American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 373 The 3-dimensional existence above the 4-dimensional universe

Chapter 373 The Four-Dimensional Existence Above the Three-Dimensional Universe
"I'm really sorry, I didn't expect that I would do such a ridiculous thing, I'm really embarrassed."

Peter Parker couldn't help covering his face, and said to everyone in embarrassment.

The performance of the other self on the screen is really unbearable, let alone someone else, even he himself can't stand it.

"This is something that didn't happen, even, this is something that another person did, it has nothing to do with you." Captain America comforted Peter Parker so much.

Others also didn't criticize Peter Parker too much. After all, although Captain America's words were consoling, they actually made sense.

Peter Parker beside them really didn't do this.

And after knowing that the door to the future multiverse was opened because of this kind of thing, will Peter Parker make the same mistake?
Obviously not possible.

"But you still need to learn some truths from this video."

But Captain America followed up, still as an elder, and explained to Peter Parker, "Think before doing something, don't be too hot-headed, just do what comes to mind."

Like casting a spell.

As long as Peter Parker and Doctor Strange communicate in advance to determine how to cast the spell, instead of changing it over and over again when casting the spell.

The door to the multiverse will not be opened.

This "multiverse crisis event" can really be completely avoided.

"I know the captain, I will, I will remember!"

Peter Parker nodded heavily.

After that, everyone didn't talk about Peter Parker any more, and the focus of everyone's attention next became the mystery guest.

"'Mystery Guest', I have to say, this person is really as mysterious as his name." Tony Stark couldn't help complaining.

To what extent is this person so mysterious that everyone has used the word "mysterious" as a nickname for him.

"Why do I feel that this 'mysterious guest' doesn't seem to be a good person?" Thor said so.

"Why do you think so?" Circe couldn't help asking curiously.

"Intuition." Thor said to everyone with a serious face.

Everyone: "..."

This guy whose brain is all about muscles, can his intuition be trusted?

After that, everyone started a discussion around this mysterious guest, but no one knew anything about him except a nickname.

However, it is impossible to discuss the results.

[This round of answering questions is over! 】

The system's notification tone suddenly sounded at this time.

"Is this the end of the answer?"

Circe couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Originally, she was attending class in a London school, but suddenly appeared in such an inexplicable place the next second.

So after answering the questions, should she go back to the original class again?

Captain America sent an invitation to Circe at this time, "Can you give me your mobile phone number, those of us who participated in answering the questions will have related meetings afterwards..."

"Of course, no problem!" Circe immediately told Captain America his cell phone number.

"Then Loki..."

After Captain America took down Circe's cell phone number, he turned his attention to Loki again, "If you can come, you can also join us."

The other elders who answered the questions at the scene did not raise any objections.

Although Loki was a "villain" a long time ago and had invaded the earth, but considering that the invasion was contained by everyone at the source.

In addition, everyone learned more about Loki with the video, and they discovered that Loki is not a simple bad guy, and this guy is not bad in his bones.

This guy is still Thor's brother!

Now that the answering system once again "invites" him to come and answer questions, everyone will naturally not hold on to the old grievances.

However, everyone's impression of Loki is still that Loki was imprisoned by Asgard. Everyone is not too clear about the other party's current situation and whether he is also imprisoned.

"So Da Bing, we are friends now? Why do you think that if you invite me, I will reward you?"

Loki couldn't help but sneered.

"Just because we captured you once." Tony Stark almost blasted Loki with a single sentence.

Doesn't he want to lose face as the dignified prince of Asgard?This annoying guy actually exposed his scars in public, it's really hard to open any pot.

But this time Rocky didn't quarrel with Tony Stark, because at the next moment, everyone felt that their eyes were blurred.

They were sent to where they were by the answering system.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the next thing. Captain America began to notify the answerers to hold a meeting. After about half an hour, everyone gathered together in the answerer's base.

Even Searcy, who is far away in London, is the same.

Because Doctor Strange went directly through a space door and took Circe over.

As for Loki?

It's a pity that Loki didn't arrive, because he was still locked in Asgard's prison.

After all, Loki once let the Frost Giants invade Asgard without permission. This is indeed a serious crime, and it has only been a few years since this happened?
How could Loki be released so easily.

Even with Thor pleading for Loki.

"Everyone, let me introduce you, this is Miss Searcy."

In the answerer's base, all the answerers were sitting together. At this time, Captain America turned to everyone and introduced Circe's identity.

"She appears to be a teacher, but in fact, she is a warrior of the Eternal Race."

Braised Egg, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Bruce Banner and others all feel extremely unfamiliar with these three words, and this is the first time they have heard of this weird race.

And when Captain America briefly introduced the Eternals, everyone in the conference room gasped.

This young and beautiful beauty turned out to be so big?

"What Eternal Race, it's so complicated, isn't this the Protoss! My God, besides Thor, there is another Protoss in our team!"

Star-Lord was very excited, just like the reaction of a dick when he saw a goddess, and he didn't forget to brag about himself, "Hello, Ms. Circe, I am the legendary thief Star-Lord, and I am actually a god."

At this moment, Xingjue seemed to have forgotten that his old man Yi Ge had been turned into a scum by someone he personally found.

This stuff has nothing to do with the existence of God anymore.

This guy is also a god?
Circe couldn't help but look at Xingjue, and an idea popped up in his mind, is there no threshold for God these days?
Could this person who exudes a strong sense of humor and dickishness all over his body be a god?
Of course, Circe didn't show these thoughts, she nodded to Star-Lord very politely, and greeted with a smile.

