American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 479 Doctor Strange: Another Collapse of the Universe

Chapter 479 Doctor Strange: Another Collapse of the Universe
[Answerer Tony Stark will get his AI-related knowledge and skills erased!Do it now! 】

In an instant, all the relevant memories about AI in Tony Stark's mind disappeared completely.

Tony Stark groaned slightly.

He can accept other punishments, but the deduction of knowledge and skills is really annoying.

"I told you a long time ago, the answer is D, but you just don't listen."

Doctor Strange couldn't help shrugging at Tony Stark, acting like you deserve it yourself.

And after Tony Stark finished answering, the round of answering questions has been completed, and all answerers have answered once.

Then there will be a new round of answering questions.

And according to everyone's usual habits, whoever answers the question is the one who answers the question, so the next answerers have nothing to discuss.

It's Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange also "got his wish" and gave the answer of option D.


【wrong answer! 】

The system beeped again.

[The answerer, Stephen Strange, will be punished for erasing his defensive spells, and it will be executed immediately! 】


Doctor Strange yelled in a more painful tone than Tony Stark.

Although the spells erased by the system can be practiced back in the end, it is still a very painful thing.

But fortunately, Ben Juan is a genius, a born supreme mage, and has a talent that others cannot match in learning spells.

The spell that has been erased will definitely be relearned as soon as possible.

Doctor Strange said this to himself silently again, which made him feel better.

"The answer is neither B nor D, so it seems that it can only be C?"

Bruce Wayne's voice sounded, he compared the remaining two options, and made his own choice.

"Is there something wrong with this question? Why would I want the Book of Darkness?" Doctor Strange immediately expressed doubts.

But the question is invalid.

Because the remaining two options are all about Doctor Strange getting the Book of Darkness from Dr. Dark Strange.

The only difference is the way of getting it, that's all.

One is to persuade, and the other is to defeat the opponent and forcibly seize it.

Although these two options are somewhat different from everyone's previous analysis, it is clear that defeating and seizing is more reasonable than persuasion anyway.

"That's right, it seems that the answer can only be C." Clark Kent also nodded in agreement.

The other answerers at the scene also did not raise any objections.

Then there is the question of who will answer.

After a brief discussion among the people at the scene, the spot finally fell to Tony Stark.

There is no other reason. The answer to this question is technical information.

Although I don't know what this "Millennium Falcon" is, but technical data, no one is interested in it except Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne.

And Tony Stark is more interested in the technical data of the Millennium Falcon than Bruce Wayne.

So, of course, there is nothing to say.

"I choose C!"

Tony Stark immediately gave his answer.

【correct answer! 】

This time the answer was correct.

[Congratulations to answerer Tony Stark for receiving the reward Millennium Falcon technical data! 】

[Rewards have been issued!Please pay attention to check! 】

Following the series of prompts from the system, a USB flash drive appeared in Tony Stark's hand.

"Wow, I have to say, this reward exceeded my expectations."

Tony Stark sorted out the relevant memories in his mind, and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

All the people at the scene suddenly became very interested in this "Millennium Falcon".

Being able to attract people like Tony Stark shows that that thing is absolutely extraordinary.

"Stark, don't be a fool at this time, right?"

Wonder Woman Diana urged Tony Stark with a smile.

"The Millennium Falcon is a starship!" Tony Stark said succinctly to everyone.


The eyes of everyone present could not help but light up.

Exploring the universe or something, this is something that the earth has been tirelessly trying and carrying out, but due to the development of technology, the current earth cannot even explore the moon.

To die is to go to the moon once in a while, that's all.

Interstellar exploration is just a beautiful fantasy for human beings.

Everyone can only write novels and make movies to YY for a while.

But now, exploring the universe has become a reality!
"Matt drives, hyperdrive systems, laser cannons... Everyone, I see a whole new door opening for me!"

Tony Stark said to everyone excitedly, his face looked extremely excited.

For a technology madman like him, being able to obtain this kind of advanced knowledge across the ages is even more refreshing than sleeping on the cover girl of the [-]th issue of Maxim Magazine.

"The earth will truly usher in the interstellar era in the future!"

Captain America is also very excited about this, he said enthusiastically on the side.

Although the birth of the Hexgate has brought the earth into the interstellar era, the point-to-point transmission method of the Hexgate still has inherent limitations.

After all, it is impossible for you to repair flying gates all over the planets in the universe!
Even for a long period of time, the earth can only build the hex fly gate on Asgard, the planet of the star-lord and so on.

That's it.

Wanting to build on a newly developed unknown planet is tantamount to wishful thinking.

Leaving aside the fact that exploring a new planet, the Hex Fly Gate is completely useless. If there is such a planet delivered to your door, the Hex Fly Gate is not just built.

Because it is a door.

A door that can communicate in both directions.

Before there is no power to control the gate, or to ensure that the connected planet on the other side of the gate will not invade the earth, who dares to build the Hexfly gate indiscriminately?

So the Hexgate is only suitable for two planets that have officially "established diplomatic relations" and reached a friendly and cooperative relationship.

And that, for Earth, is a long way to go.

Prior to this, what the earth really relied on was traditional interstellar spacecraft.

The reward Tony Stark received can be said to be very timely, and it completely made up for the congenital defects of the Hex-Flying Gate.

"Yes, Stark, this reward is indeed very good." Bruce Wayne also nodded with a smile, expressing his approval.

In any case, it is indeed a good thing that the universe next door already has the ability to explore the universe.

Of course, whether exploring the universe is a good thing for the earth is a matter of opinion.

No one knows whether the earth is ready for this kind of preparation.

But whether this ability to explore or not is completely different.

