American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 455 Something Destined to Belong to Superman

Chapter 455 Something Destined to Belong to Superman

After basically clarifying the identities of the four people in the options, the answerers at the scene naturally stopped talking nonsense and began to analyze seriously.

"The Illuminati, although we don't know exactly what the name means, but it should roughly be an organization similar to the Avengers."

"They are all organizations composed of some ability enhancers with special skills."

Captain America’s voice sounded, and he said to everyone solemnly, “Judging from the fact that they captured Doctor Strange from another universe for trial, the Illuminati should, to some extent, be like Kamatai Like Ji, he is guarding against threats from different dimensions."

Although everyone's understanding of the Illuminati is not specific and clear enough, everyone still has a good idea of ​​its positioning.

To put it bluntly, it is a super organization that maintains peace on the earth.

So what kind of people can join this kind of organization?

"If it's Captain Carter...she herself is a super soldier, but also an 'old-time soldier' ​​with a strong sense of justice. If she joins this kind of organization, I won't feel any surprise."

"So Captain Carter, I think it's pending for now!"

The other people at the scene couldn't think of any reason to exclude Captain Carter for the time being. Of course, they couldn't be sure. Captain Carter could only wait to be determined.

Everyone started to focus on option B one by one.

"Are Captain Marvel's words the most likely answer?" Thor said immediately.

He has also participated in many answer questions, and Captain Marvel has also appeared many times in previous questions.

Regarding some of the "features" of this option, even if Thor's IQ is not too high, he has heard a lot and remembered some of them.

"Captain Marvel is not on the earth, but has been active in the interstellar! And the Illuminati is obviously an organization on Earth, so there should be no Captain Marvel in it?"

"Just like in our world, the Avengers don't have Captain Marvel."

"There is indeed some truth to what Thor said."

Bruce Wayne nodded at the side, "However, we also need to pay attention to one thing. The Captain Marvel here is not the familiar Carol Danvers, but another unfamiliar Maria Rambo."

"This is not a character from the main universe, but a character from other parallel universes outside the main universe!"

In this case, everyone's original understanding of Captain Marvel can only be used for reference.

Whether the Captain Marvel in this parallel universe will be like the Captain Marvel in the main universe, wandering in outer space all day without returning to the earth, everyone does not know.

"Wait a minute, Maria Rambo?"

Captain America stared at the name of option B, and after some contemplation, he recalled who this person was, "I remember, this person is Danforth's comrade-in-arms and a good friend of Danforth's."

"In the main universe, after Danforth returned to Earth, he found Maria Rambo again."

This situation is similar to the difference between Captain Carter and Captain America.

Even if Captain Marvel changed characters in another universe, the "transfer" was carried out between two extremely close people.

"It doesn't matter who Maria Rambo is, what matters is that she is Captain Marvel!" Tony Stark said at this time, pointing to the core of the problem, "The important thing is whether we can put our recognition on Captain Marvel I know, put it on her!"

"Judging from Captain Carter's experience, there are quite a few differences between her and Captain America's experiences."

"So... Maria Rambo and Carol Danforth, how much difference in the experience of the two Captain Marvel, we don't know."

"But even if there is a big difference, it's not a strange thing."

In this way, it will be a bit painful, which means that everyone cannot use the previous knowledge of Captain Marvel to analyze this Captain Marvel.

"So, it seems that this option can only be determined." Diana shrugged helplessly and said to everyone.

Everyone can only continue to focus on the next option.

"Iron Man Tony Stark... well, if Stark joins this Illuminati, it's not impossible."

"Didn't he join the Avengers now?" Bruce Wayne glanced at everyone and said.

Of course, it is also possible not to join.

In short, this option is also an option that cannot be analyzed.

Can only be determined.

Not only the option of Tony Stark, but also the mutant leader of option D. Everyone knows nothing about this person, and it is even more impossible to conduct any effective analysis.

Neither determination nor exclusion can be done.

To put it simply, after a round of preliminary analysis, everyone was unable to rule out any option.

All four options are pending.

Frankly speaking, this question is actually quite difficult. It has been a long time since you have encountered such a situation where no screening can be made.

"Iron Man Tony Stark? Captain Carter Peggy Carter?"

After Tony Stark pondered for a while, he murmured. He seemed to have remembered something crucial.

"Are there any problems with these two options?" He suddenly asked with twinkling eyes.

"Stark, what's the problem with these two options?" Thor asked, staring at Tony Stark inexplicably.

Some other answerers also failed to keep up with Tony Stark's jumping thinking at the first time, and they also looked at Tony Stark one after another.

"Everyone should remember that in Captain Carter's universe, there is not only Captain Carter, but also a Hydra trampler!"

"And the Hydra trampler, strictly speaking, is actually Iron Man!"

After being said by Tony Stark, several Marvel bosses who have experienced related answers naturally recalled it all at once.

Hydra Stomper, but Steve Rogers!

But this kind of thing and this topic still seem a little irrelevant, and everyone still hasn't realized the specific meaning of Tony Stark.

" Captain Carter's universe, Iron Man may not exist!"

Tony Stark uttered such a sentence next, but it directly made several Marvel bosses suddenly realize.


Iron Man may not exist anymore!

Because things like steel armor were researched by Tony Stark and his father during World War II.

And how was "Iron Man" born?
Frankly speaking it was an accident.

It was Tony Stark who wore the Iron Armor and fought the Iron King, and was given the name "Iron Man" by the media.

