with the protection of strong men like the Four Knights under his command, how did the young Phoenix Girls defeat Tianqi and rescue Professor X?
Could it be that Phoenix Girl and the others summoned more companions?

Everyone thinks it is possible.

However, what happened in the process is unknown to everyone.

"Can Magneto destroy all human structures on the surface of the earth? Unexpectedly, he is so powerful."

Wonder Woman Diana's voice sounded at this moment, with unconcealed surprise.

Magneto has always been strong, everyone knows this, but Magneto can be so powerful that it can destroy the entire surface, which is far beyond everyone's expectations.

In everyone's opinion, this ability is not even weaker than Apocalypse.

It is even far stronger than all the answerers on the scene.

After all, no matter how strong the answerers are, none of them can cover the entire earth with their abilities!

Of course, the reason why Magneto is so strong is that everyone has enough reasons to suspect that the opponent's strength was amplified by Apocalypse.

Magneto itself is probably not so powerful.

Otherwise, with Magneto's aggressiveness and his previous actions, if his strength is really so terrifying, ordinary humans on the earth may have been wiped out long ago.

How could Magneto become a fugitive, living in seclusion in a foreign country, living an ordinary life of the bottom.

After all, the strength of Magneto is just another proof of the strength of Apocalypse.

[This round of answering questions is over! 】

Everyone was discussing with great interest when the system's notification tone suddenly sounded.

"I didn't expect it to end so soon."

Doctor Strange shrugged his shoulders, a little "unfinished".

After such a long time, he finally joined the answering questions again, but he didn't have much fun, and this round of answering questions ended in a blink of an eye.

"Bruce, Clark, Diana..." Captain America looked at the big bosses of DC, "Old rules, if it's convenient for you after answering the questions, just come over."

Bruce Wayne and the others couldn't help but nodded.

"See you later." Clark Kent said to Captain America.

Before the words were finished, everyone felt their eyes dim, and then returned to their respective places.

Tony Stark and the US team contacted Nick Fury for the first time, gathered all the respondents, and continued to start the intelligence sharing meeting.

Of course.

Bruce Wayne, Wonder Woman Diana and Superman Clark Kent were also there.

And besides them, there is another unexpected person who is also there: The Flash Barry Allen.

"Barry Allen, welcome to our universe." Nick Fury, the marinated egg hero, stretched out his hand to Barry Allen with a faint smile, "I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D...."

"You're Nick Fury! I can't believe you're real!" Barry Allen interrupted Nick Fury excitedly.

He just turned his head back and forth with radiant eyes, looked at everyone in the room, and shouted excitedly, "And Iron Man Tony Stark, Captain America Steve Rogers, Thor, are all real ! I can't believe you guys really exist!"

When Bruce Wayne told the truth to Barry Allen the Flash, Barry Allen didn't believe it at all, and thought Bruce Wayne was joking with him.

After all, the fact that the world in the comic works is real is too far-fetched even for a "superhuman" like him.

But at this moment, Barry Allen really saw the people in those anime works!
Considering that Bruce Wayne and Superman will not be so boring as to find someone to play such a group of people to fool him, so Barry Allen can only believe that what Bruce Wayne and the others said is true.

"Barry Allen, of course we are real." Captain America smiled at Barry Allen and greeted him, "I understand, when I knew you were real, I also had the same reaction."

"So Barry, who is the most popular character in your world about our works?" Thor held his arms and looked at Barry Allen very angrily, "It must be Thor!"

"Uh..." Barry Allen was caught off guard by Thor's question.

Because Thor is not to be said to be the most popular, he can't even be ranked second.

But now that Thor asked, Barry Allen could only nod: "Of course, that's true."

Thorton smiled very happily, and proudly raised his head at Tony Stark and the others: "I knew it!"

Everyone: "..."

Didn't you see that old Iron Flash's fake expression?
"Okay everyone, since everyone is here, let's start today's meeting!"