[After answering the questions, start playing the answer analysis! 】

Everyone was discussing enthusiastically, when the system's notification sounded suddenly.

A corresponding video just appeared on the big screen.

However, in a long, narrow and dark passage, three figures were trotting forward in a hurry, looking back to check the situation from time to time.

It was as if someone was chasing them behind them.

These three figures are familiar to everyone: they are Doctor Strange, Miss America and Christine.

This video is just a continuation of the previous video of the Scarlet Witch massacring the Illuminati.

In that video, the Scarlet Witch was disturbed by Professor X's psychic ability, buying a precious opportunity for Miss America, and the three began to flee quickly.

This video will reveal to you what happened next.


The situation after Doctor Strange escaped was also shown on the big screen.


The blood-stained Scarlet Witch limped after Doctor Strange and the others.

However, the current Scarlet Witch is covered in blood and her face is full of violence. She looks like a villain in a horror movie.

Just chasing and fleeing all the way, in the end, Christine brought Doctor Strange and they came to a door.

And successfully opened the door.

Outside the door is a magnificent and dazzling world.

It is dilapidated, disorderly, and chaotic here, where the laws of physics seem to have lost their effect, and there are ruins floating everywhere.

But not far ahead, there is a floating stone platform, on which there is a book shining with holy light.

"The Book of Emperor Weishan!"

Captain America couldn't help but speak.

There is no doubt that the shining book is the book of Emperor Weishan.

Just looking at this forceful style, it is completely comparable to the Book of Darkness used by Scarlet Witch.

It seems that what Doctor Strange said before is correct. Before he met Dr. Dark Strange, he had indeed found the Book of Weishandi.

And use the book of Emperor Weishan to defeat Doctor Strange.

As for why Doctor Strange wanted to kill the other party and snatch the other party's Book of Darkness, everyone does not know this.

on the screen.

But Doctor Strange jumped out of the door first.

He beckoned to Miss America: "Come down, kid!"

Miss America and Christine also jumped down one after another.

"This is the Rift Junction, the space that exists between universes."

Christine looked at the surrounding environment, and then introduced to Doctor Strange.

It seems that the Illuminati's understanding of the multiverse far exceeds that of ordinary people, even Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange nodded casually, and under the gaze of the two, he came to the book of Emperor Weishan.

Full of anticipation: "Book of Emperor Weishan, I hope you can give me what I need!"

With that said, Doctor Strange grabbed the book of Emperor Weissand.

But at this moment, Miss America was suddenly restrained by a mass of red energy.

Scarlet Witch, here I come!

Both Doctor Strange and Christine were taken aback.

Without saying a word, Doctor Strange immediately launched a powerful magic attack at Scarlet Witch.

But even the Scarlet Witch, who has gone through repeated battles, is exhausted physically and mentally, and even injured, is still crushing in front of Doctor Strange.

He broke Doctor Strange's attack casually, and knocked Doctor Strange to the ground.

In front of the Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange is as weak as a grasshopper who can be played with.

There is no resistance at all.

The Book of Weissandi in Doctor Strange's hand also fell directly to the ground, corroded by the magical energy of the Scarlet Witch, and turned into fly ash.


Doctor Strange in front of the screen couldn't help but make a sound in surprise.

He only guessed the beginning but not the end. How could Emperor Weishan's book be destroyed like this?

It's true that the other person got the book of Emperor Weishan, but he didn't have time to practice it at all!

Didn't even have time to look!
Then the problem is coming.

How did Doctor Strange, who had never studied the Book of Visander, defeat the Dark Doctor Strange who had also studied the Book of Darkness?
Is Doctor Strange really far behind the Scarlet Witch?
So that the Scarlet Witch can ravage the universe after practicing the Book of Darkness, and Doctor Strange has done the same thing, but is still scum?
Killed by a person who was ravaged by the Scarlet Witch?
On the screen, the picture continued to move.

The Scarlet Witch grabbed Miss America with one hand, and imprisoned Doctor Strange and Christine with the other hand.

Just like that, he controlled Miss America and opened a space door at will.

The big hand flicked at Doctor Strange and the two again, and threw it away.

Like throwing garbage, just throw the two of Doctor Strange into it.

And then.

The Scarlet Witch continued to control Miss America, and opened several space doors one after another.

The other Scarlet Witch appeared in front of them.

That is the body of the Scarlet Witch!

Under the control of the main body, the Scarlet Witch threw Miss America in front of the main body.

The next moment, she who was controlled by sleepwalking witchcraft returned to normal.

"My children!"

The Scarlet Witch, who had come to her senses, immediately showed a worried expression on her face, and jumped into the door with a swish, and quickly disappeared.

This video can be said to show everyone a very cruel fact.

Scarlet Witch she did it!

She managed to capture Miss America, destroyed the only possible threat to her, the Book of Visander, and "exiled" Doctor Strange and Christine to other universes.

Doctor Strange has no chance of a comeback.


Use the Book of Darkness to defeat the Book of Darkness!

When the video came here, everyone seemed to understand why Doctor Strange wanted to snatch the Book of Darkness from Dr. Dark Strange.

Because that might be the only way to defeat Scarlet Witch.

on the screen.

But in a completely strange universe.

"No way, this is miserable!"

Doctor Strange looked at the universe in front of him, and couldn't help crying out in pain.

This is clearly a collapsing universe!

The surrounding high-rise buildings, various buildings, and everything are gradually being reduced to ashes and dissipated.

"This reality seems to be disintegrating." Christine also said very painfully.

What can they do in this universe?
Nothing can be done.

Even if they don't find a way to leave immediately, they will collapse together with the collapse of this universe.

(End of this chapter)

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