American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 433 Superman Comes Through the Universe!

Chapter 433 Superman Comes Through the Universe!

DC Universe.

Ka Ka Ka!
Accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, cracks suddenly appeared in the originally cloudless sky.

It was as if the sky at this moment suddenly turned into glass and was smashed by someone.

Ka Ka Ka!
Not only that, but the cracks on the glass mirror continued to expand and spread to the surroundings, like a spider web getting denser and denser.

"what happened?"

"What exactly is the crack in the sky?"

"what happened?"

Whether it's people from Metropolis, Gotham, Midtown, etc., at this moment, the whole world saw that extremely unusual scene.

"Master Wayne, you must come and see this!"

In Batman's underground secret base, Al Fu, who was checking the surveillance, stared at the picture on the big screen, and shouted to Bruce Wayne, who was doing scientific research on the side.

When Bruce Wayne heard Ah Fu's serious tone, he knew it was not a simple matter. He immediately put down what he was doing and walked to the big screen.

With just one glance, he revealed an extremely dignified look.

Immediately afterwards, Bruce Wayne came to the ground in the elevator for the first time, and when he looked up, the cracks in the sky were so shocking.

Bruce Wayne's first thought was, is it the Steppenwolf coming?

Where did he dare to be negligent, he immediately contacted Clark Kent and Diana.

That's right, after the last answer, these three people also met offline and reached a good cooperative relationship.

Although it is not clearly stated, it also forms a relationship similar to Tony Stark's "answerers' alliance".

Communicate with each other, contact in time, and jointly deal with the coming crisis in the future.

"Clark, Diana, have you seen the crack in the sky!"

Bruce Wayne immediately asked the two in the communication channel.

"I've been on Earth for so many years, and I've never seen such a thing, Clark, do you know what it is?" Diana's voice immediately sounded in the communication channel.

"I don't know either." Clark Kent also shook his head.

"Clark, we need another guy. Go check the situation quickly. According to my experience and hunch, no matter what those cracks are, it is definitely not a good thing!"

Bruce Wayne said to Clark Kent solemnly.

"I'm doing it!"

Clark Kent's voice immediately sounded in the communication channel.

Then there was a huge air explosion.

Then, Bruce Wayne and Diana could see from a distance, a figure soared into the sky and rushed towards the space crack.

There is no doubt that it is Superman.

"Clark, what's that?"

Bruce Wayne couldn't help asking immediately when he saw Superman making his debut.

"I don't know the situation, but I can feel a huge energy from those cracks. If that energy explodes..."


Superman was cut off in the middle of his sentence.

Because at this time, the condensed energy gathered in the cracks, just as Bruce Wayne said, exploded directly.

Like shards of glass, it exploded towards the surroundings, and a hole appeared in the sky.

Superman was blown upside down by the huge energy.

However, Superman is still Superman anyway. He is known as the existence of the god of the world.

Then flew back again.

Superman looked carefully along the space door, and the expression on his face froze immediately, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

"I can't believe it!" Superman couldn't help muttering.

"Clark, what's the matter, what did you find?"

Diana immediately asked in a dignified voice.

Hearing that even Superman was shocked, Bruce Wayne and Diana couldn't help but tighten their asses, obviously feeling a kind of tension.

"I saw Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor." Superman said to several people in a beeping tone.

Diana: "..."

Bruce Wayne: "..."

The two were beeped by the dog.

"So the cosmic barrier between our universe and the Iron Man universe has been broken?" Bruce Wayne exclaimed in an incredible tone.

Even he was completely surprised by this kind of thing.

"Is it Iron Man and the others?"

Diana breathed a long sigh of relief before asking immediately.

In any case, if it's not Steppenwolf or something, that's fine, it's a false alarm.

Although they didn't know what happened to Tony Stark and the others, Diana and the others really made corresponding inquiries and understandings after they came back from answering the questions.

It turned out that Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, etc., still have comic works in their world.

It's just that the three of them don't usually read comics, so they don't know.

It is precisely because of this that several people know that the guys who participated in answering the questions with them last time are absolutely trustworthy people.

Although there is a high possibility that the opening of the space door this time was done by the other party, and although Diana and the others don't know the purpose of those people, everyone can be sure that it is definitely not a plane invasion or something like that.

"I'm not too sure, they seem to be caught in a war." Superman glanced briefly through the space door, and then introduced to Bruce Wayne, "I'll go and have a look first."

After saying hello to the two of them, Superman flew up into the air and flew out of the space door all at once.

Flew into Tony Stark's battlefield.

Swish swish!

As soon as Superman flew over, there were several glances at the scene, each of which was full of shock.

But when I saw Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and others, the expressions on their faces were all wonderful.

They could never have imagined that this battle broke through the barriers of the universe and opened the door to the multiverse.

It's fine if it breaks through, but a person in another universe has also passed through the gate of space.

And after seeing who the figure was, the people at the scene seemed to be blown up by a bomb, and they were all dumbfounded.


"It's Superman!"

"Superman Clark Kent!"

Several unbelievable voices rang out at the scene one after another. Who would believe such a thing if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes?

The person who came through the space gate turned out to be Superman?
"Stark, Rogers, Thor, you are all here."

Superman just slowly floated down from the sky, and greeted several "answering friends".

