American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 392 Batman Vs Superman Chaos Intrusion Answers

Chapter 392 Batman Vs Superman Chaos Intrusion Answers

"Does the Pensieve still have such a function?" Circe felt a burst of surprise while being surprised.

As Captain America said, she needs this item far more than anyone else. After all, among the people present, she is the only one whose memory has been wiped out!

"I have been exposed to the magic of storing memory. Although I don't know how to do it now, I is not difficult for me to learn this kind of magic." Circe couldn't help but said enthusiastically.

"When you learn that kind of magic, you can come to me at any time, and I can lend you the Pensieve." Captain America said very boldly.

"Great! Thank you so much, Rogers!" Circe said happily.

"there is a question."

Loki opened his mouth leisurely on the side, and what he said hit the nail on the head, "In order to prevent the memory of my life from being washed out again, Circe should plan to store all the memories of thousands of years first? This Pensieve can Can it support such a large capacity of memory?"

Ah this!

I have to say that Loki really got the point.

A normal person can live a hundred years if he dies, and it is impossible for him to store all the memories of 100 years.

Therefore, the design of the Pensieve should only be aimed at ordinary people, that is, ordinary capacity.

As a result, Circe needs to store thousands of years of memory at once!
Even just storing some of those big moments is a long, long time.

Pensieve, is it really enough?
Loki and Circe couldn't help but look at Captain America inquiringly.

"This Pensieve doesn't have such a large capacity, it can only hold up to 100 years of memory." Captain America said so.

This capacity is much smaller than Circe expected, but even so, it is still an important prop for Circe.

She had no choice but to store some of the most important and precious memories of thousands of years, and the others could only be temporarily discarded.

[After answering the questions, start playing the answer analysis! 】

The system's notification sound suddenly sounded at this time, and a corresponding video was played on the big screen.

But in the vast and endless cosmic starry sky, an extremely cool and technological alien spaceship is galloping past.

Finally, it stopped in a magnificent hall.

The hatch opened, and a group of people strode towards the palace under the afterglow of the sun.

The person headed by it is T'Challa, no, to be more precise, it should be T'Challa the Star Lord.

Because everyone has seen the faces around T'Challa, and they look very familiar. They are obviously some subordinates of the Predator Yondu.

So in addition to "occupying" Peter Quill's title of star-lord, the current T'Challa also seems to "occupy" Peter Quill's life, and has also become a member of the predators.


"Respect the Predator!"

Next, Star Lord T'Challa and some other predators toasted and drank together, and the atmosphere was so hot.

"Star-Lord, if you want to choose a favorite..." A black predator asked Star-Lord T'Challa.

"Wait a moment!"

Captain America keenly recognized this black man, isn't that guy Ronan's subordinate?
When everyone was dealing with Ronan, they fought against that black man, who was Ronan's confidant general, who seemed to be called Truss or something.

Why did he become a member of the Predators in this video?
It can't be two people who look exactly the same, right?

Everyone was a little confused by this.

"I really can't tell." T'Challa shrugged.

"I know, I know, so many lootings have saved so many planets, but you have to choose one." Truss asked enthusiastically.

"How can you pick just one?" another Marauder booed from the sidelines.

"Oh, and what about the central bank robbery of Thanax IV?"

"It's okay to hurt Skul, right?"

"That job pays for Claglin's teeth!"

"And when you armed the Ankara Resistance Army?"


It can be said that the scene was very lively, and everyone talked happily while drinking to their heart's content.

However, in this banquet, Star Lord T'Challa is a well-deserved core figure, not one of them.

The center of everyone's discussion is Star Lord T'Challa. From the side conversations of the surrounding people, it can be seen that Star Lord T'Challa seems to be very remarkable.

This point is a huge difference between the sky and the earth with Star Lord Peter Quill.

Peter Quill's life under Yondu's hands is actually very miserable, and he has no dignity at all among the entire group of predators, and he is bullied and ridiculed by others.

Even through the answering system, everyone knows that Yondu actually regarded Xingjue as his son, and even Yondu died in order to save Xingjue in the end, but this does not change the fact that Xingjue was miserable when he was alive.

It's not like the current T'Challa, who is like a fish in water, flourishing in wind and water.

With the same identity, different people live completely different lives.

"Oh, the man almost jumped out and escaped!"

On the screen, everyone's discussion continued.

Soon, Truss asked a question that made everyone very interested.

"Then how on earth did you stop Thanos, that crazy Titan? You stopped him from destroying half of the universe!" Truss asked, staring at Star Lord T'Challa with admiration.

"I'm old enough to admit my mistakes!"

Before Star Lord T'Challa could answer, a voice suddenly sounded.

At the same time, a tall guy with purple skin walked over.

When everyone saw that face, they couldn't help but beep like a dog.

It's Thanos!
At Star Lord T'Challa's banquet scene, Thanos even came!

Although I have known from the answering system that Thanos has become everyone's friend, when I really saw T'Challa and Thanos sitting together happily, I still felt that it was indescribably weird.

But at this time, everyone didn't dare to be distracted, but stared at the big screen without blinking.

Exactly how Star-Lord Tracer got Thanos to abandon his crazy plan, nobody is not interested.

"T'Challa showed me more than one way!"

On the screen, Thanos' voice continued to sound, "How to redistribute the resources of the universe."

"Sometimes the best weapon is a powerful debate!" Star-Lord T'Challa interjected.

"Yes, yes, Commander, even though I still think my plan is not useless!" Thanos said jokingly, holding up his glass of wine.