In the end, Tony Stark felt that this title was quite compelling and not bad, so he used it directly.

But will this kind of thing still happen in the "Captain Carter universe"?

Everyone has already known the existence of the Hydra trampler, and they are no strangers to the steel armor. It is even possible that the Hydra trampler has been passed down to modern times with Stark Industries.

How could a name like "Iron Man" that was made up by the media exist?
Therefore, the two options of Captain Carter and Iron Man are indeed contradictory options, and there can only be one.

If the background described in this question happened in Captain Carter's universe, option C would undoubtedly be ruled out, and vice versa.

If there is a way to know that Tony Stark is unlikely to be ruled out, then option A is definitely ruled out.

"Great! Stark, the analysis is really great!" Thor couldn't help clapping his hands excitedly.

After Tony Stark's analysis, this question can be said to be greatly simplified at once, because the answer is completely locked in two options.

Either it's Captain Carter, or it's Iron Man Tony Stark.

There will be no other options.

So Captain Carter and Iron Man, who is more likely to be a member of the Illuminati?
It's a pity that everyone can't make a judgment on this, and it can only be decided by the answerer who finally answers the question.

The analysis of the topic is basically almost done here, and the next step is who will answer the question.

Thor, Superman Clark Kent, and Wonder Woman had a discussion about this.

Because Captain America and Bruce Wayne had already finished answering the questions, Tony Stark was not interested in rewards such as punching techniques, so he quit immediately.

And according to the consistency of the system, the boxing rewards are indeed very suitable for the three superhumans to answer.

After a final discussion, the subject finally fell to Clark Kent.

"Based on what I know about Tony Stark, I don't think he is someone who would sit with other people and judge others, so...I choose Iron Man Tony Stark!"

After some thought, Clark Kent gave his own answer.

【correct answer! 】

Immediately, such a notification sounded on the big screen.

Clark Kent answered correctly!
[Congratulations to answerer Clark Kent for obtaining the bonus skill Sun Fist! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

The Sun Fist was credited instantly.

"Is the answer correct?"

Bruce Wayne couldn't help laughing, "The secret to Clark Kent becoming stronger is to bask in the sun, and the reward for this question is precisely the Sun Punch, as if everything is preordained."

"Sun Fist? Is this a set of boxing techniques that can be practiced using sunlight? It sounds like it is indeed tailor-made for Clark." Diana also speculated enthusiastically.

"Eh... Although this set of boxing is also very good, it may be slightly different from what you imagined." Clark Kent smiled and explained to everyone.

Sun Fist is a boxing method that uses the sun to practice, which is almost a common guess among all the respondents.

Hearing Clark Kent's explanation at this moment, everyone is really a little curious.

Clark Kent didn't pretend to be aggressive either, and reminded everyone: "Be careful with your eyes, this boxing technique is a bit harsh."

"Is this boxing technique still going to shine?" Thor smiled, not taking Clark Kent's words to heart.

But then, Thor was flashed.

Because Clark Kent suddenly threw a punch in front of everyone.

A group of extremely dazzling light just exploded in front of Clark Kent.

It was as if a miniature sun suddenly appeared.

All of a sudden it hurt everyone's eyes.

Everyone was shaken for the first time, and their eyes were irritated and they became dizzy for a while.

Fortunately, everyone is not an ordinary person, and their physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, so they recovered immediately.

Except, of course, Bruce Wayne, who is still a mortal.

After all, Bruce Wayne hasn't taken the heart-shaped grass reward yet.

"So, this is Sun Fist? Shoot a dazzling ball of light to blind others' eyes?" Thor said very speechlessly.

He felt it clearly just now, the power of the Sun Fist is very weak, obviously not for attacking.

The only function seems to be to blind others' eyes.

Captain America, Tony Stark and others also felt very speechless.

This is the first time they have encountered this kind of boxing with special effects.

"That's right, this is Sun Punch." Clark Kent nodded, "As you can see, this is not a set of offensive punches, but an auxiliary punch."

"It's not bad." Bruce Wayne nodded, "Auxiliary boxing doesn't mean it's not as important as offensive boxing. This set of boxing can still play a very important role in Clark's hands."

With Superman's extremely terrifying strength, it only needs to use the sun fist to blind the enemy's eyes, even if it is only a short moment, it is enough to be fatal.

Of course.

To take a step back, with Superman's strength that is so strong that it can be used to cheat, in most cases, it is enough to just push it horizontally, and the Sun Fist does not seem to have much use for it.

On the contrary, for Bruce Wayne, this set of punches is more practical.

But in any case, this boxing technique is definitely not a useless skill.

[After answering the questions, start playing the answer analysis! 】

At this time, the system's notification tone suddenly sounded.

A corresponding video was played on the big screen.



Accompanied by these two howling voices, Doctor Strange and Miss America just kept falling down in the incomparably gorgeous multiverse.

bang bang bang!
The sound of shattering glass kept ringing.

It was the two of them who smashed the dimensional barriers between several multiverses one after another, and finally fell heavily on the street of a universe.

Everyone can clearly see that this video is indeed a continuation of the previous topic, the video after Doctor Strange and Miss America escaped the Scarlet Witch and escaped into other parallel universes.

During this process, all kinds of colorful multiverses are displayed in front of everyone in turn.

There are even two-dimensional universes.

It can be said to be an eye-opener for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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