American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 345 Those monsters from other universes

Chapter 345 Those monsters from other universes

Everyone in front of the screen looked at me and I looked at you, all of whom were very unfamiliar with the name of Dr. Octopus.

So everyone turned their attention to Captain America and Tony Stark.

One of them is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and some top scientists must be paying attention.

The other is a scientist, and I believe that outstanding colleagues have heard of it.

"I've never heard of this name." Captain America shook his head, and then he looked at Tony Stark, "Stark, what about you? Do you know him?"

"Wait a minute, I really want to remember."

Tony Stark pondered and said, "I seem to have seen such a guy at a scientific exchange meeting. He seems to be a nuclear physicist, and he seems to study atomic physics."

"And then?" Scott Lang asked, staring at Tony Stark.

"And then... there's no more." Tony Stark shrugged, "I can remember everything about the name, and that's all."

"Great, we know that this is someone who studies atomic energy physics, can this help us in our judgment?" Strange spread his hands aside.

"Atomic physics? I thought he was studying biology, but what does physics have to do with octopuses?" Peter Parker scratched his head.

"Could it be because the spelling of his name is very close to the word octopus?" Captain America speculated on the side.

"OK, we have a little more information. The nickname octopus is not necessarily related to his ability, is there any more?" Thor glanced at Tony Stark again and asked.

It's just a pity that Tony Stark couldn't think of any more clues.

Just relying on the clues that everyone currently has is not enough for everyone to make any judgments.

"This is really great, we really only know so much." Seeing the slight silence at the scene, Thor couldn't help but shrugged.

"Mr. Thor, even if we really have enough clues, I don't think it's enough to make a judgment."

Peter Parker said at this time, "What we are analyzing now is Doctor Octopus in our universe, but what is mentioned in the title is Doctor Octopus from other universes. The two of them are not necessarily the same, right?"

"That's right, Peter, what you said makes sense." Tony Stark nodded, "But besides referring to them in our world, is there any other better way for us now?"

In a word, the direct question made Peter Parker speechless.

Indeed, these characters are people from other worlds who are completely ignorant.

At present, the only way for everyone to analyze is to refer to the relevant characters in this world.

Although according to everyone's consistent experience, the same character in different parallel universes may have certain differences.

Just like the three Spidermen, the other two died of Uncle Ben, but the Spiderman in their world doesn't have such a relative as Uncle Ben.

In other words, it is not so reasonable to analyze with reference to the characters in this world, because the two are not necessarily the same.

Even like Steve Rogers in the Captain Carter universe, there are earth-shaking changes.

But, this is indeed the only way everyone can use at present.

"Okay, Doctor Octopus, let's do this first, let's look at other options." Captain America said again.

The information everyone knows about Dr. Octopus is too little to conduct any effective analysis, so we can only skip it first.

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned their attention to the second option.

"Norman Osborn?" Captain America's face showed a slight dignified look, "Isn't this the Norman Osborn I imagined?"

The Osborne Group is not an ordinary small group, it is also a well-known super consortium in the United States.

Although it is still not as good as the Stark Group, the Krauss technology that everyone has come into contact with in the early stage, those big groups in everyone's eyes, are like younger brothers in front of Osborn.

It's also a big super giant!
And Norman Osborn is currently the head of the Osborne Group.

"I think... it should be that Norman Osborn?"

Scott Lang expressed his opinion, "Although there must be many Norman Osborns in the world, that Osborn is the most special one, right?"

Although the system did not clearly point out that this Norman Osborn was that Osborn, everyone still agreed that what the system said belonged to that Osborn.

After all, there are so many Osborns in the world, but they are all insignificant little people, and it is impossible for anyone to know them.

The Osborne mentioned without any description must be the most famous and special one.

It's like searching for a person's name in a search engine. The most famous one will always be found. It is impossible to search for ordinary people with the same name and surname.

The answer system must be the same.

Otherwise, the question cannot be answered.

"OK, so the Osborn of the Osborne Group, does anyone of us know better?" Strange glanced at everyone at this time and asked.

The situation this time was much better than that of Doctor Octopus. There were still quite a few people who knew something about Norman Osborn.

But it is a pity that they are all broad things such as rich people and big entrepreneurs.

Most of them are gossip circulating on the Internet, with no real value.

It doesn't help with answering the question either.

After some discussion, there was nothing practical to gain, and finally they focused on the nickname "Green Goblin".

"So~ what does this green goblin mean?" Thor looked at everyone and asked, "A green goblin?"

"It should be like this, Norman Osborn will turn into a green demon! This is too crazy!" Peter Parker shouted, staring.

But whether this is the case, no one can know.

Can only stay in the guessing stage.

Like option A, option B, the Green Goblin, also has no way to start.

Everyone had to skip it temporarily and analyzed option C again.

"Well, option A is a Ph.D. Here comes a professor. I found that on Earth, Ph.Ds and masters are a very dangerous group!"

Thor couldn't help laughing and complaining.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at the few answerers on the scene, half of them have a doctorate or master's degree. Tony Stark, Scott Lang, and Strange all have corresponding degrees.

Not to mention Dr. Banner, who has eight doctorates!
Among the four "suspects" who killed Mei, they directly accounted for half of them.

