American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 365 The leader of the Eternal Clan was killed!

Chapter 365 The leader of the Eternal Clan was killed!
on the screen.

When Infinity Ultron appeared, the members of the multiverse guards naturally began to act quickly.

Among them, Leopard and Gamora, first teleported away from a space door opened by the blackened Doctor Strange, not knowing what task to perform.

The remaining four people started to deal with Infinite Ultron.

"I know how to deal with this bastard!"

Thor walked forward enthusiastically.

"Wait a minute, Thor, follow the plan!"

Captain Carter yelled at Thor in the back very frustrated and helpless.

But Thor was already on top, so he ignored what Captain Carter said, and swung his hammer directly at Infinity Ultron, who was slowly floating down in the sky, and shot a powerful thunderbolt.

But what's embarrassing is that the powerful attack seemed to be tickling Infinity Arcane, and it didn't have any impact on Infinity Arcane's creation.

"Even Thor can't do any harm to the infinite creation. How did the black widow kill the infinite creation?"

Peter Parker couldn't help sighing.

The defense of this Infinite Ultron is really abnormal, it is worthy of Zhenjin's body, it is so powerful that it is a mess.

"Thor? Don't forget that blackening Doctor Strange didn't kill Infinity Ultron!" Loki added on the side.

Blackened Doctor Strange, that guy can even collapse the universe!

Everyone is now more and more curious about how the Black Widow killed Infinity Ultron.

on the screen.

The multiverse guards and Infinity Ultron just started a fierce battle, but the gems "embedded" in Infinity Ultron's chest flashed.

The mountain where the multiverse guards were located completely collapsed, burying everyone in the rocks.

If it weren't for the protective spell of the blackened Doctor Strange, Captain Carter and Star-Lord T'Challa would have died.

Immediately after several people rushed out from the ruins, Thor reached out and swung the hammer, and the hammer flew out of his hand, and just smashed towards Infinite Ultron.

The blackened Doctor Strange condensed a magic symbol from the air, and the hammer passed through the magic symbol instantly, splitting into countless hammers!
It was so densely packed, like it was raining, it fell towards Infinity Ultron.

There are so many of them that they completely surround Infinity Ultron, making them invisible.


Thor in front of the screen couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and the others couldn't help but stare dumbfounded, can they still play like this?

With so many hammers, even Thanos would be crushed here.

It can only be said that the blackened Doctor Strange really deserves to be a Honhuai universe-level boss, and his actions are extraordinary.


Unlimited Ultron was not a cover, even this kind of attack did not have any effect on him, and he successfully broke it.

Then the blackened Doctor Strange stretched out his hand again, and three huge dragon heads sprang out from his body.

Each giant dragon is hundreds of meters tall!

The three giant dragons opened their mouths together, and spewed raging fire at Infinite Ultron.

It's just a pity that it didn't hurt Infinity Ultron either.

However, Star-Lord T'Challa took advantage of this opportunity to deduct an infinite gem from Infinite Ultron!
Perhaps this is the reason why the observers chose Star-Lord T'Challa, and everyone finally has a vague understanding.

It seems that everyone's previous discussion is correct. Strength is not the only criterion for the selection of observers. Observers have other selection criteria besides strength.

But it was the Black Widow, who was not selected by the observers, who killed Infinity Ultron, which made everyone complain a little bit.

Did the observers already know that the Black Widow would take action, so when forming the multiverse guards, they also took the Black Widow into consideration?

"You stole my soul gem?"

on the screen.

Unlimited Ultron, who discovered this, was a little angry, and he shouted at the members of the multiverse guards.

"time to go!"

Captain Carter said to everyone in a deep voice at this time.

The blackened Doctor Strange immediately stretched out his hand and drew a space door, and a large number of zombies fell down like rain, covering Infinity Ultron all at once.

Pile up!

Everyone really admired the blackened Doctor Strange to the extreme.

Look at his handwriting, this method completely exceeds the upper limit of everyone's cognition, and redefines the meaning of the word "big move" for everyone.

Casually can push the Avengers level horizontally.

I can't accept it.

However, this trick is far from enough to deal with Infinite Ultron, it can only delay time.

And this was one of everyone's plans at the beginning.

Taking advantage of the time when Infinity Ultron was delayed, the members of the multiverse guards traveled to another place through the space gate.

Gamora and Leopard were already waiting there, and the corresponding preparations were made.

"Are you ready?" The blackened Doctor Strange who just shuttled in asked looking at Gamora.

"Where are the gems?" Gamora was obviously ready.

Captain Carter on the side immediately took out the gem and threw it at Gamora, but he didn't expect that a Cheng Yaojin came out halfway at this time.

The black widow drove past on a motorcycle and stole the soul gem in one fell swoop!
The members of the multiverse guards were naturally unwilling, and each rolled up their sleeves to fuck the black widow. Fortunately, Captain Carter intervened in time to clear up the misunderstanding between the two sides.

And also let the black widow join in, and everyone will deal with Infinity Ultron together.

And through the dialogue between the Black Widow and everyone, it is known that the world where the Black Widow lives has been completely wiped out by Infinite Ultron, and she is actually the last person in this world!

Really "the last human on earth".

When the Avengers were all killed, the Black Widow survived alone. I have to say that this is quite impressive.

"I believe you have taken what belongs to me!"

The voice of Unlimited Ultron sounded, and when everyone had just reached an agreement, he shuttled again.

And a fierce battle broke out in order to snatch the soul gem that was snatched by the multiverse guards.

