American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 394 Batman: Superman Bleeds!

Chapter 394 Batman: Superman Bleeds!
"Cool! This is really cool! It's the same as in the movie!" Peter Parker couldn't help but yelled.

I have to say that the same thing with special effects and without special effects are really completely different things.

The mantra lasso, which was originally ordinary, looked so sacred and dazzling at this moment, and it was a very powerful thing at a glance.

Thor shook his hand immediately, and the dazzling lasso shot out like a poisonous snake, making a loud bang in the air.


Although Thor just "fired a false shot" and didn't hit anything, everyone believes that even if there is a wall in front of him, Thor will easily penetrate it.

"Not bad, this is what God uses!" Thor nodded with satisfaction, and took back the mantra lasso.

"I really didn't expect that you would like this kind of toy." Loki couldn't help but ruthlessly mocked at the side.

"Hehe, Loki." Thor smiled, and waved the lasso in his hand, "You will never fool me again!"

Seeing Thor's smug face, everyone in front of the screen couldn't help covering their faces. Is this something to be proud of?

Doesn't this just expose my lack of IQ!
Oh, it turned out that it was Thor who exposed the IQ, so it's okay, anyway, there is not much Thor in this kind of thing.

[After answering the questions, start playing the answer analysis! 】

When everyone was discussing very vigorously, the system's notification sound suddenly sounded.

A corresponding video was played on the big screen.

But on a rainy night, a big man in black steel armor and a cloak was standing on the top of a building.

The man is looking up at the night sky.

Beside this person, a gigantic bat lamp radiated its own light wantonly, shining a big bat projection in the air.

Everyone who has seen the Batman series knows that the Bat Light is specially used to summon Batman!

But now, looking at the appearance of the "armored man" helmet, this person is Batman!

Batman calling Batman?

This thing is more interesting.

Suddenly, Batman, who had been looking up at the night sky, had a sharp and cold smile on his lips.

At this time, everyone just saw that, in the reflection of the lightning and thunder, a figure had already floated in the night sky.


That figure is a superman!

For this scene, everyone in front of the screen expressed their surprise.

"Batman is using the bat light to meet Superman, he is challenging Superman! God, why did this happen, is there any misunderstanding between the two of them?" Peter Parker exclaimed a little unacceptably.

These two people are characters he likes very much, and they are also good people, why are they fighting!

"Batman turned on the Batlight, Superman came, and Batman knew Superman would come, what happened between the two of them?"

Tony Stark also asked with doubts.

Looking at the battle between the two sides, their battle was not a misunderstanding at all, but just like Peter Parker said, it was a deliberate engagement!
Why the two of them broke out in such a conflict, everyone wants to know the answer.


on the screen.

There was a loud bang, and Superman hit the ground heavily from the sky.

"Okay, here I come!"

Batman spread his hands at Superman, and grinned so cruelly.

"Bruce, don't do this!" Superman's face revealed a look of helplessness, "I was wrong, you must listen to me! Lex just wants us..."

Superman's words stopped abruptly in the middle of his sentence, because Batman had already activated the sonar weapon he had prepared long ago.

The two groups of extremely powerful shock waves launched an impact on Superman, even Superman felt tremendous pressure.

It's like sailing against the current, going up the current with difficulty.

But Superman is Superman after all, how could he be defeated by such a mere means?

He broke a sewer manhole cover in half, shook his hand and shot, and the sonar weapon was instantly destroyed.

"You don't understand at all, we're out of time!" Superman walked up to Batman at this time and shouted at Batman.

From the video played on the screen now, everyone can draw a basic conclusion that there is obviously a misunderstanding between Superman and Batman!
This misunderstanding may be caused by the "Lex" in the super population. In other words, it is possible that Lex provoked Batman and Superman.

Superman seems to know all of this, so he doesn't want to fight Batman at all.

Otherwise, Batman would be killed by Superman in the first instant, after all, Superman is too strong.

Compared with the power of Superman, Batman is simply an ant!
But then again, Batman's most powerful weapon is always his wisdom. Since he is waiting for Superman here in advance, it means that the other party is fully prepared!
Didn't the topic also say that Batman almost killed Superman.

"No! I understand it all!"

On the screen, Batman yelled.

Superman reached out and gave Batman a slight push.

The lightness here is not a description or modification, but a description of the fact that Superman really doesn't seem to use much force!

But Batman, who was dressed in iron bumps, flew upside down as if struck by lightning!
It hit the ground hard.

chug chug!
chug chug!
But at this time, a few Gatlings suddenly protruded from the wall on one side, mercilessly spraying fire at Superman.

An extremely dense hail of bullets immediately covered Superman, and even the night sky was illuminated.

But there is no doubt that this method is also drizzle for Superman, and it can't even hurt a single hair of him.

Superman shot two heat rays directly, and Batman's big killer was turned into a few piles of scrap metal.

Simply a breeze.

Immediately afterwards, Superman flew in front of Batman again, waved his hand casually, and tortured Batman to heaven and earth, wanting to die.

There is no way, the power gap between the two sides is really too big.

But everyone who knows Batman in front of the screen knows that Batman cannot be abused like this all the time, it must be only temporary.

This guy must have prepared some kind of big move against Superman, or a backhand, and everyone has even vaguely guessed what the backhand is.

Batman's wisdom is not covered!
Even better than Tony Stark.

