American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 389 The Lokis Jointly Invade the Time Administration

Chapter 389 The Lokis Jointly Invade the Time Administration
With Rocky's temperament, his decision to exclude option B was not unexpected at all.

Although there is a big difference between the personalities of Loki and Thor, there is one thing they have in common, that is, they all have the arrogance from the Asgardian gods!

Loki couldn't accept and admit that he was killed by a mere Time Administration agent.

"No, Rocky, we can't rule out this option yet."

Captain America immediately objected, "We already know what kind of existence the Time Administration is, and you don't have supernatural powers and weapons there! How do you deal with the agents of the Time Administration?"

"Not to mention, the agents of the Time Administration can manipulate other people's time at will, just like fast forward and rewind, and play with a person at will."

"In this case, even if you and the female Loki were killed by them, it is reasonable."

"I didn't intend to offend you, nor did I mean to belittle you, but...that's the truth."

"Soldier!" Loki grinned, "You're right, although I don't know how we can deal with those TVA agents, but I do know one thing, we are all Loki! And Loki , will not fail!"

Well, it's that set of extremely confident assertions again, which has no reference value at all, so everyone didn't have much to say to Loki on this issue.

Because it is useless to say.

"Let's put option B on hold for now." Circe couldn't help but propose at this time, "Let's look at the last option again. The time guardian is not dead, but his true identity has been exposed? It is impossible for us to know this. But I think ... we can't find any reason to exclude it either."

Option C is in line with everyone's previous analysis. The time guardian is not dead, but we have no way to analyze what is said later about revealing his true body.

All I can say is, it's possible.

"So we have two possible options left for this question, option B and option C, so which of these two options should we choose?"

Peter Parker spoke, he glanced at everyone and asked.

There seems to be nothing too obviously unreasonable about these two options. In the absence of relevant clues to support everyone, it is indeed impossible to proceed to the next step of analysis.

I can only guess one.

"Peter, I always thought you were a smart person, but now it seems that you are still a child after all, and you also have the stupid side of a child!"

Loki said to Peter Parker with some displeasure.

Then I didn't bother to talk to everyone, and directly yelled at the big screen, "I choose C! The time guardian is not dead!"

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately sent such a notification sound.

"did you see that?"

Loki spread his hands, showing off and embarrassingly.

What a bunch of mortals, they even questioned God Loki, are they being slapped in the face now?

Just ask if your face hurts now!

As for Captain America and the others, Wei Wei feels a little surprised, and also feels a little speechless, can this answer be correct?
Loki's luck is too good!
That's right, in everyone's opinion, Rocky's answer to this question is entirely based on luck, because there is no way to analyze and screen between the two options B and C.

Can only rely on guessing, relying on guessing.

But Loki guessed right right away.

[Congratulations to the answerer Loki Odinson for getting the bonus skill Blowing Fire Palm! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

Following the words of the system, the skill of Blowing Fire Palm and related information were instilled into Loki's mind.

Loki sorted out the information about Puffing Palm in his mind, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face.

This skill seems to be pretty good!
"Loki, it seems that you have received a good reward." Thor couldn't help but looked at Loki very curiously and said.

"That's right, it's very good, I like it very much." Loki grinned, but he didn't say much about what exactly this skill is.

"Blowing fire palm?" Tony Stark began to analyze on the side, "Is it just a palm like this, blowing out some palm wind, and blowing out the fire? From a literal point of view, it should mean that?"

Loki's face was a bit dark, obviously it was a very powerful and practical skill, but Tony Stark said it was rustic.

"So... this is an ordinary palm that can hit the wind, nothing special, right?" Tony Stark looked at Loki very firmly and asked.

"The Tin Woodman, you're just smarter at certain times, but don't think you're really smart." Loki sarcastically sneered at Tony Stark.

Then suddenly he reached out and slapped Tony Stark in front of him.

A huge gust of wind burst out from Loki's palm in an instant.

The Tony Stark was wiped by the strong wind all of a sudden, and stepped back several steps one after another.

If it weren't for Captain America's sharp eyes and hands, he rushed over to support Tony Stark, Tony Stark would have fallen to the ground in a panic.

"I'm sorry, Tin Woodman, you have said so badly about Fire Blowing Palm, I didn't expect it to be so powerful." Loki said to Tony Stark with a sarcasm at this time.

This is why Loki deliberately missed the shot.

The slap just now was just the aftermath of hitting Tony Stark, that's all, otherwise, Tony Stark would have been beaten by Loki so much that he spewed blood and flew out.

"Thor, isn't this very similar to your Shenluo Tianzheng?"

Immediately afterwards, Loki deliberately ignored Tony Stark, and looked at Thor in a calm tone and asked.

"Loki, do you want to play like this? We can have fun after the answer is over!"

Tony Stark was also a little angry, and he said to Loki in a cold voice, "Oh, sorry, I forgot that you have to go back to prison after answering the question?"

"The Tin Woodman..."

"Loki, that's enough!"

Thor was also scolding Loki at this time, and what Loki did was indeed a little too much.

"Loki, I know we may not like each other very much, but here, we don't do it casually, OK? This is a very serious issue!"

Captain America also warned Loki with a serious face.

"Really, soldier, what do you think of yourself as? Like that stupid female judge in TVA? The rule maker?" Loki sneered again.