Still following the previous two options, everyone then discussed Professor Kurt Connors.

It's just a pity that this professor must not be a famous professor, and no one at the scene has heard of this guy's name!
There is no way to even analyze it.

Everyone had no choice but to choose the next best thing, and once again focused on the guy's nickname "Lizardman".

But it can only be analyzed that this professor should have the ability to turn into a lizard, and more other things cannot be analyzed.

The same is true for the last option D.

Everyone doesn't know who this Maxwell is at all, and no one has ever heard of this name.

The nickname "Electric Man" is very directional. Presumably this person should have the ability to discharge electricity outwards.

But knowing this, it seems useless.

"Let's sort it out."

Strange opened his mouth to make a summary at this time, "We have four options now, one is an octopus monster, one is a lizard monster, one can emit electric light, and one is a green monster, well, a group of monsters, then we Can you know from which details, which of these monsters killed Peter Parker's Aunt May?"

Everyone at the scene looked at me and I looked at you, and no one could tell why.

The analysis of this topic has come to a standstill.

Because no matter which option it is, the relevant information everyone has is too little, too little, and it is not enough for everyone to conduct effective analysis.

It is simply impossible to start.

"Choose the Green Goblin! Everyone, according to me, choose the Green Goblin for this question!"

After the scene was quiet for a while, Peter Parker suddenly raised his head and said to everyone.

"Why?" Thor immediately stared at Peter Parker and asked, "Why the Green Goblin and not the other three?"

"Guys, compare the nicknames of the four of them carefully. Can you find anything? Octopus, Lizard, Electron~ Then, Green Goblin!"

Peter Parker said to everyone enthusiastically.

"Sorry, I didn't find anything, so Peter, why don't you just tell us what you think." Scott Lang urged Peter Parker.

"I mean~ why isn't the Goblin called a Green Man? The word devil means evil, right! So the Goblin should be a bad guy, right?"

"Although the other three people are more like monsters, we can't say that they are bad people or evil just because they are monsters, right?"

Peter Parker explained to everyone quickly, and everyone immediately understood Peter Parker's logic.

"Although such a judgment is too simple and rude, it still has some truth." Strange thought for a while, and couldn't help but nodded, "We can temporarily consider the Green Goblin to be a bad guy."

"Isn't it? A nickname with a magic word is evil, and the others who don't have a magic word are not evil? This~ well... Now we really don't have any other analysis methods."

Scott Lang also shrugged.

Tony Stark also has a full stomach and can't help but vomit.

Let’s not talk about distinguishing between good and bad just because of the magic word in the name. Even if everyone really agrees with this kind of distinction, the reasoning method that the bad guy is the murderer is quite imprecise.

But after thinking about it again, Tony Stark didn't say much. Even if Peter Parker's inference is not rigorous, it still has a certain logic.

But the title said, Peter Parker took the person in the choice home, but the person killed Aunt May.

Would a good man kill the host when he was a guest in someone's home?
"Genius, Peter, you are a genius!" But Thor laughed happily, expressing his satisfaction, "So the answer to this question is the Green Goblin, great!"

"I choose B, Green Goblin!"

Thor immediately raised his head and spoke his answer to the big screen.

For a person like Thor who doesn't like to use his brain very much, the reasons given by Peter Parker are completely sufficient.

【correct answer! 】

The system beep immediately followed.

"Haha! Peter, you are right, you are a genius!" Thor happily gave Peter Parker a thumbs up.

Peter Parker grinned shyly at Thor.

[Congratulations to the answerer, Thor Odinson, for receiving the reward Magic Artifact Sac! 】

Following the prompt from the system, a tiny ball appeared in Thor's hand, about the size of a lollipop.

But the shape is very exquisite, the main body is a brown ball, but it is wrapped with a red "ribbon" in the shape of a cross.

Where the "ribbons" intersect in the middle, there is something like a green gem.

"Why is this thing so small?" Peter Parker couldn't help but leaned his head, staring at the small ball and asked curiously, "Is this the so-called magic weapon?"

"Isn't this a bomb?" Scott Lang asked speculatively, "If you throw it on the ground, it will explode?"

"Scott, do you think the system will simply reward a bomb?" Strange asked a little speechlessly from the side.

"For bombs, it's meaningless to make them so exquisite, right?" Captain America weakly made up the knife on the side.

"'Phase sac', 'phage' means to swallow, so what about 'sac'? It means a small bag, a small box, etc. For example, a 'capsule' is a small box used to store some drug particles, so Thor, this The ball is a container in which other good things are stored?"

Tony Stark also joined in enthusiastically, and his guess sounded much more reliable than Scott Lang's guess.

"Haha, you don't need to guess, it's impossible for you to guess."

Thor picked up the ball with a smile, and played with it a few times, "This thing, inside is a miniature space, and it's actually the same thing as Stark's universal capsule, but with a different name."

It was only now that everyone at the scene suddenly realized what it was to eat a bag.

"Yes, this thing is not bad."

Scott Lang kept nodding, and even complained, "But it looks much more exquisite than Stark's glue."

"So Scott, when you look at something now, do you want to look at it like a child?" Tony Stark replied directly.

(End of this chapter)

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