The saying that a mortal body can stand shoulder to shoulder with a god is also applicable to Batman.

"Stop hitting! If I wanted to, you'd be dead already!"

Superman landed in front of Batman again, and shouted at Batman sincerely.

This sentence is said by many people as pretending to be thirteen, but when it is said from Superman's mouth at this moment, it is just describing a fact.

If he really wanted to kill Batman, Batman wouldn't even have the chance to do it.

Not to mention anything else, Superman's speed is comparable to that of the Flash, no matter how many moves Batman has, he can't react to it, right?
But Batman didn't follow Superman's suggestion at all. He took out a Molotov cocktail and threw it in front of Superman.

A lot of thick smoke spewed out, but it had no effect on Superman at all. Superman passed through the thick smoke area in a flash, and appeared in front of Batman again.

But at this time, Batman had an extra violent gun in his hand.

A bullet was shot directly at Superman, and Superman reached out his hand casually, and held that bullet in his hand.

Using thermal weapons or something to deal with Superman can only be said to be too childish.

But the next moment, the warhead that Superman held in his hand exploded directly, and a cloud of green smoke burst out instantly, covering Superman's head all round.

"It's kryptonite! I knew it!"

Tony Stark shouted with an expression of "I knew it would be like this".

Superman is almost perfect and invincible in the DC series of comics. The reason why it is said to be almost is because Superman has a very fatal weakness, that is kryptonite!

Kryptonite is the debris after the explosion of Superman's hometown Krypton, which is very deadly to Superman and most Kryptonians.

Batman wants to take on Superman, any known weapon on earth is useless, unless it is kryptonite!
Tony Stark had guessed this point a long time ago, and the other people who had watched the series of works at the scene actually guessed it too.

After all, it's not too difficult to guess.

on the screen.

After Superman was caught off guard and absorbed a few mouthfuls of "krypton fog", he was immediately weakened greatly, and even fell to the ground for a while and couldn't get up.

"Take a good breath! That's the taste of fear!"

Batman, who has been abused all the time, regained his demeanor, and ruthlessly mocked Superman, "You're actually not brave..."

Just halfway through Batman's words, Superman rushed up and punched Batman hard.

But Batman slammed his arm sideways, blocking Superman's punch!
Superman's eyes widened, and he looked like a beeping dog. A mortal body actually blocked his punch?
Simply unacceptable!
It can be seen to what extent the current Superman has been weakened by kryptonite.

"...The ones who are truly brave are humans!"

Batman's voice sounded, and then he punched Superman hard.

Then the situation on the battlefield took a 180-degree turn. Batman, who had been abused throughout the whole process, rose up directly, punching and kicking Superman like a third grandson.

That's a horrible sight.

It was so miserable that everyone couldn't bear to watch it. I can only say that the old buddy Batman is really ruthless, so ruthless.

Da Chao kept his hands on you from the beginning to the end, and he never punched you seriously!
All are tickling attacks.

Otherwise, Batman's small body would have been crushed to death like an ant.

As a result, when it came to Batman, he even exerted all his strength, wishing he could beat Da Chao to death on the spot!

Not a single bit of sympathy is spared.

Everyone couldn't help feeling sorry for Da Chao for three seconds. It is estimated that Da Chao has never been beaten so badly since he was born, right?
Sir, you are too much!

Bang bang bang!
Boom boom boom!
on the screen.

Batman continued to ravage Superman, but even so, he never left even the slightest wound on Superman!

Even if Superman is fatally weakened, it's not something Batman can hurt!

Not only that, after Superman was abused for a period of time, he quickly recovered!

Bang bang bang!
Batman punched Superman's face with his iron fist. At first, Superman was trembling, but then, Superman didn't move at all!
Batman's iron fist is like a sponge!
Then Batman was sent flying again by Superman.

Seeing that the situation that was finally reversed was about to be reversed again, at that critical moment, Batman killed him with one shot.

Poor Superman was hit by the "krypton bomb" again, and he, who had just recovered a little strength, was severely weakened again.

After being hit by two "krypton bombs" in a row, Superman was completely empty.

After being hit hard by Batman a few more times, he just lay down on the ground completely, unable to get up again.

Batman got a wire from nowhere, tied Superman's leg, and dragged Superman forward like a dead dog.

"Your parents must have told you that your life has meaning." Batman walked forward while dragging Superman, "My parents taught me something completely different, they died in the gutter for no reason inside!"

With that said, Batman ravaged Superman again.

"They only taught me one thing, sometimes you have to push hard, and the world will reason with you!" Batman said this, and he pulled out a long-prepared long-term from the ground. The spear comes.

After the spear was pulled out, the dazzling green light stung everyone's eyes, and everyone in front of the screen gasped.

It was a spear made of kryptonite!

You can be pretty sure that with this spear, Batman can kill Superman very easily!
Superman, it's dangerous!

But what about Louis Lane?Why hasn't this woman appeared yet?Da Chao will be stabbed to death soon!

Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help feeling anxious for Superman secretly.

Just like that, Batman walked up to Superman step by step with a kryptonite spear in his hand, raised his foot, and stomped Superman to the ground.

"You were never a god, and you weren't even a human being!"

Having said that, the spear in Batman's hand swung horizontally, drawing a long wound on Superman's face!
Superman, he was bleeding from Batman!

"You let him kill Martha!" Superman yelled at Batman in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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