After the answerers from the two universes chatted for a while, Nick Fury cleared his throat and pulled everyone into the topic.

Needless to say, Tony Stark, Clark Kent and other answerers shared relevant topics with you.

In this round of answers, questions about mutants accounted for almost half, and the rest were questions about the two universes of Marvel and DC.

Everyone's reaction was relatively calm.

Except being a little surprised at how powerful the Scarlet Witch is.

"The entire Illuminati team can't beat the Scarlet Witch? Even Captain Marvel was killed by the Scarlet Witch?"

Peter Parker was surprised, he had no idea that the Scarlet Witch could be so powerful.

"Hehe, the reason why Scarlet Witch can easily suppress the Illuminati is because I didn't join the Illuminati!"

Thor interjected angrily.

Everyone is a little hehe about this.

Judging from the strength shown by the Scarlet Witch in the title, even Thor in his peak period is not the opponent at all.

But even so, everyone is not afraid of the Scarlet Witch at all, because everyone's subject matter is really strong now!

Very strong.

There is also an infinite gem base, no matter what, you are not afraid of the Scarlet Witch.

Not to mention, even if it really develops to the worst and worst situation, and everyone really loses to the Scarlet Witch, people like Superman will not stand idly by.

This wave is stable.

As for DC, apart from confirming the importance of Louise Lane, there is basically no other important information.

The intelligence sharing ended in this calm.

Everyone started talking about other things.

"Stark, what's the progress of the giant Hexgate?" Nick Fury looked at Tony Stark and asked the question that everyone is most concerned about.

"Half a year!"

Tony Stark confidently gave a deadline, "It only takes half a year at most, and we can build a Hexgate that can transfer people from all over the world!"

Half a year!

All the Marvel answerers were shocked.

Everyone knows Tony Stark's temperament very well, knowing that although this man is arrogant, he never speaks big.

Since the other party dared to release such bold words, it meant that the other party really had a certain degree of confidence.

"Thor, Star-Lord, how is the search for a planet suitable for human habitation?" Nick Fury turned to look at Thor and Star-Lord again and asked.

"I found a few alternatives, but I still haven't found the most satisfactory one."

Xingjue shook his head repeatedly, "The universe is so vast, it is not an easy task to find a planet similar to Earth."

Thor also spoke, expressing the same meaning.

This is not beyond everyone's expectations.

As for DC, one of the things that everyone is most concerned about at present is the Doomsday of Zod. Both Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent speculate that this is also Luthor's trick.

It's just that a new round of answering questions on Zod's Doom Day started just after everyone killed Zod, but they haven't had time to investigate yet.

Not long after, the meeting ended, and all the respondents from Marvel and DC went back to deal with their own affairs.

"Sir, Wanda suddenly behaved strangely. I also detected a strong energy fluctuation in her body. It is very likely that she has been controlled by sleepwalking witchcraft."

Not long after Tony Stark returned, and before he had time to continue his research on the Hexgate, Jarvis suddenly sent such a reminder.

After learning that the Scarlet Witch can use sleepwalking witchcraft to invade other universes, everyone naturally monitored the Scarlet Witch in all directions.

Once there is any trouble, everyone will know it at the first time.

Immediately afterwards, Jarvis automatically projected the relevant images without Tony Stark's further words.

"Is the Scarlet Witch here?"

Bruce Banner on the side also stood up immediately, and took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Doctor Strange also set his sights on the big screen.

However, on the screen, the Scarlet Witch really seemed to be a different person. Her face was still the same, but her whole temperament had undergone an earth-shaking change.

Even across the screen, it made everyone feel a kind of cold.

Then, everyone saw the Scarlet Witch on the screen stretching out her hands, shooting out a streak of blood-red energy, and a mass of images appeared in front of the Scarlet Witch.

In that picture, it was Miss America.

"Got you!"

There was a bright light in the Scarlet Witch's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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