Even Gamora made an "Infinity Gem Crusher", which is a cheat that can even crush Infinity Gems.

However, all methods ended in failure.

In the end, it was the Black Widow and Captain Carter who cooperated with each other and shot a special arrow into the eyes of Infinite Ultron.

"It's an intelligent program!"

Tony Stark yelled immediately, "The Black Widow is like Infinity Ultron's body, shot into an intelligent program, so that's how she killed Infinity Ultron!"

Others also suddenly realized.

Because of the special bow and arrow shot by the Black Widow, the arrow is similar to a USB flash drive. Except for Loki and Thor, everyone else at the scene understood it at a glance.

Of course, there is one point that everyone still doesn't quite understand, that is a super program that can defeat the Ultron program. It stands to reason that even a super computer room may not be able to carry it, and its hardware requirements are very scary.

Why can a small arrowhead be stored now?
This seems a little out of the ordinary.

But now, it is not the time to think about these issues.

But after the arrow shot into Ultron's body, a faintly familiar voice rang out.

"This is much better than my human body!" said the voice with a hint of surprise and exclamation.

"Who is talking!" Unlimited Ultron was stunned.

Then there was a switch in the lens on the screen, switching to an interface representing a program.

But in the darkness, there are two heads made purely of codes, talking to each other.

"What a fascinating change! I haven't had a leg in ages, and I hope I can always be like this!" said the green head excitedly.

"This face is... Anim Zola!" Captain America immediately showed an unbelievable look.

This is the old opponent of Hydra that he fought back then!

Why does the intelligent program ejected by the black widow look like Zora?
"It must be that base!"

Immediately afterwards, a flash of inspiration flashed in Captain America's mind, and he suddenly recalled something.

"This body has been taken!"

On the screen, Infinity Ultron declared his sovereignty to Zola.

"For the time being, it won't be too long!"

"What? Who are you? What is your purpose?"

"My goal once was to achieve the rule of Hydra, but this goal was terminated by you, so now, my goal is to terminate you!"

Immediately afterwards, several "tentacles" shot out from Zola's face and hit Ultron's face, defeating Ultron's program just like that.


In mid-air, Ultron let out a scream in pain, and then fell from the sky like a kite with a broken string.

The image freezes right here.

Obviously, the program of Infinite Ultron was completely defeated by the Zola program. Now Infinite Ultron's soul is dead, leaving only a body.

It is indeed dead.

It's just that this result was never expected by everyone.

"It turns out that we all guessed wrong before. The method of killing Infinity Ultron by Black Widow is exactly what we thought was impossible before."

Captain America couldn't help but sigh.

During the analysis before, everyone agreed that the way to kill Infinite Ultron is to destroy Infinite Ultron's body, not the program of Infinite Ultron.

Because the conditions required for the latter are too harsh, everyone thinks it is unlikely.

But who would have thought that the Black Widow was the Infinite Ultron killed in this way.

"What is the 'U disk' on the arrow made of, and why can it carry a program that defeated the Ultron program?"

Tony Stark couldn't help muttering. As a scientist, this kind of details that obviously violated the usual scientific principles made him entangled.

But it's a pity that no one can explain it to Tony Stark.

"Maybe it's the black technology of the future?" Only Peter Parker made an unreliable guess.

"We just need to know that Black Widow killed Infinity Ultron in this way, and the details are not important." Thor waved his hand carelessly, "I'm more interested in Rogers, Rogers, Didn't you find something? The guy who claimed to be Hydra, you should recognize him, right?"

"He's Hydra's scientist, Anim Zola, and there's this guy in the information shared, Thor, don't you remember at all?"

Tony Stark looked at Thor with such a look.

"Of course not, I'm just... just to make sure." Thor lied without blinking his eyes. In fact, he had already forgotten all the information.

"If I remember correctly, this Zola was from World War II, right? Why is this intelligent program in the image of Zola? Even that program seems to be pretending to be Hydra. How is this going to happen? What?" Peter Parker asked again with some doubts.

"Could it be that... that program was actually developed by Hydra?" Circe guessed.

"No, that's not actually an intelligent program, that's actually Anim Zola!" Captain America said in a non-surprising manner.

"That guy is Zola? Rogers, what do you mean?" Thor looked at Captain America in puzzlement and asked.

"Since Nick Fury took over Hydra with the help of T1000, we have known many secrets of the previous Hydra, and this Anim Zola is actually a secret project of Hydra."

"We all know that Zola died of a serious illness, but Hydra thinks Zola's head is very valuable, and it's a pity to lose it like this, so they built a base and stored Zola's consciousness in the memory stick within."

"So I guess~ the intelligent program shot by Black Widow is not an intelligent program specially developed to deal with Infinity Ultron, but Zola's consciousness!"

Captain America's words stunned everyone present.

Storing a person's brain consciousness on hardware, this kind of thing is too crazy, right?
It can only be said that the hydra is worthy of being a hydra, and it can do any crazy things.

[Please listen to the question: Among the following characters, who is the real culprit who killed Ajac, the leader of the Eternal Race who lived in seclusion on Earth? 】

[A. Mutants attacking Searcy in London]

【B. Celestial Supreme Alitham】

【C. Icarus】

【D. Wenwu, the owner of the ten rings】

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with the skill Heaven, Earth, Promise, Universe Borrowing Method;

Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, the system's notification sounded again, and the latest question appeared.

As soon as this question came out, everyone at the scene couldn't help but froze, and it could be said that they were caught off guard.

The leader of the Eternal Race will be killed in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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