American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 37 Determining the time point

Chapter 37 Determining the time point

iron Man:"……"

Nick Fury: "..."

Both of them were taken aback by the black widow's brain hole.

But when they analyzed it carefully, they had to admit that the dark version of the story did fit the existing clues perfectly.

Not only that, even some loopholes and doubts in the previous question were added.

That is, why Loki would join the Chitauri to invade Earth.

At the beginning, everyone speculated that the purpose of the aliens' invasion of the earth might be the Rubik's Cube, but it turned out that they guessed wrong. The Rubik's Cube was just a means of invasion, not the purpose.

So what exactly is their purpose?
The earth has lost the Rubik's Cube, a thing from the universe, what else is there for aliens to plot?

Even at the expense of launching a battlefield?
Black Widow perfectly explained this question for them.

"So B and C are both possible, so what about A and D?" Nick Fury continued to stare at the options on the big screen with a little frustration.

"Failed to fight for the throne, self-exile?"

"Looking for Odin, the father who is living in the world?"

Everyone looked at each other for a while, unable to analyze it at all, because these two options are endless, without any clues.

"This question is really quite difficult."

Iron Man rubbed his eyebrows, but then changed the topic, "But a genius scientist, an intelligence chief, and a top secret agent, I believe we will find the answer."

"So Stark, do you have any ideas?" Nick Fury stared straight at Iron Man with one eye.

"Actually, I have a little doubt." Iron Man pondered for a moment, then suddenly turned his head, "Is it just me who noticed the 'active' and 'first time' mentioned in the question?"

Nick Fury and Black Widow are extremely smart people. When Iron Man mentioned this, they each reacted to something.

"If there is active descent, then there is passive descent, that is to say, Thor has passively descended to the earth." Nick Fury added.

"We are not sure whether the Battle of New York is Thor's first time this time." Black Widow continued to add.

"That's right!" Iron Man nodded heavily, "We don't even know what the time point mentioned in the question is! We can't assume that the Battle of New York is the time when Thor came to Earth for the first time on his own initiative!"

The Black Widow on one side shrugged: "Thanks for Stark's reminder, the difficulty of this question has risen from the devil level to the hell level."

"That's not too bad for me, I like a challenge!" Iron Man also shrugged.

"Then Stark, you can challenge this question and try." Nick Fury made a gesture of invitation.

Iron Man really began to analyze it without hesitation.

"Although it seems to be the case at present, the answering system should not give us four options that cannot be analyzed at all, otherwise this is not an answer, but a lottery."

"Therefore, some relevant clues that we all have at present must be used as a basis for analysis."

"Do you agree with this?"

Speaking of Iron Man, he looked at Nick Fury and Black Widow, but they both nodded.

At this point, they do agree with Iron Man.

"So, we might as well list all the relevant clues we have so far, and then use this as a basis to analyze and see."

"What do we have so far? Let's review it. It's nothing more than the following."

"One, Thor participated in the Battle of New York, two, Loki stole the Rubik's Cube and helped the Chitauri invade the earth, what else..."

As for Thor's appearance in other answer options, such uncertain clues as his suspected participation in the final battle, Iron Man did not mention it.

"Dr. Silvig knows Thor." The black widow pondered for a moment, and added on the side.

"Yes, doctor, don't forget the doctor!" Iron Man nodded heavily.

A few people stroked again, at present there is only one exact clue about Thor, and nothing else.

"From these clues, we can draw several conclusions: Thor has come to Earth at least twice, once to know Dr. Silvig, and once to the Battle of New York."

"These two time points are the only time we know when Thor descends on the earth, so the time point mentioned in the title must be one of these two time points."

"Otherwise, this question cannot be answered at all!"

Iron Man said to the two with a straight face.

"Go on, whether it is or not, we can only continue to analyze it in this way." Nick Fury said on the side, "It's better than guessing randomly."

"If you choose one of these two time points..." Black Widow pondered while opening her mouth to analyze.

"In mythology, Loki is Thor's uncle, but Dr. Sylvig knows that Loki is Thor's younger brother. Obviously, Thor himself should have told Dr. Sylvig."

"If Thor came to Earth on his own initiative, then he must have a certain purpose and important things to do, so he probably wouldn't casually make friends with a person on Earth, or even reveal his own life experience."

"So that time it should have come passively, such as... being exiled, so Thor was in a bad mood, was hit hard, and needed someone to confide in, and so on..."

"Agreed!" Iron Man nodded, "Then let's take the time of the Battle of New York as the time mentioned in the title."

"Okay, let's set the time point as the Battle of New York." Nick Fury spread his hands, "Then A can be ruled out, right?"

"If Thor fails in the battle for the throne, it means that Loki has succeeded in the battle for the throne. A new king who just took office should be too busy in God's Domain. How could he come to Earth alone?"

"You have a premise here. Odin only has two sons, Thor and Loki, but we don't know this." Iron Man questioned.

"However, even if this is the case, the appointment of the new king is a major event in Asgard, and Loki probably won't go to Earth at this time... So, I think it can be ruled out."

"D should also be ruled out."

The Black Widow added, "As the father of the gods, Odin, why such a powerful king of gods will be exiled in the world, let's not discuss this. If this happened, then the realm of the gods must be in chaos."

"Asgard's top priority should be to find Odin. It should be the same for both Thor and Loki."

"So the Battle of New York should not happen at this time, which does not match the time in the question."

 Thank you for not only loving to drink Bingkuoluo, but also rewarding again!
(End of this chapter)

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