American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 481 The Flash: Who Can't Deal With Superman

Chapter 481 The Flash: Who Can't Deal With Superman
What Bruce Wayne said makes sense.

It is not the first time that the question-answering system about Superman's blackening has been shown, but the results of the two shows are different.

In the prophecy seen by Cyborg Victor Stone through the mother box for the first time, there are not a few members of the Justice League who died.

In this question, it is obvious that only one died.

Of course, the members of the Justice League who died in Victor Stone's question may not have been killed by the blackened Superman himself, but one thing is indisputable:

Aquaman is Dakseid himself, so it is not surprising that other people were killed by people other than Superman.

Therefore, judging from the comparison of the two images at present, the two may have happened in the same universe, or they may have happened in two different parallel universes.

But whether it is true or not, it is up to everyone to judge for themselves.

But no matter what.

Since everyone has known this kind of thing in advance to prevent it, the established future can definitely be changed.

"Okay, let's assume first, if Superman really massacred the members of the Justice League, who can escape?"

Clark Kent's voice sounded at this time, he shrugged and spoke to everyone.

Anyway, he is very confident that he will not blacken, and will not attack everyone in the Justice League, and his attitude is very calm.

Following Clark Kent's words, everyone turned their attention to the options on the big screen.

"Batman Bruce Wayne? How should I put it, he's just an ordinary person with a mortal body, so I don't think it's strange that he was killed by Superman."

"But at the same time we must also consider that Bruce Wayne's most powerful weapon is not equipment or technology, but his mind."

"I believe that even in the face of Superman, Batman will definitely have a way to deal with it, not to mention, Superman's weakness is so obvious."

"Batman and Superman once fought a battle. Although Batman was beaten badly for a while, in the end, he almost killed Superman, didn't he?"

Tony Stark began to talk in front of everyone, and finally came to his own conclusion, "So if it's Batman, I think it should be pending."

Although Batman is just a mortal, his record is really tough.

Combined with this history of killing Superman, it makes option A less certain.

"That's right, Bruce Wayne can only be determined." Captain America immediately nodded in agreement.

Several other respondents also did not raise any objections.

Option A was so happily agreed upon.

Next is option B.

"The Flash, I don't think it's that easy to kill, right?"

Wonder Woman Diana thought for a while, and said her opinion solemnly.

If at the beginning everyone thought The Flash was just a little joker who could reach lightning speed, then after experiencing the question "The Flash saves the world", everyone has completely admired the Flash.

The Flash is definitely more than just being fast.

What's more, even looking at the lightning speed alone, it is actually enough to defy the sky.

After all, who in the whole world can react at such a fast speed?
Of course, except for the perverted Superman.

Not only has he reached the abnormal level in other aspects, but he can even suppress the Flash in terms of speed.

It's like a pervert knocking on the pervert's door, and the pervert arrives home.

If you only consider speed, everyone thinks that the possibility of Superman killing the Flash is quite high.

After all, besides being fast, The Flash doesn't have any fighting ability or fighting skills.

Even in the process of fighting, I can trip myself up.

Even if this kind of person has the same level of speed as Superman, it is not easy to escape from Superman's hands.

But the key question is that The Flash is not just fast, he also has the speed force!

In the image of "The Flash Saves the World", the power of the merger of the mother box destroys everything around it, and even Superman is wiped out in an instant.

In this case, The Flash was unharmed!
Not only was it unscathed, it turned out that the damage it suffered could heal automatically.

This is more against the sky.

In addition, the Flash can also reverse time, reversing the end of the world.

Such a person is really not necessarily killed by Superman.

After everyone's discussion, the Flash is the same as the Batman in the previous option.

All are pending.

"Sea King Arthur Curry? The possibility of him being killed is greater than the first two options."

Captain America pondered for a while and made a comparison.

"Arthur Curry's fighting style is the same as that of Diana, and it belongs to the melee type."

Clark Kent took over Captain America's words and added, "Although his physical qualities far exceed ordinary people in all aspects, he really doesn't have much advantage in front of Superman."

Everyone still remembers the image of Superman's resurrection clearly. Aquaman is simply vulnerable in front of Superman.

Superman can easily ravage Aquaman.

"I don't think everyone can ignore it. Neptune is the king of the sea. What if he escapes into the bottom of the sea?"

Doctor Strange raised a question, and glanced at Clark Kent, "Clark, you should be weakened in the water, right?"

"Of course." Clark Kent nodded, "I can't breathe in the water, I can only move by holding my breath, which prevents me from staying in the water for too long."

"In addition, my various actions in the water will also be weakened by sea water."

"So, if Aquaman escapes into the sea, Superman may not be able to kill Aquaman." Wonder Woman Diana added.

"It's really hard to say if it's on the bottom of the sea." Clark Kent thought about it and nodded.

Therefore, Aquaman Arthur Curry is the same as the previous two options, and it is also to be determined.

"Steel-bone Victor Stone, I think the possibility of him being killed by Superman is also greater than the previous two options."

Tony Stark spoke again.

The image of Cyborg VS Superman clearly shows the weakness of Cyborg in front of Superman.


Compared with Neptune, Cyborg has a variety of combat methods, including melee and long-distance combat, and can fly in the air.

But its overall strength is too weak to make up for it, and it is useless to use all its means in front of Superman.

