American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 412 The Three Veterans of the Justice League Are Abused Online

Chapter 412

[Congratulations to Thor Odinson for getting the bonus skill Chaos Gold Watchman! 】


After Thor sorted out the information about Chaos Gold Watchman in his mind, his eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Surprise and excitement shone within!

Frankly speaking, Thor didn't have any hope for this chaotic gold watchman's skill at all, but he didn't expect that he would take a huge advantage.

This skill is very good!

It can even be said to be against the sky!

"Looking at Thor's reaction, this should be a very good reward."

Bruce Wayne glanced at Thor and couldn't help but smile.

Being able to make a god show such a happy expression, this skill can be seen in general.

"Of course, I'll let you guys see it!" Thor chuckled, his body trembled, "Chaotic Gold Watchman!"

A magical power centered on Thor, and suddenly acted on everyone around him.

Among them, Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, and Captain America all felt that their eyes suddenly became blurred.

I just feel that everything around me seems to be speeding up suddenly.

The movement of Thor waving his hands suddenly became extremely fast.

They won't react until Thor slaps them away with a slap.

And Wonder Woman, Diana and Clark Kent felt somewhat the same way.

But Clark Kent just got rid of that weird force field in an instant, and flew directly to the side.

Everything is back to normal.

"Did it return to normal in just an instant?" Thor glanced at Clark Kent, and he couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Superman deserves to be Superman, and indeed he was not built.

In comparison, Diana also counteracted some of the power of Chaos Golden Watchtower to a certain extent, but she was still somewhat affected after all.


At this time, Thor poured out this word in his mouth, and instantly took back the power of Chaos Gold Watchman.

Everyone around has returned to normal.

Everyone recalled how they felt just now, and everyone couldn't help being amazed.

"Thor, what happened just now? Why do I feel that the world around me seems to have turned into a quagmire, and everything, including myself, is frozen?"

Bruce Wayne looked at Thor in puzzlement and asked.


Thor explained to everyone angrily, "I slowed down everyone's time!"

Slow down time!
All the people around were shocked by the skill of Luan Jin Tuo.

Thor is right, this skill is indeed too heaven-defying.

If time is slowed down by Thor, wouldn't it be at the mercy of Thor?
Just like how everyone felt just now, they could only watch Thor attack them, but they were powerless to resist.

No, if Thor really planned to attack them, they might die before they could react.

Except for Clark Kent, this guy's speed is comparable to the Flash, so naturally he won't be affected by Luan Jintuo.

[After answering the questions, start playing the answer analysis! 】

At this time, the system's notification sounded, and a corresponding video was played on the big screen.

The first thing that appeared on the screen was a very retro and peculiar "room".

In that room, there was a long-haired man holding an alarm clock, looking at the time on it, as if waiting for something to happen.

"This is... a Kryptonian spacecraft!"

Clark Kent said in a deep voice.

Others didn't recognize what the room was, but Clark Kent recognized it immediately.

Kryptonian spaceship!

The expressions of the other people around him changed. The Kryptonian monster and the Kryptonian spaceship are definitely related.

"That Luther, unexpectedly it's him!" Bruce Wayne said while looking at the long-haired man.

In the previous answers, everyone already knows that the man behind the Batman-Superman war is most likely a guy named Luthor.

At that time, the first figure that flashed in Bruce Wayne's mind was the one on the screen at this moment.

After all, that person is also a very important figure in the United States, and is the controller of a large consortium.

He is as rich as Bruce Wayne, but not as rich as Bruce Wayne.

But there are so many people named Luther in the whole country, and Bruce Wayne doesn't remember any grudges between him and Luther.

So he wasn't sure that Luther was this Luther. He could only guess that the person who had the ability to plot against him, a superman, was probably a powerful and powerful person.

Most likely it was that Luther.

Now the video is played, proving that Bruce Wayne's guess is correct.

The man behind the scenes was indeed that Luther.

It's just that Bruce Wayne still can't figure it out, why did Luthor mess with him?
Perhaps this question can reveal the answer to him.

A loud noise came from the screen, but a blurry shadow flashed across the sky, smashing a big hole in the "roof".

It just fell in front of Luther.

A look of anger.

"It's late! The white rabbit said you were 30 seconds late!"

When Luther heard the movement, he knew that Superman was coming, so he didn't panic, but said nervously.

"It's time, isn't it, Mr. White Rabbit? You still need a bat head!" Luther said, throwing the alarm clock in his hand.

Everyone's guess before was right, the man behind the scenes is indeed this guy.

"There are 20 seconds left, sorry, it's time to cook." Luthor ran to a phone and picked it up. "Gotham BBQ, fully cooked! It's time to report your concern."

"I still hope you will come by yourself!" But Batman's voice came to mind in the receiver!

Not Luther's people!
Reminiscent of the previous video where Superman's mother was kidnapped by Luthor, Superman originally wanted to rescue his mother, but was persuaded by Batman, and Batman finally rescued his mother.

Superman, on the other hand, is going to stop the "ship" that is absorbing the city's electricity.

Obviously, this video is the follow-up to that video.

Luther wanted to threaten Superman by calling his men who had kidnapped Superman's mother.

But he didn't want Batman's operation to be successful and rescued Superman's mother.

"You lost." Superman said to Luthor indifferently.

"I can't let you win!" Luthor yelled at Superman, "I gave that bat a chance, but he is too weak, so if a man can't kill a god... let the devil do it for him!"

Crack, crack, crack!

At this time, a series of powerful currents began to spread down from the "umbilical cord" one after another, and flowed into a big fleshy ball.

The meat ball was moving, and a huge monster was faintly visible inside it!