"Mr. Superman! Are you really Superman? God, this is so crazy, I can't believe it!"

Accompanied by this excited voice, Peter Parker swung a strand of spider silk and landed in front of Superman, so excited that he was a little incoherent.

Alive Superman!
This is a real superman!
Not long ago, Peter Parker was still regretting that he had not seen the real Superman, but he did not expect that his wish would come true in a blink of an eye.

"God, this is really crazy."

Ant-Man Scott Lang is so old that he still behaves like a stupid fan, "Although it is not very appropriate, I have to say, Superman, man, is it really you? This is all I have ever seen in my life." The coolest thing I've ever seen!"

"Spider-Man Peter Parker, Ant-Man Scott Lang, I know you, I have read your stories." Superman also smiled and nodded to the other two, "You are all good."

"Mr. Stark, Superman actually knows me, have you seen that, Superman knows me..." Peter Parker was so excited that he couldn't speak.

"Child, calm down!"

Doctor Strange was a little speechless, comforting Peter Parker, "You can express your excitement to your idol later, but if I remember correctly, we still have an enemy to deal with."

"That's right, Clark, I'm sorry that I can't entertain you well, but I think you can understand that we are... a little busy at the moment."

Captain America gasped and said to Superman Clark Kent.

Following the words of Doctor Strange and Captain America, Superman Clark Kent slowly turned his head and looked at Infinity Ultron on the side.

He was not blind, there was only one enemy on the scene, so he could tell it at a glance.

While Superman was looking at Infinity Ultron, Infinity Ultron was also looking at Superman Clark Kent at the moment.

For the first time, there was a look of bewilderment on this guy's face, and a... strong fear!

Unlimited Ultron can clearly feel that the guy in front of him is very strong, no, it should be said to be super strong.

So strong that even all the heroes like Tony Stark, Thor, etc. combined, are not necessarily stronger than this person.

Infinite Ultron In this endless universe, except for a woman bathed in golden light and the observer who is currently being shrunk by him, he has never seen such a strong man.

But after being taken aback, Infinity Ultron's eyes became brighter, and he became more and more excited.

"A whole new universe!"

"A new universe, different from all those universes I destroyed!"

Unlimited Ultron murmured.

Just like Columbus discovered the New World, the whole person revealed excitement.

The universes he destroyed before were all too similar, every universe is like that, every person who resists him is so few.

Even if Infinity Ultron is a robot, it feels a bit boring when it is destroyed.

Now there is a new flavor, doesn't that make Infinity Ultron more energetic?

If you eat too much of one flavor, you will get tired.

It's just a pity that the current situation of Infinite Ultron is not so wonderful.

His biggest reliance is the infinite gems, but now, superheroes also have infinite gems, even more than his infinite gems!
Coupled with such a powerful foreign aid as Superman, the situation of Infinite Ultron can be said to be very bad.

At the moment, Infinite Ultron doesn't pretend to be aggressive anymore.

He waved his hand violently, and a huge "iron ball" appeared out of thin air in such a swish, as if by magic.

Appeared out of thin air over a small town in New Mexico.

Swish swish!

The "iron ball" suddenly started to rain, and a large number of Ultron robots flew out densely, flying towards the heroes and the town like that.

Looking at it makes the scalp numb.

You don't need Infinity Ultron to do it yourself. These robots alone are enough to destroy the earth.

"Thor, use the gem! Erase these robots!"

Captain America immediately yelled at Thor in a deep voice.

If these robots are allowed to successfully fly into the city, it will be a complete disaster.

Although Thor usually likes to pretend, he is still very reliable at critical moments. He didn't dare to make fun of so many innocent people in the city, so he immediately raised his right hand wearing the infinity glove, and waved it towards the sky .

The reality gem began to light up.

The power of the gem instantly covered the surroundings.

The black Ultron robots that flew out quickly disappeared as if they had been wiped off with an eraser.


Unlimited Ultron was extremely angry, and waved again violently, and the Ultron robot that was wiped out by Thor was created again!

Thor saw it, I'll go, are you in a fight with me?
Infinity gems, really think I don't have one?

Thor also used the energy of the gemstone again and began to erase the Ultron robots created by Infinite Ultron.

The power of the two reality gems collided so fiercely, and they had completely opposite effects.

Ka Ka Ka!
Ka Ka Ka!
Around the entire New Mexico town, cracks began to appear one after another.

The Ultron robots in the sky also began to "twinkle" as if there was a problem with the computer screen.

Weaving back and forth between being erased and being created.

"Not good, the gems are used too much, this space is almost unable to withstand the power of the gems!" Iron Man saw this, and his complexion changed immediately, "Thor, you can no longer use gems, stop!"

"What about Infinity Ultron?" Thor felt that his head was a little big.

"Clark, we need your assistance!" Captain America shouted at Superman again.

If they don't use the power of gems, they can't deal with Infinity Ultron alone, but fortunately, Superman is on their side.

The addition of Superman will give them a great boost.


Superman answered forcefully.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone felt a blur before their eyes, and before they could even react, Superman was already lightning-like, no, not lightning-like, but really rushed to the front of Infinite Ultron at lightning speed.

Punch out.

Unlimited Ultron's whole body flew upside down like a cannonball, and hit the ground hard.

(End of this chapter)

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