Superman could kill Victor Stone with one kick if he wanted to.

Compared with Aquaman who can hang on the bottom of the sea, Victor Stone has no other big moves that can turn the tables.

After everyone's preliminary analysis, the possibility of Steel Bone Victor Stone being killed by Superman is the greatest.


After the preliminary analysis, Doctor Strange opened his mouth to make a simple summary, "That is to say, the four people in the options may be killed by Superman, but the possibility of killing is high or low. What we have to do is to put This possibility makes a ranking."

"The option with the greatest possibility of being killed by Superman is the answer we want to choose!"

Needless to say, everyone ranked the four options in this way.

Batman and Flashman are two options, the possibility is undoubtedly the two relatively low.

There is still no doubt about this.

The two options with relatively high rankings are Aquaman and Steel Bone Victor Stone.

And because Aquaman owns the hang in the sea, everyone also believes that the possibility of being killed by Aquaman is slightly lower than that of Steel Bone Victor Stone.

So the final answer to this question fell on Steel-Bone Victor Stone.

The next question is who will answer this question.

Several answerers who had not yet answered the question had a brief discussion, and the spot finally fell to Captain America.

Considering that no one knows what kind of reward the Supreme Lord of the Rings is, the remaining few answerers conducted a lottery-like method.

Randomly generated "lucky audience".

Captain America was very honored to win the "grand prize".

"I choose Steel Bone!"

After making a decision, Captain America directly gave his answer.

【wrong answer! 】

[The answerer, Steve Rogers, will be punished by erasing his one-year lifespan, and it will be executed immediately! 】

Captain America immediately felt a certain change in his body, as if he had lost something important.

But then it returned to normal, as if nothing happened.

Apparently, Captain America's one-year lifespan is gone.

"The answer is not steel-bone Victor Stone. If it looks like this, then it can only be Sea King Arthur Curry?"

Bruce Wayne said quite naturally.

The option with the highest probability was ruled out, so the next step would naturally be the option with the second highest probability.

"There's a problem we've all overlooked before."

Wonder Woman Diana remembered something, "Although Arthur Curry is called 'Sea King', he spends most of his time on land."

"Also, if Arthur Curry is in the sea, I don't think he will have a conflict with Superman."

"And if Arthur Curry is on land, he shouldn't have a chance to escape to the sea, right?"

If all these factors are taken into consideration, then the possibility of Sea King Arthur Curry being killed by Superman is even higher.

In any case, the answer is Aquaman.

The remaining few respondents deliberated again.

In the end, the place to answer the question fell to Wonder Woman.

"I choose Aquaman!"

Diana spoke her answer aloud.

【correct answer! 】

[Congratulations to answerer Diana Prince for receiving a Supreme Lord of the Rings (purified version)! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

This time the answer was correct.

And after Diana finished answering, a silver, seemingly inconspicuous ring appeared in her hand immediately.

Different from the cool and exquisite shape of the paralysis ring obtained by Clark Kent, the name of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, which sounds more powerful and more majestic, is really ordinary in shape.

If this ring is not a reward issued by the answering system, everyone will not take a second look at this Supreme Lord of the Rings.

"Wow, so this is the Lord of the Rings."

After sorting out the relevant memories in her mind, Diana couldn't help but let out admiration.

From Diana's expression, everyone knew that the Supreme Lord of the Rings must be a very good reward.

"Try it on, Diana, this ring looks very suitable for you." Bruce Wayne urged with a smile.

Diana didn't say much nonsense, and put the Supreme Lord of the Rings on her hand while everyone was watching.


There was a smile on the corner of Diana's mouth, and her thoughts moved.

She disappeared immediately.

It was as if he had disappeared directly.

But the few respondents around Diana tried to touch it with their hands and found out.

Diana didn't just disappear visually, they couldn't even touch.

The whole world evaporated!
The next moment, Diana's figure appeared in front of everyone again.

"So, this Supreme Lord of the Rings can make people invisible. No, it's not invisible. Invisibility doesn't mean you can't even touch it. This ring can make people... disappear immediately! Very good reward!"

Doctor Strange said with admiration.

With this ring, isn't Diana inherently invincible?
If you are faced with a powerful attack that you can't resist, just disappear with one shot and easily resolve it, it's not too easy.

"It's invisibility, Strange."

Diana smiled and said to Doctor Strange, "Although this invisibility may not be the same as the invisibility we usually understand, according to the introduction of the system, the ability just now is invisibility."


All the respondents could not help but feel speechless for a while.

Does the answering system misunderstand stealth?
"In addition to invisibility, the Supreme Lord of the Rings also has the effect of extending lifespan. If I wear it, my lifespan can be doubled at least."

This is amazing.

Diana was not a mortal in the first place, and she had an extremely long lifespan. Now that she was extended by the Supreme Lord of the Rings, it would be really amazing.

"Not only that, but the Supreme Lord of the Rings can also enhance one's own strength! According to my preliminary feelings, when I wear the Supreme Lord of the Rings, my strength is doubled."

The doubling of the increase is already very exaggerated.

Especially the basis of the increase is still a super human like Diana.

"That is to say, the Supreme Lord of the Rings can not only double Diana's combat power, but also give Diana an almost impeccable defense."

"On this basis, Diana's lifespan was doubled... I regret that I didn't answer this question."

Doctor Strange said enviously.

(End of this chapter)

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