Dare to doubt, the monster in the meat ball is the Kryptonian monster that killed Superman.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that this Kryptonian monster was not a surviving Kryptonian life like Clark Kent, but was created by human beings!

Seeing this, Bruce Wayne realized that he had guessed wrong. It turned out that Luthor's ultimate goal was not him at all, but Superman!

What the other party wanted to kill from beginning to end was Superman.

He, Batman, is just a killing tool in the opponent's hands, nothing more!

"The flaw of the ancient Kryptonians, my blood relatives!" Luther's voice continued, and he raised his hand to Superman.

But he saw that the palm of his hand had been cut. The Kryptonian monster was indeed created with Luther's blood, so after the monster was born, it was forbidden to attack Luther.

"This unscientific!"

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but yelled, and Tony Stark also felt that this matter was extremely ridiculous.

Doesn't there exist such a thing as reproductive isolation?
Even the subspecies of the same species have extremely strong reproductive isolation, not to mention that this is a cross-species.

A drop of blood from a cut palm can make Luthor and that monster blood relative?
This absurdity couldn't be more absurd.

Not to mention a drop of blood, even using DNA recombination technology to forcibly recombine Luthor's DNA and the Kryptonian monster's DNA, it is impossible to succeed. After all, the two sides are two species.

"He was born to destroy you!"

on the screen.

Luther's triumphant voice sounded, and he pointed at Superman, "Your judgment day is here! God, you're going to die too!"

The Kryptonian monster let out a shocking roar, which echoed throughout the city, and then he punched Superman hard.

There was a soft sound, but Superman flew up into the air, blocked the Kryptonian monster's punch, and punched the Kryptonian monster backwards, and slammed it hard on the wall.

But when Superman flew towards the Kryptonian monster, the Kryptonian monster seemed to be pinching a weak chicken, and grabbed Superman with both hands.

The battle between the two sides began.

Boom boom boom!
Bang bang bang!
This is a battle between two super perverts, a random collision can destroy the world, and the explosion of energy is simply terrifying.

But I have to say that the Kryptonian monster is too powerful. Even Superman is not enough to look at in front of it, and he was quickly beaten to the ground by the Kryptonian monster.

Chu Chu Chu!
chug chug!

The sound of propellers sounded, but several helicopters flew over, and the fierce firepower sprayed directly at the Kryptonian monsters overwhelmingly.

The result is naturally beyond doubt, it is impossible to cause even the slightest damage to the Kryptonian monster.


The Kryptonian monster was enraged, he raised his head to the sky and roared, the tiger's body shook, and a huge lightning-like energy wave swayed in all directions.

Everything around was destroyed.

It's simply destructive.

There is no doubt that those helicopters also turned into dregs.

"This monster still has this trick!"

Clark Kent looked dignified and authentic.

From the short battle just now, it can be seen that the monster's strength and speed are not weaker than Superman, and it is even said to be superior to Superman.

Although this monster can't fly, but a random bounce can be hundreds of meters, what's the difference from flying?
But the monster's move to release a large-scale energy wave is something Superman Ken doesn't have.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a group of super monsters who challenge Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman one by one, which is indeed extraordinary.

There was a loud bang, but Superman flew up into the air, holding the monster up into the sky at once, and flew straight out of the atmosphere.

Superman must be trying to make a big fuss about the fact that Kryptonian monsters can't fly.

But at this critical moment, the top executives of the United States took advantage of this excellent opportunity to launch a nuclear bomb, regardless of Superman's life or death!
in front of the screen.

Clark Kent's face couldn't help being slightly ugly, and a faint sense of loss flashed through his heart. It was impossible to remain indifferent.

After all, he has silently guarded the earth and human beings for so many years, never asking for anything in return, and never even revealing his true face.

As a result, when there is a real danger, the people on earth don't care about his life or death for their own safety!
This kind of approach is definitely too chilling.

It is impossible for Da Chao to remain indifferent.

But Da Chao is Da Chao after all, even so, his belief in protecting the earth has never wavered.

"That's why I hate those politicians!" Tony Stark couldn't help but speak, making no secret of his dislike for those politicians.

on the screen.

A nuclear bomb was launched into the sky, and Clark pressed the Krypton monster forcefully, allowing the nuclear bomb to hit the Krypton monster directly.

The nuclear bomb exploded directly.

The fierce flames seemed to cover even the sky.

However, what makes people feel desperate is that even after being hit by a nuclear bomb abruptly, the Kryptonian monster is still intact!
No, to be more precise, the monster is not only intact, he is still evolving!

Ka Ka Ka!
One after another, thick and terrifying bone spurs surged out of the Kryptonian monster's body, and the monster's entire body was covered with an extremely blazing light, which was a sign that the energy was about to burst out.

The monster at this moment is like a volcano with excess energy that is about to erupt.

"He's getting stronger!"

Captain America's complexion became ugly.

The faces of the others were not very good looking either.

Although everyone does not know what happened to the Kryptonian monster and why this change occurred, it is an indisputable fact that the Kryptonian monster has become stronger than before!
The most powerful weapon on the earth was fired, but it failed to kill the monster, but made the monster stronger. Isn't it irritating?
What about Superman?
Superman was suspended quietly in space, motionless, and his whole body became shriveled, like a mummified corpse.

If you don't know, you will definitely think that Superman is dead.

Of course, everyone in front of the screen knows that Superman is not dead after answering the questions, but looking at the other party's appearance, it is obvious that the nuclear bomb went down, and Superman suffered serious injuries.

After the Kryptonian monster suffered a nuclear bomb, it returned to the ground in a more powerful posture, like the return of the king.

And at this time, Superman is still working as a mummy in space!

So who on Earth can take on this terrifying Kryptonian monster?

(End of this chapter)

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