"I'm pretty sure it's just genocide, big man!" another Marauder chimed in.

"I'm pretty sure it works," Thanos said, shrugging.

Everyone in front of the screen was unavoidably a little dazed, it could be said that they were caught off guard.

At this point in the conversation, it's clear that the topic of "how Star-Lord got Thanos to give up his crazy plan" is long overdue.

Everyone has great expectations for this and is eager to see it, but who would have thought that it would be lightly taken away by a single sentence.

It turned out that it was just Star-Lord T'Challa explaining to Thanos the issue of the allocation of cosmic resources, and that's all!

This is a bit cheating, right?

"The most powerful weapon is the most powerful debate", what a lie!

Everyone still doesn't believe it, a lunatic like Thanos is willing to debate with you honestly.

Then there was a switch in the shot on the screen.

But I saw the Destroyer taking a photo with Star Lord T'Challa on a counter.

"From my point of view, it's pretty good!"

A voice suddenly sounded, and an alien woman with long blond hair, blue skin, and a very hot figure appeared beside her.


T'Challa greeted the other party.

That alien woman turned out to be Xing Yun?

Everyone was very surprised by this, because the woman on the screen was an out-and-out alien.

It doesn't look like any transformation has been done on his body at all, and he is not the half-human, half-machine Nebula that everyone knows at all.

It seems that Nebula is very lucky in this parallel universe. Thanos was limped by Star Lord T'Challa early on, and there was no such thing as physical modification of Nebula.

"You got a very meaningful loot!"

on the screen.

Xingjue and Xingyun started drinking and chatting, and Xingyun asked with great interest while holding a sphere.

Everyone is familiar with that sphere, it is indeed the cosmic sphere, that is, the gem of power!
This is the same as the original Peter Quill, it was Star-Lord who found the cosmic sphere.

"Does that big guy know you have this?" Nebula continued to ask enthusiastically.

"You mean your father?" Star Lord T'Challa frowned.

"He's lucky that I call him a big guy." Xing Yun took a sip of the wine in his glass.

"You know, he's gardening now, you should talk to him, he's really changed." Star-Lord T'Challa said to Nebula.

One sentence almost caused everyone in front of the screen to spray.

Thanos, even gardening?
Thanos has really become a pastoral old man?

There is no mistake!
That's Thanos, the lunatic who wiped out half of the universe's life!

Everyone was indeed caught off guard.

"You still hang on to the past."

While chatting, Nebula keenly noticed a "leopard tooth" pendant on Star-Lord T'Challa's neck, and couldn't help asking, "Do you want to go back in time?"

"There's nothing to go back." Star Lord T'Challa said, "When I was young, Yondu once planned to send me back to Wakanda, but it has been destroyed."

Regarding this point, I have to say that everyone is still very surprised. Wakanda was destroyed?
You must know that in the main universe, even if Thanos launched an infinite war and sent so many forces to attack Wakanda, Wakanda was not destroyed.

But in this universe, Thanos gave up his crazy plan and did not launch an attack on Wakanda, but Wakanda was destroyed?

on the screen.

T'Challa and Nebula chatted about other things, and Nebula suddenly said to Star-Lord T'Challa: "I have a job for you."

Star Lord T'Challa didn't speak, but there was a look of great interest on his face.

The picture freezes on Star-Lord T'Challa's smiling face.

There is no doubt that no matter what task Nebula wants to give T'Challa, T'Challa should not expect to take that job.

But this kind of thing is not the main point, and it is impossible for everyone to know the answer, so no one pays attention at all.

What everyone is more concerned about is the fact that Star Lord T'Challa persuaded Thanos.

"Is Star Lord T'Challa's persuasion of Thanos really just that simple?" Peter Parker first raised such a question, "I think things must not be like this, Thanos is not so easy to be persuaded people?"

"No, Peter, it's true that Thanos was persuaded by T'Challa, but definitely not with 'debate', but with fists!" Tony Stark said in a very positive tone.

This is a very obvious thing. The two sides can have a "debate" and a dialogue. There is a very important premise, that is, the power of both sides must be balanced!
It's not like a random person goes to Thanos's place and Thanos will listen to what he says about the allocation of cosmic resources. I'm afraid that if he can't get close to Thanos at all, he will be wiped out by Thanos' subordinates.

The reason why Star Lord Techara was able to debate with Thanos is definitely because Techara defeated Thanos.

Or the Marauders defeated Thanos!
All in all, it was Star-Lord who showed enough power that Thanos had to listen to T'Challa's arguments.

On this basis, Star-Lord T'Challa fudged more, and finally fudged Thanos into lame.

Everyone at the scene discussed briefly, and basically agreed with this point.

"That is to say, the example of Star Lord T'Challa persuading Thanos is a unique example, and we can't learn from it at all." Captain America shrugged a little helplessly, "Our battle with Thanos will not be avoided after all!"

"Conversations are always based on fists, Rogers, you think too much, we're almost ready, and when the time comes, just kill Thanos directly, it's over!"

Thor said so domineeringly.

[Please listen to the question: A great battle broke out between Batman and Superman. Batman almost killed Superman at one point. When Superman’s life was at stake, a character appeared in time and persuaded Batman to let Superman go. Who is this character? 】

【A. Aquaman Arthur Curry】

【B. Louis Lane】

【C. Wonder Woman】

【D. Alfred, the housekeeper of the Wayne family】

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a mantra lasso;
Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

While everyone was discussing, the latest topic appeared.

It's just that when this question came out, everyone in front of the screen was stunned.


what the hell!

(End of this chapter)

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