"Rogers, Stark, I will keep an eye on Loki, you don't have to worry!" Thor spoke again to reassure everyone.

For Thor's sake, everyone didn't care too much about Loki.

After all, Tony Stark is also responsible for this matter. Loki is a god anyway, a real god. You just taunted him so ruthlessly when you came up. If you don’t clean up, who will you deal with?

The face of ordinary people cannot be lost at will, let alone the face of a god?

[After answering the questions, start playing the answer analysis! 】

The system's notification sounded in time at this time, and everyone temporarily stopped the short-term quarrel and conflict, and Qiqi set their eyes on the big screen.

The first thing that appeared in front of everyone was a place that looked like the Time Administration.

But a light door suddenly appeared, and the figures of Loki and Mobius got out of it.

The two were in a hurry, as if they were going to do something.

But what they didn't expect was that in front of the two of them, the female judge had already brought a team of Time Administration agents waiting for them.

The expressions of Loki and Mobius couldn't help changing slightly.

On the opposite side of the two of them, the female judge's face was serious.

It looked like something big had happened.

"I think you took my things." The female judge said solemnly, looking at Agent Mobius.

"Yeah, I found out that I took your things by mistake when I got down." Mobius said, and took out a small box that he didn't know why.

But looking at Mobius's expression, everyone knew that this guy was lying. He must have secretly taken something from the female judge before being discovered by the female judge.

Now everyone is a little curious.

Because although the video just now didn't show much content, it seems that Mobius and Loki really came together, oh no, they should be on the same front.

Instead, he stood on the opposite side with his immediate boss, the female judge!

Why this happened is hard to guess.

Could it be that Loki is really a born god of tricks and cunning, even without divine power, he can still make Mobius limping?

Loki, who was in front of the screen, couldn't help showing a smug look on his face again.

Have you seen it, this is my great god Loki!

on the screen.

Mobius handed the small box to the female judge, but the matter was far from over, and the female judge did not leave with anyone.

"What's wrong? What happened? Rowena?" Mobius asked, staring at the female judge.

The female judge did not answer what Mobius said.

Obviously, things have become serious to an extreme degree.

"Tell me, if I could go anywhere, do you know where I would go?" Mobius also understood the situation at the scene, without putting on airs, he began to dig his heart out.

"I'll go to my real hometown! Where I lived before the Time Administration came! Maybe I have a motorboat, and that's what I want to do, ride around on a motorboat..."

Mobius was describing his ideal life with longing.

"Delete him!" The female judge made this decision with a look of regret.

One of the agents immediately hit Mobius with a "stick" in his hand, and Mobius turned into light and disappeared.

The Time Administration actually killed Mobius!
This scene can be said to be completely beyond everyone's expectations.

What exactly was that thing Mobius stole?How could the female judge skip a series of procedures such as arrest, trial, and conviction, and just silence her on the spot!

Also, what Mobius said before his death was a bit inexplicable, "his real hometown", "before the Time Administration went" and so on.

Could it be that the Time Administration has been to Mobius' hometown?
Everyone felt that they had grasped something faintly. Some of the truth about the Time Administration might be hidden in these words of Mobius!
But these clues are too jumpy, and it is impossible for everyone to really react to them in a short time, and special analysis is needed afterwards.

Now, everyone has to seize the time to "watch a movie".

on the big screen.

Seeing Mobius die behind him like that, Loki felt extremely uneasy, and even got wet... His eye sockets looked very distressed.

But whether this is Rocky's "true expression" or Rocky's acting, everyone said they don't know.

After all, he is the god of tricks and cunning!

Loki was also taken by agents of the Time Administration.

And the female judge came to a room, where the female Loki was imprisoned!

Everyone did not expect that the female Loki, who was never captured by the Time Management Bureau, was caught at this time.

I just don't know if it's because of Loki's credit.

Considering that this question shows the image of the female Loki cutting off the head of the time guardian, everyone has more reason to doubt whether the female Loki was arrested on purpose.

Is it a scene where the female Rocky and Rocky Ritou co-star.

"Who has been to her?"

The female judge looked very ugly and anxiously asked the agent who guarded the female Rocky at the door.

"Sorry sir, B15 insisted on coming!" an agent replied immediately.

"Wanted tracker B15!" The female judge immediately issued the order, "She was also bewitched by the time variant."

The word "also" can explain the problem very well.

Could it be Mobius who was bewitched by the female Loki that the female judge refers to?

And Mobius acted with Loki from the beginning to the end, so if Mobius was really bewitched by the female Loki, would there be Loki's handwriting in it?
Mobius didn't betray sooner or later, but he betrayed at this time, saying that it had nothing to do with the Lokis and everyone didn't believe it.

At this time, the female judge glared at the female Loki with extremely sharp eyes, but she saw a smug expression on the female Loki.

With a touch of sarcasm.

It is somewhat similar to Loki.

Immediately afterwards, the female judge ordered the female Loki to be escorted out, and led the two of them to a very mysterious and magnificent grand hall.

Surrounded by the smoke, however, three chairs were suspended in the air, and three tall aliens with very strange appearance sat on them.

Presumably it should be the guardian of time.

"Benevolent Guardian of Time, we have agreed, I have brought the time variant!" The female judge first reported to the three guys in a respectful tone.

Everyone guessed right, they are indeed the guardians of time.

(End of this chapter)

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