"This is Peter Quill. You can call him Quill or Star-Lord. He is not on the earth, but is active in the universe all year round."

Captain America also briefly introduced Star-Lord.

"This is Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the manager of our answering team."

"In fact, I'm just a logistics housekeeper, I provide everyone with a place for activities, that's all."

"This is Dr. Bruce Banner. Dr. Banner himself has eight degrees, and there is endless power hidden in his body..."

"This is Natasha Romanov..."

After the two parties had introduced each other, the host of the scene became a corned egg. The corned egg first expressed a strong welcome to Circe's joining on behalf of the Answerers Alliance.

There is no doubt that there is no doubt that it is the sharing of information about this answer.

Compared with the previous relatively dull sharing meetings, this time the meeting was very restless, because the answers this time really revealed some super heavy information to everyone.

"Everyone's life is actually a script written by the Time Administration? Even a god like Loki can't make waves in the hands of the Time Administration?"

"In the drawer of the Time Administration, there are piles of infinite gems? Are they still used as paperweights?"

"The Scarlet Witch actually used magic to control the people of a whole town, and even reshaped a town?"

"To kill Infinity Ultron, it depends on Hydra?"

"Mutants? This terrifying race that once plunged the universe into chaos has made a comeback?"

Everyone was stunned by the continuous bombardment. They thought that Thanos and Infinite Ultron were the ultimate threats they faced.

Fortunately, through everyone's continuous answering questions and preparations, Thanos is no longer a concern and no longer poses a threat to everyone.

The only thing everyone needs to deal with now is Infinite Ultron.

But who would have thought that a "little boss" Thanos had just been "solved", and the "big boss" Infinity Ultron hadn't had a clue yet, but when they turned around, they knew that the earth would face two other super threats!
Do you want to live?
Who on earth has provoked whom? There are so many troubles, so many forces want to destroy the earth?

The only consolation is that everyone finally knows how to deal with Infinity Ultron.

That is to say, the hearts of all the answerers have been tempered to be very strong. If it is an ordinary person, they may not be able to withstand this kind of stimulation.

"Okay, everyone, we already know the information about this round of answering questions. If you have any ideas, let's talk about them."

After the people in the conference room were noisy for a while, Braised Egg Hero began to knock on the table again, speaking to everyone.

"The TVA organization is an organization above the earth, even above the entire universe, an organization... above God."

Bruce Banner spoke first, "Although this sounds a bit frustrating, I still have to say that we have nothing to do with this organization."

"This is an organization that even treats Infinity Gems as garbage. I think this is really not a level we can deal with." Black Widow also spoke leisurely, taking Bruce Banner's words.

"Correct it, not deal with it."

Hawkeye Button corrected Black Widow solemnly, "We must first clarify the positioning of TVA. This is not an evil organization, not a big villain, and even less our enemy! OK?"

"According to what you said, only those who deviate from the script written by the Time Guardians will be arrested by the TVA, so I don't think we need to worry at all."

"Although I don't understand what the script of the Time Guardian is, the role of the Time Guardian sounds like a god-like existence. I don't think we are beyond God's control."

"What God, Jesus?" Xingjue looked disdainful, "The beliefs of the people on Earth are really strange, and this TVA is pure nonsense!"

"Everyone, I think it is meaningless to discuss TVA. It is not on the earth. It is like a concept, which cannot be grasped or touched! Of course, what I am talking about is not the existence of Thanos, but a kind of... beyond the rules The presence!"

Scott Lang also expressed his opinion, "They can manipulate time! He can manipulate our past and future! For example, in some science fiction concepts, we are living in a three-dimensional universe, and they are four-dimensional beings. ! There is no point in discussing such an existence.”

Others also expressed their opinions one after another, and the final result of the discussion was: TVA is so good.

Other than that, there is no conclusion.

What Scott Lang said is correct to a certain extent, TVA is indeed a high-dimensional existence, separated by a dimension, it seems that the characters on the two-dimensional plane want to touch the existence outside the paper.

Can't see or touch.


The focus of everyone's discussion this time is still on Infinite Ultron and Mutants.

"For how to deal with Infinity Ultron, the answering system gave us a very vivid and vivid example. Sir, I think this method can be included in the plan."

Coulson, whose presence was getting weaker and weaker, suggested to Nick Fury.

"This idea is indeed a very inspiring one, but there are some risks that we have to consider." Black Panther T'Challa said very rigorously, "The one that defeated the infinite Ultron program is Zola's. Consciousness! And he's a Hydra! An evil Hydra!"

"Yes, T'Challa was right."

Doctor Strange agreed, "Zola defeated Infinity Ultron, but after that? It was nothing more than Infinity Ultron changed from a big lunatic to a little lunatic, and I also seriously doubt that when that little lunatic got Infinity Ultron's After gaining power, will he also become a big madman?"

"The program of Infinity Ultron must be defeated, but this matter cannot be done by Zola." Bruce Banner also said heavily.

The video only shows how Zola defeated Infinity Ultron, but what happened after defeating Infinity Ultron?
No mention at all!

But the huge risks are obvious.

If Zola really controls the body of Infinite Ultron and gains the power of Infinite Ultron, another demon will be revived accordingly.

That's nothing more than to drive away wolves and tigers.

(End of this chapter)

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