American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 46 Mark 7 Battle Armor Blueprint

Chapter 46 Mark 7 Battle Armor Blueprint
"The Winter Soldier?"

Iron Man frowned.

He had never heard of this name before, and his face was slightly pensive, "Why is it 'Winter' soldier? Does this code name have any special meaning?"

However, without knowing everything, it is impossible for Iron Man to analyze anything.

He immediately ordered his artificial intelligence: "Jarvis... search for all clues about the Winter Soldier."

"Sir, there is no information about the Winter Soldier in the security network." Jarvis quickly completed the search and replied to Iron Man.

"Activate the first-level search authority and continue searching." Iron Man continued without hesitation.

"This may take some time, please be patient, sir..." Jarvis responded.

"He is a ghost, he is believed to be responsible for more than 50 assassinations in the past 20 years."

At this time, the Black Widow also began to introduce Iron Man while launching a fighter.

"In the past 50 years?" Iron Man felt unbelievable. "Even if he started to perform missions as soon as he was born, he is now 50 years old! Is your news credible?"

"Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear physics engineer out of the Middle East, and someone blew a tire on my car near Odessa."

"The car got out of control and we fell off a cliff ... but we made it out eventually, but the Winter Soldier was there."

"I blocked the engineer, and his bullet went through me and hit the engineer. It was a bullet from the former Soviet Union and had no trajectory."

"Tracking him is impossible, I've tried."

Following Black Widow's words, Iron Man fell silent.

Since the Black Widow has fought against the Winter Soldier, the credibility of her words is very high.

In addition, as a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Black Widow would not choose to share the information at this time if she did not have a certain degree of certainty.

"So this Winter Soldier is the same person as Captain America?" Iron Man pondered for a moment and came to such a conclusion.

If it was in the past, this kind of thing would be really hard to believe, but now, beside them lies a person who has been frozen for 70 years and is still alive.

It is not so difficult to believe in the existence of another similar guy.

Nick Fury didn't say much, but his face was extremely solemn. The organization behind the Winter Soldier attacked them, which is not good news.

It can be said that this intelligence leader was caught off guard.

"Sir, some information about the Winter Soldier has been deciphered."

After a moment of silence in the fighter plane, Iron Man waited for good news from Jarvis.

He couldn't help but cheer up: "Send them all to my mobile phone."

One message after another appeared on Iron Man's phone screen one after another, all of which were related to the attacks of the Winter Soldier on various American intelligence agencies, related organizations, and the military.

Iron Man flipped through it roughly, with a look of surprise on his face: "This guy is really a ghost!"

It's a pity, however, that the Winter Soldier is wearing his unique mask in the extremely limited few clips and photos taken.

Its true colors have never been shown.

It is worth mentioning that not all the materials about the Winter Soldier are connected to the network, and some older materials are stored in paper or memory sticks.

Like the video where the Winter Soldier kills Iron Man's parents.

So Iron Man didn't find that crucial video at the moment.

For Iron Man, the current Winter Soldier is just a terrible killer from a mysterious organization, nothing more.

"Stark, can you send me a copy of those materials?" Nick Fury said to Iron Man from the side at this time.

Naturally, there was no problem. Iron Man immediately ordered Jarvis to send some information about the Winter Soldier to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury also began to stare at his one eye, examining it carefully.

The fighter plane fell into silence for a while.

"Sir, we're almost there."

After a while, the Black Widow suddenly spoke.

Nick Fury nodded upon hearing the words, then stood up, and said to Iron Man seriously: "Stark, thank you for your help this time, but now, you should leave, I will contact you afterwards .”

"This is really heartless. I saved your life half an hour ago." Iron Man spread his hands.

"I'm very grateful for that." Nick Fury remained calm.

"Then what should he do?" Iron Man pointed to Captain America lying on the fighter plane, "You two, can you do it?"

"Stark, you are Iron Man, but that doesn't mean everyone can't do without you."

Nick Fury obviously has a comprehensive plan, "My people will join me soon. The safe house closest to here has been activated 10 minutes ago. There will be no problem."

This is why Nick Fury intends to separate from Iron Man here, because they are going to transfer Captain America into the safe house next.

And if something like a safe house is disclosed casually, what kind of safe house is it?

While speaking, Nick Fury pressed a button, and the hatch of the fighter plane opened directly.

"Nick Fury, there are still many things to discuss between you and me."

Iron Man didn't insist either. After he reminded Nick Fury, he flew away in a swish.

Nick Fury naturally joined the support team of S.H.I.E.L.D. and successfully transferred Captain America into the safe house.

The medical team is also on their way, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

The search and rescue of Captain America in the Arctic Ocean has come to an end.

Of course, these things are actually Nick Fury's affairs, and they don't have much to do with Iron Man. After he went back, he quickly put this matter behind him.

Instead, he couldn't wait to take out the hard disk rewarded by the system and check it.

He was really looking forward to what kind of armor blueprints the system would reward him with.

"Mark 7 Armor?"

Iron Man frowned slightly.

He roughly browsed the blueprint of the armor, and found that it was indeed his Mark series armor, and the basic design idea was the same.

It's just that it is a little more advanced than my current Mark 3 armor.

"A classifiable propulsion package is added to the weapon system, equipped with small tracking missiles, and the laser cannon is changed to the core direct function... This is completely my design idea!"

Iron Man looked amazed.

Many of the designs on the Mark 7 drawings are some of his current ideas for improvement, but he has not had time to put them into practice.

Could it be that his previous conjecture was correct, that this set of armor blueprints came from another Iron Man in a parallel time and space?
(End of this chapter)

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